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David Thewlis

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David Thewlis
David Wheeler

20-mart 1963-yil (1963-03-20) (61 yosh)
Fuqaroligi Buyuk Britaniya bayrogʻi Birlashgan Qirollik
Kasbi Aktyor, Rejissor, Dramaturg
Faoliyat yillari 1985-yildan bugungi kungacha
Bolalari 1

David Wheeler (Thewlis) (1963-yil 20-martda) – ingliz aktyori, rejissyor va kinodramaturg[1]. BAFTA, Oltin globus, Emmy va Sceen Actors Guild Awards mukofotlari nomzodi. Eng yaxshi aktyor uchun Kann kinofestivali mukofotiga sazovor boʻlgan.Harry Potter film qismlarida (2004-2011) Remus Lupin rolini ijro etgan[2].

Shunigdek Dragonheart (1996), Seven Years in Tibet (1997), Muqaddas zamin (2005), War Horse (2011), The Theory of Everything (2014), Anomalisa (2015) va Wonder Woman (2017) boshqa koʻplab filmlarda rollar ijro etgan. James Cameronning Avatar 3 (2025) filmida ham uning ijrosi kutilmoqda.


[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yil Nomi Rol Izoh
1987 The short and Curlies Clive Qisqa
Little Dorrit George Braddle
1988 Vroom Ringe
1989 Resurrected Kevin Deakin
1991 Life Is Sweet Nicolaʼs Lover
Afraid of the Dark Locksmith / Tom Miller
1992 Swords at Teatime Michael Qisqa
Damage Detective
1993 Trial, TheThe Trial Franz
Naked Johnny
1994 Black Beauty Jerry Barker
1995 Total Eclipse Paul Verlaine
Restoration Pearce
Hello, Hello, Hello - Qisqa metrajli

Muallif, rejissyor

1996 James and the Giant Peach Earthworm Ovoz
Dragonheart Einon
Island of Dr. Moreau, TheThe Island of Dr. Moreau Douglas
1997 American Perfekt Santini
Seven Years in Tibet Peter Aufschnaiter
1998 Big Lebowski, TheThe Big Lebowski Knox Harrington
Divorcing Jack Dan Starkey
Besieged Jason Kinsky
1999 Whatever Happened to Harold Smith? Nesbit
Love Story Dealer Ovoz, Qisqa
2000 Miracle Maker, TheThe Miracle Maker Judas Iscariot Ovoz
Gangster No. 1 Freddie Mays
2001 Goodbye Charlie Bright Dad
2002 D. I. Y. Hard Man Qisqa
2003 Cheeky Harry Sankey Muallif, rejissyor
Little Wolf’s Book of Badness Mr. Twister Ovoz, Qisqa
Timeline Robert Doniger
2004 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Remus Lupin
2005 Kingdom of Heaven Hospitaler
All the Invisible Children Jonathan Segment: „Jonathan“
New World, TheThe New World Wingfield
2006 Basic Instinct 2 Roy Washburn
Omen, TheThe Omen Keith Jennings
2007 Inner Life of Martin Frost, TheThe Inner Life of Martin Frost Martin Frost
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Remus Lupin
2008 Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, TheThe Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Father
2009 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Remus Lupin
Veronika Decides to Die Dr. Blake
2010 Mr. Nice Jim McCann
London Boulevard Jordan
Athena Chuck Qisqa
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 Remus Lupin
2011 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2
Lady, TheThe Lady Michael Aris
Anonymous William Cecil
War Horse Lyons
The Organ Grinder’s Monkey Pablo Qisqa
2012 Separate We Come, Separate We Go Norman Qisqa film
2013 RED 2 The Frog
The Fifth Estate Nick Davies
The Zero Theorem Joby
2014 Stiven Xoking olami Dennis Sciama
Stonehearst Asylum Mickey Finn
Queen and Country Sargeant Major Bradley
Sunday Roast Dick Puck Qisqa film


2015 Regression Kenneth Raines
Legend Leslie Payne
Macbeth Duncan
Anomalisa Michael Stone Ovoz
2017 Wonder Woman Sir Patrick Morgan / Ares
Justice League Ares Kameo
2018 The Mercy Rodney Hallworth
2019 Rare Beasts Vic
Guest of Honour Jim
Eternal Beauty Mike
2020 I'm Thinking of Ending Things Father
2022 Enola Holmes 2 Grail
The Amazing Maurice Boss Man Ovoz
2024 Littlemouth Not yet released
2025 Avatar: Fire and Ash Not yet released Peylak
2029 Avatar 4 Not yet released
  1. „Thewlis, David 1963–“. Encyclopedia.com. Qaraldi: 1-dekabr 2024-yil.
  2. „BFI Screenonline: Thewlis, David (1963-) Biography“. www.screenonline.org.uk. Qaraldi: 1-dekabr 2024-yil.

David Thewlis IMDbda Buni Vikimaʼlumotlarda tahrirlash