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Lesoto davlat madhiyasi

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 Lesoto davlat madhiyasi
Soʻz muallif(lar)i

Joshua Pulumo Mohapeloa (hozirgi matn)

François Coillard and Adolphe Mabille (asl matn)
Bastakor Ferdinand Samuel Laur
Qabul qilindi 1967-yil 1-iyun; 55 yil oldin
Lesoto davlat madhiyasi

Lesōthō Fatše La Bo-Ntatʼa Rōna“ (inglizcha: „Lesotho, tarjimasi Ota-bobolarimiz yurti“) — Lesoto davlat madhiyasi hisoblanadi. Qoʻshiq matni fransuz missioneri François Coillard va shveysariyalik missioner Adolphe Mabil tomonidan yozilgan va musiqa shveysariyalik bastakor Ferdinand-Samuel Laur tomonidan 1820-yilda yozilgan madhiyadan olingan. U 1967-yilda rasman davlat madhiyasi sifatida qabul qilingan. Davlat madhiyasi asos qilib olingan asl kompozitsiya besh banddan iborat boʻlgan, lekin faqat birinchi va oxirgisi qabul qilingan.

Qoʻshiq fransuz missionerlari François Coillard va shveysariyalik missioner Adolphe Mabil tomonidan yozilgan va shveysariyalik bastakor Ferdinand-Samuel Laurning 1820-yilgi „Freiheit“ (inglizcha: „Freedom“) madhiyasiga bastalagan[1].

Sesoto matni[2][3] IPA transkripsiyasi Inglizcha tarjima

Lesotho fatše la bo-ntat'a rona;
Har'a mafatše le letle ke lona;
Ke moo re hlahileng,
Ke moo re holileng,
Rea le rata.

Molimo ak'u boloke Lesotho,
U felise lintoa le matšoenyeho;
Oho fatše lena;
La bo-ntat'a rona;
Le be le khotso.}}

[lɪ.sʊ.tʰʊ fɑ.t͡sʰɪ lɑ bɔn.tʼɑ.tʼɑ ʀʊ.nɑ]
[hɑ.ʀɑ mɑ.fɑ.t͡sʰɪ lɛ lɪ.t͡ɬʼɛ kʼɪ lɔ.nɑ]
[kʼɪ mɔ ʀɪ ɬɑ.ɦi.lɛŋ]
[kʼɪ mɔ ʀɪ ɦʊ.di.lɛŋ]
[ʀɪ.ɑ lɪ ʀɑ.tʼɑ]

[mʊ.di.mʊ ɑ.kʼɔ bʊ.lʊ.kʼɛ lɪ.sʊ.tʰʊ]
[ʊ fɛ.di.sɛ din.tʼʊ̯ɑ lɪ mɑ.t͡sʰʊ̯ɛ.ɲɛ.ɦɔ]
[ɔ.ɦɔ fɑ.t͡sʰɪ lɛ.nɑ]
[lɑ bɔn.tʼɑ.tʼɑ ʀʊ.nɑ]
[lɪ bɛ lɪ kʰɔ.t͡sʼɔ]

Lesotho, land of our Fathers,
Among the lands she is the most beautiful.
She is where we were born,
She is where we grew up,
We love her.

God, please protect Lesotho.
Spare it conflict and tribulation,
Oh, this land,
Land of our Fathers,
May it have peace.

  1. Matthias, Schmidt; Andreas, Baumgartner. "Unser Land"? / "Our Land"? Lesothos schweizerische Nationalhymne / Lesotho's Swiss National Anthem. Christoph Merian Verlag, 2018. ISBN 978-3-85616-874-2. 
  2. „About Lesotho“. Embassy of the Kingdom of Lesotho in Ireland. Qaraldi: 2022-yil 17-may.
  3. Lesotho. The Laws of Lesotho (en). Government Printer, 1967 — 154-bet.