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David Duchovny

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David Duchovny

David Duchovny Fox Mulder rolida
David William Duchovny

1960-yil, 7-avgust
Fuqaroligi AQSh
Kasbi aktyor
Faoliyat yillari 1988 - bugun
Veb-sayt www.duchovny.net

David William Duchovny (talaffuzi: Devid Uilyam Duhovni; 1960-yil 7-avgustda tugʻilgan) — mashhur amerikalik aktyor, "Mahfiy materiallar" serialida Fox Mulder (Foks Malder) agenti rolini ijrochisi.

Yil Nom Rol Sharhlar
1988 Working Girl Tessʼning tugʻilgan kunidagi doʻsti
1989 New Yearʼs Day Billy
1990 Bad Influence Klubdagi koʻzoynakli kishi
Denial John
1991 Julia Has Two Lovers Daniel
Donʼt Tell Mom the Babysitterʼs Dead Bruce
The Rapture Randy
Twin Peaks Agent Dennis Bryson
1992 Ruby Officer Tippit
Beethoven Brad
Baby Snatcher David TV
Red Shoe Diaries Jake Winters TV
Venice/Venice Dylan
Chaplin Rollie Totheroh
1993 Kalifornia Brian Kessler
1996 Space: Above and Beyond Handsome Alvin
1997 Playing God Dr. Eugene Sands
1998 The X-Files Fox Mulder
2000 Return to Me Bob Rueland
2001 Evolution Dr. Ira Kane
Zoolander J.P. Prewitt
2002 Full Frontal Bill/Gus
2003 Boy, Interrupted Jeremy Sex and the City Epizod 84.
2004 Connie and Carla Jeff
2005 House of D Tommy rejissyor sifatida debyuti.
2006 Trust the Man Tom
Pedigree Petfoods Voice-over "We're for dogs" ad campaign
The TV Set Mike Post-production
2007 The Secret Dr. Benjamin Marris Post-production
Things We Lost in the Fire Steve
Californication Hank Moody TV serial, 1 sezon.
2008 Untitled X-Files Sequel Fox Mulder Bu proekt hali tasdiqlanmagan.