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The Canterbury Tales

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The Canterbury Tales
Asl nomi Tales of Caunterbury
Muallif(lar) Geoffrey Chaucer
Mamlakat Angliya
Til oʻrta ingliz
Nashr etilgan sanasi tax. 1400

The Canterbury Tales (oʻrta inglizcha: Tales of Caunterbury[1]; tarjimasi „Canterbury (Kenterberi) hikoyalari“) ingliz shoiri va yozuvchisi Geoffrey Chaucer qalamiga mansub 1387- va 1400-yillar oraligʻida yozilgan asardir.[2] Asar toʻplam shaklida boʻlib, 24 ta hikoyadan iborat. Bundan, 22 tasi sheʼriy asar, qolgan 2 tasi esa nasriy novelladir.

  1. Carlson, David. „The Chronology of Lydgateʼs Chaucer References“. The Chaucer Review, Vol. 38, No. 3 (2004), s. 246-54. Qaraldi: 6-yanvar 2014-yil.
  2. Encyclopedia Britannica

Oʻqish uchun

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
  • Collette, Carolyn P.. Species, phantasms, and images: vision and medieval psychology in The Canterbury tales. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2001. DOI:10.3998/mpub.16499. ISBN 978-0-472-11161-9. 
  • Kolve, V.A.; Olson, Glending. The Canterbury tales: fifteen tales and the general prologue: authoritative text, sources and backgrounds, criticism, 2, A Norton critical edition, New York: W.W. Norton, 2005. ISBN 978-0-393-92587-6. 
  • Sobecki, Sebastian (2017). „A Southwark Tale: Gower, the 1381 Poll Tax, and Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales“ (PDF). Speculum. 92-jild, № 3. 630–60-bet. doi:10.1086/692620. S2CID 159994357.
  • Thompson, N.S.. Chaucer, Boccaccio, and the debate of love: a comparative study of the Decameron and the Canterbury tales. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. ISBN 978-0-19-812378-1. 
  • Spark Notes: The Canterbury Tales. New York: Spark Publishing, 2014. 
  • No Fair: The Canterbury Tales. New York: Spark Publishing, 2009. 
  • Dogan, Sandeur (2013). „The Three Estates Model: Represented and Satirised in Chaucer's General Prologue to The Canterbury Tales“. Journal of History, Culture & Art Research / Tarih Kültür ve Sanat Arastirmalari Dergisi. June 2013, Vol. 2 Issue 2, pp. 49–56. {{cite magazine}}: Cite magazine requires |magazine= (yordam)
  • Nicholls, Jonathan. "Review: Chaucer’s Narrators by David Lawton, " The Modern Language Review,2017.
  • Pugh, Tison. "Gender, Vulgarity, and the Phantom Debates of Chaucer’s Merchantʼs Tale, " Studies in Philology, Vol. 114 Issue 3, 473-96, 2017.