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Lotus va qisqichbaqalardan tayyorlangan "cho'chqa qulog'i salatasi", phồng tôm .

Gỏi (Shimoliy Vetnamdagi Nộm ) Vetnam oshxonasining mahalliy salatidir .[1] Bu g'arbiy uslubdagi restoranlarda uchraydigan sa lát (fransuz tilidan salat) va sa lát Nga (" rus salatasi ") dan farqlidir.

Bu salat turli xil yangi sabzavotlar, maydalangan sholg'om, kolrabi, karam yoki papayya va ko'pincha go'sht bilan bodring bo'laklari - maydalangan, qaynatilgan, yog'siz cho'chqa go'shti, mol go'shti, qisqichbaqalar yoki mayda qovurilgan go'shtlardan iborat. Boshqa ingredientlar va ziravorlar orasida ziravorlar, o'tlar va yerfıstığı mavjud. Salat aralashtirilib, sirka, shakar, sarimsoq, chili qalampiri va tuz bilan ziravorlanadi.

Eng mashhurlaridan biri gỏi gà, tovuq salatidir.[2][3][4][5] Boshqa navlarga bánh đúc bilan tayyorlangan bánh đúc nộm salatasi, Vetnam balzamli gỏi bò khô quritilgan[6] go'shti salatasi, mashhur gỏi đu đủ papayya salati va gỏi tôm krevet salatasi va gỏi tôm maxsus gỏi salatasi kiradi. .

  • Salatlar ro'yxati
  1. Andrea Nguyen Into the Vietnamese Kitchen: Treasured Foodways, Modern Flavors Nộm
  2. Ann Le The Little Saigon Cookbook 2006 Page 32 "Gỏi gà, regarded as the coleslaw of South Vietnam, is a refreshingly sweet and tangy salad. ... There are a number of ways this salad can be expanded, such as by adding boiled shrimp and pork, more cucumber slices, shallots, or other ...."
  3. Anne Lukin Big Carrot Vegetarian Cookbook - Page 59 1989 "GOI GA VIETNAMESE SALAD This fresh and crunchy salad with spicy-hot dressing is at its best when served fresh."
  4. Martin Cizmar Chubster: A Hipster's Guide to Losing Weight While Staying Cool - Page 119 2012 "Goi ga, a Vietnamese salad made with shredded cabbage, grilled chicken, and some herbs, is incredibly light except for the crushed peanuts and dressing—plan on about 450 calories if you go easy on the dressing."
  5. Elizabeth Riely The Chef's Companion: A Culinary Dictionary - Page 127 - 2012 "goi cuon [goy koon] A Vietnamese salad of varied herbs rolled in rice wrappers and served with bean sauce. goi-ga [goy-gah] A Vietnamese salad of poached chicken with shredded cabbage, carrot, ..."
  6. Sallie Morris, Deh-Ta Hsiung -Best-ever Asian cooking: the authentic taste of eastern cuisine Page 222 1999 "Goi Tom, a typical Vietnamese salad, is tull of surprising textures and flavors. Seri'e as a light lunch dish or for supper with crusty French bread."
