John Heydon
John Heydon | |
Tavalludi |
10-sentyabr 1629-yil |
Vafoti |
1667-yil Britaniya |
Fuqaroligi | Birlashgan Qirollik |
Kasbi | Muallif, faylasuf, astrolog |
John Heydon – ingliz faylasufi-neoplatonisti, okkultist, astrolog, rozenkreyser.
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]Angliya inqilobi boshlanganida qadimgi tillar va huquqshunoslikni oʻrganishni toʻxtatishga majbur boʻlgan va kavaleriyada xizmat qilgan. 1651-yilda Ispaniya, Shimoliy Afrika, Yaqin Sharqqa sayohat qilgan. Vataniga qaytgach, advokat sifatida faoliyat yuritgan, zodiak taqvimlarini tuzgan. 1656-yilda mashhur shifokor, botanik va farmatsevt Nikolas Kalpeperning bevasi bilan turmush qurgan. Angliya respublikasining soʻnggi yillarida rojalist sifatida qamoqqa olingan. 1660-yilda ozodlikka chiqqan. Biroq, 1663, 1664 va 1667-yillarda qisqa muddatli qamoqda boʻlgan, oxirgi marta – uning homiysi Bekingem gersogining fitnachilik faoliyatida ishtirok etgani uchun qamoqqa olishgan[1].
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]Tomas Braun va Tomas Vonning asarlari, Francis Baconning „Yangi Atlantida“ asari unga katta taʼsir koʻrsatgan, ushbu mualliflardan koʻp narsani oʻzlashtirgan. Alkimyo va geomantiyaga qiziqqan.
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]- Eugenius Theodidactus, the Prophetical Trumpeter. (1655);
- A New Method of Rosie Crucian Physick. (1658)
- The Rosie Crucian Infallible Axiomata; or, generall rules to know all things past, present, and to come (1660);
- The Idea of the Law, charactered from Moses to King Charles: whereunto is added, The idea of government and tyranny (1660);
- The Harmony of the World. (1662);
- The English Physitians Guide: or a Holy Guide] (1662);
- Theomagia, or the temple of wisdom in three parts, spiritual, celestial, and elemental: containing the occult powers of the angels of astromancy in the telesmatical sculpture of the Persians and Ægyptians: the mysterious vertues of the characters of the stars…the knowledge of the Rosie Crucian physick, and the miraculous secrets of nature. (1662-1664);
- Psonthonpanchia. (1664);
- The wise-mans crown, or, The glory of the rosie-cross (1664);
- Elhavarevna; or, the English Physitianʼs Tutor in the Astrobolismes of Metals Rosie Crucian (1665).
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]- ↑ Willard T. Heydon, John. Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism.. Koninklijke Brill NV, 2006. ISBN ISBN 978 90 04 15231 1.
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]- Yeyts F. Rozenkreyserskoe Prosveщenie. M.: Aleteya; Enigma, 1999, s.234-236.
- Waite A. E. The Real History of the Rosicrucians. London: George Redway, 1887, p. 315–386 ([1]).
- Willard T. Heydon, John // Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism. – Koninklijke Brill NV,, 2006. – S. 570-571. – ISBN 978 90 04 15231 1.