Kontent qismiga oʻtish

Daniel Craig

Vikipediya, erkin ensiklopediya
Daniel Craig
Tavalludi 2-mart 1968-yil (1968-03-02) (56 yosh)
Fuqaroligi Buyuk Britaniya bayrogʻi Birlashgan Qirollik
Kasbi aktyor
Faoliyat yillari 1992-bugun
Yoʻnalish jangari, detektiv
Mukofotlari Muqaddas Mixail va Muqaddas Georgiy ordeni sohibi

Daniel Wroughton Craig – angliyalik aktyor. James Bond rolininig ijrochisi[1][2].

  • 2006 – Royal qimorxonasi / Casino Royale – 3,2 million $
  • 2008 – Mehribonlik kvanti / Quantum of Solace – 7,2 million $
  • 2011 – Kovboylar kelgindilarga qarshi / Cowboys & Aliens – 6 million $
  • 2011 – Tushlar uyi / Dream House – 5 million $
  • 2011 – Ajdaho surati bor qiz / The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo – 6 million $
  • 2012 – 007:Skyfall / Skyfall – 17 million $


[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yil Nomi Original nomi Rol
1992 s ? Anglo Saxon Attitudes Gilbert
1992 s ? Boon Джим Пархам
1992 s Kovington Kross Covington Cross Walkway
1992 s The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones:
Daredevils of the Desert
1992 f The Power of One Japi
1993 s Between the Lines Joe
1993 s Drop the Dead Donkey Fiks
1993 s Heartbeat Peter Begg
1993 s Zorro Hidalgo
1993 f Genghis Cohn Hidalgo
1993 f Sharpe’s Eagle Barry
1995 f A Kid in King Arthur’s Court Kane
1996 s Our Friends in the North Peter Begg
1996 s Tales from the Crypt Barry
1996 f Kiss and Tell Matt Carney
1996 f Saint-Ex
1996 f The Fortunes and Misfortunes of Moll Flanders
1997 s The Hunger Jerry
1997 f Obsession
1997 f The Ice House
1998 f Elizabeth John Ballard
1998 f Love Is the Devil: Study for a Portrait of Francis Bacon George Dayer
1999 f Shockers: The Visitor Richard
1999 f The Trench Telford Vinter
2000 f ? Love & Rage
2000 f ? Hotel Splendide Ronald Blanch
2000 f ? I Dreamed of Africa Declan
2000 f ? Some Voices Ray
2001 f Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Alex West
2001 f ? Sword of Honour (ТВ) Guy Crouchback
2002 f ? Copenhagen (ТВ) Werner Heisenberg
2002 f ? Occasional, Strong
2002 f ? Road to Perdition Connor
2002 f ? Ten Minutes Older: The Cello Cecil
2003 f ? Sylvia Ted
2003 f ? The Mother Darren
2004 f ? Enduring Love Joe
2004 f ? Layer Cake XXXMX
2005 f ? Archangel (ТВ) Prof. Fluke Kelso
2005 f ? Munich Стив
2005 f ? Sorstalansa’g Serjant
2005 f ? The Jacket Rudy
2006 f Royal qimorxonasi Casino Royale James Bond
2006 f ? Infamous Perry
2006 f ? Renaissance (ovoz bergan)
2007 f Golden compass The Golden Compass Lord Azriel
2007 f Invasion The Invasion Ben Dryscoll
2008 f Defiance Defiance Belsky
2008 f Omadsizning xotiralari Flashbacks of a Fool Joe Scott
2008 f Mehribonlik kvanti Quantum of Solace James Bond
2011 f Tintin The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn (post-production) Red Rackham (ovoz)
2011 f Cowboys & Aliens Cowboys & Aliens Jake
2011 f Tushlar uyi Dream House Peter Word
2011 f Ajdaho tasviri Bloomqvist
2012 f 007:Skyfall Skyfall James Bond
2015 f 007: Doira Spectre James Bond
2015 f Yulduzlar urushi Star Wars: The Force Awakens kameo
2017 f ? Joe Bang Logan Lucky
2017 f ? Kings ?
2019 f ?  ? ?
2021 f ?  ? ?
2022 f ?  ? ?
  1. Intervyu: Deniel Kreyg, 2015-11-16da asl nusxadan arxivlandi, qaraldi: 2015-09-06
  2. BondMovies.com: The Bonds, 2011-04-12da asl nusxadan arxivlandi, qaraldi: 2015-09-05