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Turkiyadagi zilzilalar roʻyxati

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Turkiyadagi zilzilalar xaritasi, 1900-2023
Turkiyaga taʼsir qiluvchi plitalar chegaralari xaritasi

Turkiyada shu paytgacha koʻp zilzilalar boʻlgan. Ushbu roʻyxatga Turkiyaning hozirgi chegaralarida epitsentrlari boʻlgan yoki bu hududda sezilarli taʼsir koʻrsatgan har qanday muhim tarixiy zilzilarni oʻz ichiga oladi. Umuman olganda Istanbul kabi yirik shaharlardagi aholi zilzilaga zaif va chidamli binolarda iborat binolarda istiqomat qilmoqda.

Turkiyadagi zilzilalar roʻyxati is located in Turkiya
Turkiyadagi zilzilalar roʻyxati (Turkiya)

Tektonik holati

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Turkiya , Yevroosiyo plitasi va Afrika hamda Arab plitalari oʻrtasidagi toʻqnashuvning murakkab zonasida joylashgan seysmik jihatdan oʻta faol hudud hisoblanadi. Mamlakatning katta qismi ikkita asosiy toʻqnashuvli yoriq zonalari, Shimoliy Onadoʻli yorigʻi va Sharqiy Onadoʻli yorigʻi bilan chegaralangan kichik plita — Onadoʻli plitasida joylashgan. Mamlakatning gʻarbiy qismi Ellin yoyining janubga koʻchishi natijasida yuzaga kelgan Egey dengizidagi kengaytmali tektonika zonasiga taʼsir qiladi.

Turkiyada seysmik xavf plitalar chegaralari boʻylab eng yuqori, ammo mamlakatning deyarli hamma jiddiy zarar yetkazish xavfi boʻlgan zilzilar mavjud. Seysmik xavfni koʻrsatadigan seysmik xaritalar vaqt oʻtishi bilan oʻzgargan[1].

Muhim zilzilalar roʻyxati

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Turkiyadagi tarixiy zilzilalar (1900 yilgacha)

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Date Time‡ Place Lat Long Deaths {{Mag}} Comments Sources
17 CE n/a Philadelphia (Alaşehir) 38.21 28.31 n/a n/a see AD 17 Lydia earthquake
13 December 115 Antioch 36.1 36.1 260,000 7.5 Ms see 115 Antioch earthquake [2]
4 January 141 (or 142) Lycia, Caria, Dodecanese 36.7 28.0 n/a VIII Triggered a severe tsunami that caused inundation at Rhodes; see 141 Lycia earthquake [3]
21 December 262 South and west coasts of Anatolia 36.5 27.8 n/a IX Damaged many buildings at Ephesus and triggered a tsunami that hit coastal cities; see 262 Southwest Anatolia earthquake [4]
26 January 447 Night Bithynia, Thrace, Byzantine Empire 41.008 28.978 Unknown IX Date uncertain, severely damaged the Theodosian walls in Constantinople see 447 Constantinople earthquake [5]
19 May 526 Antioch 250,000 VIII The city of Antioch was greatly damaged, and some decades later the city’s population was just 300,000. see 526 Antioch earthquake
15 August 554 Anatolia The earthquake severely damaged the city of Tralles (modern Aydın) and the island of Kos; See 554 Anatolia earthquake [6]
14 December 557 just before midnight Constantinople 40.9 28.7 n/a X (Intense) Constantinople was „almost completely razed to the ground“ by the earthquake. see 557 Constantinople earthquake [7]
14 May 1269 Cilicia, Anatolia 37.5 35.5 60,000 ~7 see 1269 Cilicia earthquake -
10 September 1509 Constantinople 40.9 28.7 10,000 7.2 Mw see 1509 Constantinople earthquake -
23 February 1653 Smyrna 38.2 28.2 2,500 7.5 see 1653 East Smyrna earthquake [8]
17 August 1668 Anatolia 40 36 8,000 8 see 1668 North Anatolia earthquake [9]
10 July 1688 11:45 Smyrna 38.4 26.9 16,000 7.0 Ms see 1688 Smyrna earthquake [10]
22 May 1766 05:10 Istanbul 40.8 29.0 4,000 7.1 {{s}} see 1766 Istanbul earthquake [11]
23 July 1784 Erzincan 39.5 40.2 5,000->10,000 7.6 {{s}} see 1784 Erzincan earthquake [12]
2 July 1840 Ağrı 39.6 44.1 10,000 7.4 {{s}} May have triggered the last eruption of Mount Ararat. Casualties associated with a large landslide on the volcano.

see 1840 Ahora earthquake
28 February 1855 01:00 Bursa 40.2 29.1 1,900 6.7 see 1855 Bursa earthquake [14]
2 June 1859 10:30 Erzurum 39.9 41.3 15,000 6.1 Ms see 1859 Erzurum earthquake [15]
3 April 1872
Hatay 36.4 36.4 1,800 7.2 Ms see 1872 Amik earthquake
3 April 1881 11:30 Chios, Çeşme, Alaçatı 38.25 26.25 7,866 7.3 Mw see 1881 Chios earthquake [16]
10 October 1883 13:30 Çeşme, Izmir, Ayvalık 38.3 26.2 53-120 7.3 Ms see 1883 Çeşme earthquake [17]
10 July 1894 12:24 Gulf of İzmit 40.73 29.25 1,300 7.0 see 1894 Istanbul earthquake [18]
20 September 1899 04:00 Büyük Menderes Graben 37.9 28.1 1,470 7.1 see 1899 Aydın-Denizli earthquake [19]
Date Time‡ Place Lat Long Deaths {{Mag}} Comments Sources
29 April 1903 01:46 local time Malazgirt 39.14 42.65 600 6.7 Ms see 1903 Manzikert earthquake [20][21]
9 August 1912 03:29 local time Mürefte 40.75 27.2 216 7.3 MS see 1912 Mürefte earthquake [20][21]
4 October 1914 00:07 local time Burdur 37.82 30.27 2,344 6.9 MS see 1914 Burdur earthquake [20][21]
18 November 1919 00:54 local time Balıkesir 39.18 27.65 3,000 7.0 {{w}} see 1919 Ayvalık earthquake [22]
13 September 1924 16:34 local time Horasan 40.0 42.1 60 6.8 see 1924 Pasinler earthquake [20][21]
22 October 1926 21:59 local time Kars 40.7 43.7 360 6.0 Ms see 1926 Kars earthquake [23]
31 March 1928 02:29 local time Smyrna 38.5 28.0 50 6.5 MS Possible M=6.2 foreshock previous day [20][21]
18 May 1929 08:37 local time Suşehri 40.2 37.9 64 6.1 Ms [20][21]
7 May 1930 00:34 local time Hakkâri 38.1 44.7 2,514 7.2-7.5 Ms see 1930 Salmas earthquake [24]
4 January 1935 16:41 local time Erdek 40.4 27.5 5 6.4 Ms [20][21]
19 April 1938 12:59 local time Kırşehir 39.1 34.0 160 6.6 MS see 1938 Kırşehir earthquake [20][21]
22 September 1939 02:36 local time Dikili 39.1 26.8 60 6.6 MS [20][21]
26 December 1939 23:57 Erzincan 39.77 39.53 32,700 7.8 Mw see 1939 Erzincan earthquake [9]
15 November 1942 19:01 local time Bigadiç 39.2 28.2 16 6.1 MS [20][21]
20 December 1942 14:03 Erbaa 40.87 36.47 3,000 7.0 Ms see 1942 Niksar-Erbaa earthquake [25]
20 June 1943 17:32 local time Hendek 40.6 30.5 336 6.6 MS see 1943 Adapazarı-Hendek earthquake [20][21]
26 November 1943 22:20 Ladik 40.87 33.65 2,824-5,000 7.5 Mw see 1943 Tosya-Ladik earthquake
1 February 1944 03:25 Gerede 40.8 32.2 3,959 7.5 see 1944 Bolu-Gerede earthquake [25]
6 October 1944 04:34 local time Ayvalık 39.37 26.53 30 6.8 MS see 1944 Gulf of Edremit-Ayvacik earthquake
17 August 1949 Karlıova 39.54 40.57 450 6.8 see 1949 Karlıova earthquake [25]
13 August 1951 18:36 Kurşunlu 40.88 32.87 50 6.9 see 1951 Kurşunlu earthquake [25]
3 January 1952 08:03 local time Hasankale 39.9 41.7 41 5.8 see 1952 Hasankale earthquake
18 March 1953 21:06 local time Yenice 40.02 27.53 265 7.2 MS see 1953 Yenice-Gönen earthquake [20][21]
16 July 1955 09:07 local time Söke 37.55 27.05 23 6.8 MS [20][21]
22 February 1956 22:31 local time Eskişehir 39.89 30.49 1 6.4 {{s}} [20]
25 April 1957 04:25 local time Fethiye 36.5 28.6 67 7.1 MS see 1957 Fethiye earthquakes [20][21]
26 May 1957 6:36 Abant 40.67 31.00 52 7.1 see 1957 Abant earthquake [25]
6 October 1964 16:31 local time Manyas 40.1 27.93 23 7.0 MS see 1964 Manyas earthquake [20][21]
19 August 1966 12:23 Varto 39.17 41.56 2,394 6.8 Mw see 1966 Varto earthquake [25]
22 July 1967 16:56 Mudurnu 40.67 30.69 89 7.2 see North Anatolian Fault [25]
3 September 1968 10:19 local time Bartın 41.79 32.31 29 6.5 MS [20][21]
28 March 1969 03:48 local time Alaşehir 38.5 28.4 53 6.5 MS see 1969 Alaşehir earthquake [20][21]
28 March 1970 23:02 local time Gediz 39.2 29.5 1,086 7.2 MS see 1970 Gediz earthquake [20][21]
22 May 1971 16:44 Bingöl 38.83 40.52 755 6.9 Mw see 1971 Bingöl earthquake
6 September 1975 12:20 local time Lice 38.5 40.7 2,311 6.6 MS see 1975 Lice earthquake [20][21]
24 November 1976 14:22 local time Muradiye 39.12 44.03 4,000 7.5 MS see 1976 Çaldıran-Muradiye earthquake [20][21]
30 October 1983 07:12 local time Erzurum 40.33 42.19 1,342 6.9 MS see 1983 Erzurum earthquake [20][21]
13 March 1992 17.18 Erzincan 39.70 39.69 498 6.7 Mw see 1992 Erzincan earthquake [26]
1 October 1995 17:57 local time Dinar 38.06 30.13 90 6.1 MS see 1995 Dinar earthquake [20][21]
27 June 1998 16:55 local time Ceyhan 36.88 35.31 146 6.3 Mw see 1998 Adana-Ceyhan earthquake [20][21]
17 August 1999 03:02 local time İzmit 40.77 30 17,127 7.6 Mw see 1999 İzmit earthquake USGS
12 November 1999 18:57 local time Düzce 40.75 31.16 894 7.2 Mw (PDE Monthly Listing); see 1999 Düzce earthquake USGS
Date Time‡ Place Lat Long Deaths {{Mag}} Comments Sources
3 February 2002 07:11 Afyon 38.573 31.271 44 6.5 Mw (HRV); see 2002 Afyon earthquake [27]
27 January 2003 05:26 Pülümür 39.46 39.79 1 6.1 Mw (HRV, USGS) USGS
1 May 2003 00:27 Bingöl 39.01 40.46 177 6.4 Mw (HRV, USGS); see 2003 Bingöl earthquake [28]
2 July 2004 01:30 Ağrı 39.71 44.02 18 5.1 Mw (HRV); see 2004 Doğubayazıt earthquake [29]
8 March 2010 02:32 Elazığ 38.79 40.03 41 6.1 Mw (HRV); see 2010 Elazığ earthquake [30]
19 May 2011 23:15 Kütahya 39.14 29.07 2 5.8 Mw (HRV); see 2011 Kütahya earthquake [31]
23 October 2011 13:41 Van 38.63 43.49 604 7.2 Mw (HRV); see 2011 Van earthquakes [32]
9 November 2011 19:23 Van 38.42 43.22 40 5.6 Mw (HRV): see 2011 Van earthquakes [33]
02014-05-2424 May 2014 12:25 local time Imbros 40.31 25.45 0 6.9 Mw (HRV); see 2014 Aegean Sea earthquake
21 July 2017 01:31 local time Bodrum 36.92 27.41 2 (in the Greek island of Kos) 6.6 Mw (HRV); see 2017 Aegean Sea earthquake [34]
02019-09-2626 September 2019 13:59 local time Marmara Region 40.89 28.17 1 5.7 Mw (HRV); see 2019 Istanbul earthquake [35]
02019-09-2624 January 2020 20:55 local time Elazığ, Malatya 38.390 39.081 41 6.7 Mw (HRV); see 2020 Elazığ earthquake [36]
02019-09-2623 February 2020 08:53 local time

19:00 local time

Iran-Turkey border 38.3943




10 5.8 Mw

6.0 Mw

(HRV); see 2020 Iran-Turkey earthquakes [37][38]
14 June 2020 16:24 local time Bingöl 39.42 40.67 1 5.9 Mw see 2020 Bingöl earthquake [39]
30 October 2020 14:51 local time Aegean Sea 37.918 26.790 117 7.0 {{w}} see 2020 Aegean Sea earthquake [40]
23 November 2022 04:08 local time Düzce 40.847 30.967 2 6.1 {{w}} see 2022 Düzce earthquake [41]
6 February 2023 04:17 local time Gaziantep 37.1123 37.1195 50,246 + (43,556 in Turkey, 6,680 in Syria) 7.8 {{w}} see 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquake [42]


13:24 local time Kahramanmaraş 38.0357 37.2287 7.7 {{w}} [44]


20 February 2023 20:04 local time Defne 36.164 36.111 8 (6 in Turkey, 2 in Syria) 6.4 {{w}} [46]
  • Turkiya geologiyasi
  • Levantdagi zilzilalar roʻyxati
  1. Akkar, Sinan; Eroğlu Azak, Tuba; Can, Tolga; Çeken, U.; Demircioglu, Mine; Duman, Tamer; Erdik, M.; Ergintav, Semih et al. (2018-07-13). "Evolution of seismic hazard maps in Turkey". Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16 (8): 3197–3228. doi:10.1007/s10518-018-0349-1. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323857208. 
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  15. NGDC. „Comments for the 1859 Earthquake“. 2018-yil 6-yanvarda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2011-yil 1-fevral.
  16. NGDC. „Comments for the 1881 Earthquake“. 2017-yil 17-noyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2011-yil 2-fevral.
  17. NCEI. „Comments for the 1883 earthquake“. 2018-yil 3-martda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2018-yil 3-mart.
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