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Furqat Yusupov

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Furqat Qosimovich Yusupov (1980-yilda tugʻilgan) Oʻzbekiston fuqarosi boʻlib, 2004-yilda terrorizm jinoyatlarida ayblanib, hibsga olingan va sudlangan[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]. Yusupov 2004-yilning 28-martida qator terrorchilik portlashlarini amalga oshirgan guruh rahbari sifatida taʼriflanadi. Rasmiylarning taʼkidlashicha, Yusupov oʻnta qoʻlbola bomba bilan qoʻlga olingan. Oʻzbekiston rasmiylari Yusupovning Hizb ut-Tahrir aʼzosi ekanini aytishadi. U Toshkentdan 40 kilometr uzoqlikdagi Toytep mahallasidan boʻlgan.

„United Press International“ bergan maʼlumotlarga koʻra, Yusupov Markaziy Osiyoda xudkush-terrorchilarning ilk harakatlarida rol oʻynagan[11]. Ularning xabar berishicha, Yusupov qoʻlga olinganda uning oʻzi ham xudkushlik kamarini taqqan. Yusupovning turmush oʻrtogʻi Kamola ham sudga tortilib, 60 ta oʻz joniga qasd qilish kamarini tikkani uchun oʻn yillik ogʻir mehnat jazosiga hukm qilingan.

Yusupovning ikki ukasi xavfsizlik xodimlarining guruhni qoʻlga olishga urinishlari vaqtida halok boʻladi[12]. Uning yana bir ukasi hibsga olingan va u bilan birga sudlangan. „The Agonist“ gazetasining xabar berishicha, 2004-yil 26-iyulda Yusupov bilan birgalikda yana 14 kishi sudlangan[13]. Yusupov oʻz aybiga iqror boʻlgan. „The Agonist“ nashriga koʻra, Yusupov quyidagilarni eʼtirof etgan:

– Men 14 kishini mashgʻulot olib borishi uchun Pokiston va Qozogʻistonga yuborilishiga yordam berganman.

– Biz katta shaharlarda qanday niqoblanish, politsiya bilan yaqin va masofaviy janglar olib borish, xudkushlik hujumlarini amalga oshirish va portlovchi moddalar tayyorlashga oʻrgatilganmiz.

– Men oilam va vatanimga katta zarar yetkazganimdan afsusdaman. Men hatto oʻlim jazosiga ham tayyorman, lekin meni kechirishingizni soʻrayman.

Yusupov ustidan sud jarayoni 2004-yil 30-iyulda sodir etilgan qoʻshimcha xudkush portlash tufayli toʻxtatiladi[14]. Avaz Shoyusupov ismli Qozogʻiston fuqarosi prokuratura binosida oʻzini portlatib, yana besh kishini oʻldiradi va sud jarayonini izdan chiqaradi. Yusupov Shoyusupovni oʻz guruhi aʼzosi ekanligini aniqlaydi.

Guantanamo aloqasi

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Yoqub Abaxonovning Maʼmuriy Tekshirish Kengashi uchun tayyorlagan dalillarning xulosa xati uning Yusupov bilan aloqasi borligi haqidagi daʼvo bilan hibsda qolishi asoslab beriladi[15]:

„2004-yil 24-avgustda O‘zbekiston Oliy sudi Furqat Qosimovich Yusupovni 2004-yilning mart va aprel oylarida Toshkent va Buxoro viloyatlaridagi O‘zbekistonda sodir etilgan teraktlarga aloqadorlikda ayblab, 18 yilga ozodlikdan mahrum qildi“.

Yoqub Abaxonovning dalillarning qisqacha mazmuni ham uning Yusupov Parhat va Farhod Yusupov ismli shaxslar bilan aloqasi borligi sababli hibsda saqlanishini qoʻllaydi.

2002-yil 7-avgustda Alisher Murodov va Farhod Yusupov hamkorlikda Rossiyaning „Moskovskiy komsomolets“ gazetasi Qirgʻiziston nashrida „Muammolar va tashvishlar chegarasi“ nomli maqola yozadi[16].

  1. Dmitry Glumskov, Mikhail Zygar. „Defendants' unexpected testimony sparks an international scandal“. Ferghana (2004-yil 28-iyul). 2010-yil 21-yanvarda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. „The trial began with an international scandal. Reading aloud the bill of indictment, Prosecutor Murad Khalikov said that the terrorists had been trained on the territory of Kazakhstan. Defendant Furkat Yusupov, 24, who called himself assistant to Zhamoat leader Akhmad Bekmirzayev killed in a skirmish with the police, confessed that he himself had been trained in Vasiristan (Pakistan) and later established a similar training camp in Kazakhstan.“.
  2. Bruce Pannier. „Uzbekistan: 'Terror' Trial Likely To Hold Few Surprises“. Radio Free Europe (2004-yil 27-iyul). 2009-yil 10-avgustda asl nusxadan arxivlangan.
  3. John C.K. Daly. „UPI Intelligence Watch“. United Press International (2005-yil 13-may). 2011-yil 5-iyunda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. „From March 29-April 1, 2004, a series of attacks in Tashkent and Bukhara killed 47 people, among them 33 suspected terrorists. The attacks marked the first appearance of suicide bombers in Central Asia. In August 2004 Uzbekistan's supreme court sentenced 15 people to as long as 18 years in prison for the bombings. One defendant, Furkat Yusupov, was arrested wearing a suicide belt; the car that he was traveling in contained 10 more. His wife Kamola received a sentence of 10 years at hard labor, as she had sewn 60 additional suicide belts.“.
  4. Islam Karimov. „STATE AND SOCIETY“. Press Service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 2009-yil 15-dekabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan„Toitepa resident Furkat Yusupov, who was found with a bag containing 10 homemade bombs, was arrested in Tashkent.“.
  5. „Fifteen plead guilty to terror attacks in Uzbekistan“. The Agonist (2004-yil 26-iyul). 2009-yil 7-sentyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. „The first defendant to testify Monday -- Furkat Yusupov, 24, arrested on 28 March with 10 suicide bomb belts -- acknowledged that he had acted as an aide to Ahmad Bekmirzaev, leader of the so-called "Jamoa" group who was killed during a shootout with the police.“.
  6. „Kazakh man named in Uzbek embassy bombing case“. The Agonist (2004-yil 30-iyul). 2011-yil 23-iyulda asl nusxadan arxivlangan.
  7. „Information on commencement of legal proceedings against organisers and participants of terrorist acts that took place in March-April 2004 in Uzbekistan“. Uzbekistan Embassy, Berlin. — „Yusupov Furkat Kasimovich is charged with committing crimes stipulated in articles 97, 155, 156, 159 and other articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It was proved by the investigation, that F.Yusupov rented apartments in Tashkent for secret residing of the members of the criminal network, arranged delivery of self-made explosives. It was also proved, that within the group belonging to the criminal network he tested the self-made explosive devices on 7 and 12 March 2004 in a deserted land of the “Varakhsha” farm, which is situated in Jondor district of Bukhara region.“. 2006-yil 4-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2007-yil 3-noyabr.
  8. „9 Terrorists Killed, 4 Seized While Planting Bomb in Uzbekistan“. Tass (2004-yil 29-mart). 2008-yil 7-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. „The Uzbek Interior Ministry detained 11 people on suspicions of preparing the terrorist acts on Monday. In particular, resident of the town Toitep, 40 kilometres off Tashkent Furkat Yusupov was arrested Monday while trying to bring ten self-made explosive devices in the Uzbek capital, Uzbek Prosecutor General Rashid Kadyrov said on Monday.“.
  9. Burt Herman. „Father of four alleged Uzbek terrorists worries about their fate; trial postponed after suicide attacks on U.S., Israeli embassies“. Associated Press (2004-yil 3-avgust). 2012-yil 2-noyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2009-yil 26-noyabr. „Yangi Tolqin Kolkhoz, Uzbekistan - Two of Qasym Yusupov's sons are dead and two are on trial, jailed after a wave of violence earlier this year allegedly carried out by the same group behind last week's suicide bombings targeting the U.S. and Israeli embassies.“.
  10. OARDEC. „Unclassified Summary of Evidence for Administrative Review Board in the case of Abahanov, Yakub“ pages 85–86. United States Department of Defense. — „On 24 August 2004, the Uzbek Supreme Court convicted and sentenced Furkat Kasimovich Yusupov to 18 years deprivation of freedom for his involvement in terrorist attacks in Tashkent and Bukhara Provinces, Uzbekistan, during March and April 2004.“. 2007-yil 4-dekabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2007-yil 3-noyabr.
  11. John C.K. Daly. „UPI Intelligence Watch“. United Press International (2005-yil 13-may). 2011-yil 5-iyunda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. „From March 29-April 1, 2004, a series of attacks in Tashkent and Bukhara killed 47 people, among them 33 suspected terrorists. The attacks marked the first appearance of suicide bombers in Central Asia. In August 2004 Uzbekistan's supreme court sentenced 15 people to as long as 18 years in prison for the bombings. One defendant, Furkat Yusupov, was arrested wearing a suicide belt; the car that he was traveling in contained 10 more. His wife Kamola received a sentence of 10 years at hard labor, as she had sewn 60 additional suicide belts.“.John C. K. Daly (2005-05-13). „UPI Intelligence Watch“. United Press International. Archived from the original on 2011-06-05. From March 29-April 1, 2004, a series of attacks in Tashkent and Bukhara killed 47 people, among them 33 suspected terrorists. The attacks marked the first appearance of suicide bombers in Central Asia. In August 2004 Uzbekistanʼs supreme court sentenced 15 people to as long as 18 years in prison for the bombings. One defendant, Furkat Yusupov, was arrested wearing a suicide belt; the car that he was traveling in contained 10 more. His wife Kamola received a sentence of 10 years at hard labor, as she had sewn 60 additional suicide belts.
  12. Burt Herman. „Father of four alleged Uzbek terrorists worries about their fate; trial postponed after suicide attacks on U.S., Israeli embassies“. Associated Press (2004-yil 3-avgust). 2012-yil 2-noyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2009-yil 26-noyabr. „Yangi Tolqin Kolkhoz, Uzbekistan - Two of Qasym Yusupov's sons are dead and two are on trial, jailed after a wave of violence earlier this year allegedly carried out by the same group behind last week's suicide bombings targeting the U.S. and Israeli embassies.“.Burt Herman (2004-08-03). „Father of four alleged Uzbek terrorists worries about their fate; trial postponed after suicide attacks on U. S., Israeli embassies“. Associated Press. Archived from the original on 2012-11-02. Retrieved 2009-11-26. Yangi Tolqin Kolkhoz, Uzbekistan – Two of Qasym Yusupov’s sons are dead and two are on trial, jailed after a wave of violence earlier this year allegedly carried out by the same group behind last week’s suicide bombings targeting the U. S. and Israeli embassies.
  13. „Fifteen plead guilty to terror attacks in Uzbekistan“. The Agonist (2004-yil 26-iyul). 2009-yil 7-sentyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. „The first defendant to testify Monday -- Furkat Yusupov, 24, arrested on 28 March with 10 suicide bomb belts -- acknowledged that he had acted as an aide to Ahmad Bekmirzaev, leader of the so-called "Jamoa" group who was killed during a shootout with the police.“.„Fifteen plead guilty to terror attacks in Uzbekistan“. The Agonist. 2004-07-26. Archived from the original on 2009-09-07. The first defendant to testify Monday – Furkat Yusupov, 24, arrested on 28 March with 10 suicide bomb belts – acknowledged that he had acted as an aide to Ahmad Bekmirzaev, leader of the so-called „Jamoa“ group who was killed during a shootout with the police.
  14. „Kazakh man named in Uzbek embassy bombing case“. The Agonist (2004-yil 30-iyul). 2011-yil 23-iyulda asl nusxadan arxivlangan.„Kazakh man named in Uzbek embassy bombing case“. The Agonist. 2004-07-30. Archived from the original on 2011-07-23.
  15. OARDEC. „Unclassified Summary of Evidence for Administrative Review Board in the case of Abahanov, Yakub“ pages 85–86. United States Department of Defense. — „On 24 August 2004, the Uzbek Supreme Court convicted and sentenced Furkat Kasimovich Yusupov to 18 years deprivation of freedom for his involvement in terrorist attacks in Tashkent and Bukhara Provinces, Uzbekistan, during March and April 2004.“. 2007-yil 4-dekabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2007-yil 3-noyabr.OARDEC. „Unclassified Summary of Evidence for Administrative Review Board in the case of Abahanov, Yakub“ (PDF). United States Department of Defense. pp. pages 85–86. Archived from the original (PDF) on 4 December 2007. Retrieved 2007-11-03. On 24 August 2004, the Uzbek Supreme Court convicted and sentenced Furkat Kasimovich Yusupov to 18 years deprivation of freedom for his involvement in terrorist attacks in Tashkent and Bukhara Provinces, Uzbekistan, during March and April 2004.
  16. „Kyrgyz paper slams Uzbekistan's "muscle-flexing" over border delimitation.“. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire (2002-yil 13-avgust). 2008-yil 19-iyunda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2007-yil 3-noyabr.