Kontent qismiga oʻtish

Buyuk yoʻlda (Xitoy milliy qoʻshigʻi)

Vikipediya, ochiq ensiklopediya

„Buyuk yoʻlda“ (xit. an’anaviy 我們走在大路上, soddalashtrilgan 我们走在大路上, pinyin: Wǒmen zǒu zài dàlù shàng) — Xitoy milliy qoʻshigʻi. Shuningdek, „Buyuk yoʻlda yuramiz“ ham deb ataladi. 1962-yilda Li Jiefeng tomonidan bastalangan va keyingi yili nashr etilgan. Qoʻshiq Xitoy xalqi va davlati uchun „Buyuk sakrash“dan keyin taraqqiyotga olib boruvchi metaforik yoʻlga, shuningdek, 1934-yilda Mao Zedong va Xitoy Kommunistik partiyasi tomonidan amalga oshirilgan „uzoq yillik rivojlanish“ga ishora qiladi. „Biz Buyuk Yoʻlda yuramiz“ mashhur vatanparvarlik qoʻshigʻi hisoblanadi. Madaniy inqilob davridagi qoʻshiqlar va uning optimistik ohangi va sodda soʻzlari uni davrning eng mashhur va doimiy vatanparvarlik qoʻshiqlaridan biri sifatida mustahkamladi va Xitoy milliy madaniyatini targʻib qilish assotsiatsiyasi tomonidan 124 ta eng buyuk Xitoy musiqiy asarlaridan biri sifatida baholandi. Shunisi eʼtiborga loyiqki, qoʻshiq Gonkong ustidan suverenitet oʻtkazilishi davrida keng kuylangan va 1999-yilda Xalq Respublikasining 50 yilligiga bagʻishlangan paradda mashhur boʻlgan.

Tarix[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

1937-yilda ikkinchi Xitoy-Yapon urushi boshlanganda, Li Jiefeng (tugʻilgan joyi Li Yunlong) Xitoy kommunistlari bilan hamkorlikda targʻibotchi tashkilot boʻlgan Xitoydagi Ishchilar va dehqonlar partiyasi Yanʼan xalq drama jamiyati uchun qoʻshiq yozishni boshladi. Li tashviqot ishlariga yordam berish uchun Xitoyning shimoli-gʻarbiy qismidagi sakkizinchi marshrut armiyasiga oʻtkazilgan. 1939-yilga kelib, Li „Bizning temir otliqlar“, „Ikki kichkina sigir qoʻshigʻi“ va „Langya togʻining beshta chempioni“ kabi mashhur yaponlarga qarshi qoʻshiqlarni yaratgan edi[1]. 1945-yilga kelib, Li Yanʼan xalq drama jamiyatining prezidenti boʻldi va Shimoliy-Gʻarbiy Xitoy boʻylab tashviqot ishlari uchun mas’ul boʻldi.

1963-yilda qoʻshiq „Song“ jurnalida nashr etilishidan oldin, mashhur musiqachi Li Ji va boshqalar tomonidan oʻzgartirildi[2].

Matn[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Rasmiy matn[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Soddalashtirilgan xitoy tili Pinyin alifbosida Inglizcha tarjima

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wǒ men zǒu zài dà lù shàng ,
yì qì fēng fā dòu zhì áng yáng ,
Máo zhǔ xí lǐng dǎo gé mìng duì wǔ ,
pī jīng zhǎn jí bēn xiàng qián fāng .
xiàng qián jìn !xiàng qián jìn !
gé mìng qì shì bù kě zǔ dǎng ,
xiàng qián jìn !xiàng qián jìn !
cháo zhe shèng lì de fāng xiàng .

sān miàn hóng qí yíng fēng piāo yáng ,
liù yì rén mín fèn fā tú qiáng ,
qín kěn jiàn shè jǐn xiù hé shān ,
shì bǎ zǔ guó biàn chéng tiān táng .
xiàng qián jìn !xiàng qián jìn !
gé mìng qì shì bù kě zǔ dǎng ,
xiàng qián jìn !xiàng qián jìn !
cháo zhe shèng lì de fāng xiàng .

wǒ mén de péng yǒu biàn tiān xià ,
wǒ mén de gē shēng chuán sì fāng ,
gé mìng fēng bào xí juǎn quán qiú ,
niú guǐ shé shén yī piàn jīng huāng .
xiàng qián jìn !xiàng qián jìn !
gé mìng qì shì bù kě zǔ dǎng ,
xiàng qián jìn !xiàng qián jìn !
cháo zhe shèng lì de fāng xiàng .

wǒ mén de dào lù duō me kuān guǎng ,
wǒ mén de qián chéng wú bǐ huī huáng ,
wǒ mén xiàn shēn zhè zhuàng lì de shì yè ,
wú xiàn xìng fú wú shàng róng guāng .
xiàng qián jìn !xiàng qián jìn !
gé mìng qì shì bù kě zǔ dǎng ,
xiàng qián jìn !xiàng qián jìn !
cháo zhe shèng lì de fāng xiàng .

We are on the great road,
With high spirits and high morale,
Chairman Mao led the revolutionary masses.
The thorns thrown aside.
Go ahead! Go ahead!
The irresistible momentum of the revolution,
Go ahead! Go ahead!
In the direction of victory.

Three red flags fluttered in the wind.
Six hundred million people are working hard,
Diligently building beautiful rivers and mountains,
Vow to turn the motherland into heaven.
Go ahead! Go ahead!
The irresistible momentum of the revolution,
Go ahead! Go ahead!
In the direction of victory.

Our friends all over the world,
Our songs are heard in all directions.
The revolutionary storm swept the world,
The ghost of the past was a panic.
Go ahead! Go ahead!
The irresistible momentum of the revolution,
Go ahead! Go ahead!
In the direction of victory.

How broad is our road,
Our future is brilliant.
We are dedicated to this magnificent undertaking,
With infinite happiness and it's our glory.
Go ahead! Go ahead!
The irresistible momentum of the revolution,
Go ahead! Go ahead!
In the direction of victory.

Madaniy inqilob davridagi matn[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Soddalashtirilgan xitoy tili Pinyin alifbosida Inglizcha tarjima

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向前进! 向前进!

向前进! 向前进!
向前进! 向前进!

向前进! 向前进!
向前进! 向前进!

向前进! 向前进!
向前进! 向前进!

wǒ men zǒu zài dà lù shàng ,
gāo jǔ hóng qí xiàng tài yáng ,
máo zhǔ xí lǐng dǎo gé mìng duì wǔ ,
pī jīng zhǎn jí bēn xiàng qián fāng 。
xiàng qián jìn ! xiàng qián jìn !
gé mìng hóng liú bù kě zǔ dǎng ,
xiàng qián jìn ! xiàng qián jìn !
cháo zhe shèng lì de fāng xiàng 。

wàn lǐ hé shān hóng làn màn ,
wén huà gé mìng shèng lì huī huáng ,
gōng rén jiē jí lǐng dǎo yī qiē ,
qī yì rén mín dòu zhì áng yáng 。
xiàng qián jìn ! xiàng qián jìn !
gé mìng hóng liú bù kě zǔ dǎng ,
xiàng qián jìn ! xiàng qián jìn !
cháo zhe shèng lì de fāng xiàng 。

wǒ mén dí péng yǒu biàn tiān xià ,
wǒ mén dí gē shēng chuán sì fāng ,
gé mìng fēng bào xí juàn quán qiú ,
měi dì sū xiū yī dìng miè wáng 。
xiàng qián jìn ! xiàng qián jìn !
gé mìng hóng liú bù kě zǔ dǎng ,
xiàng qián jìn ! xiàng qián jìn !
cháo zhe shèng lì de fāng xiàng 。

dà hǎi háng xíng kào duò shǒu ,
gàn gé mìng kào Máo Zé dōng sī xiǎng ,
yǒng yuǎn zhōng yú Máo zhǔ xí ,
hóng xīn sì huǒ yì zhì rú gāng 。
xiàng qián jìn ! xiàng qián jìn !
gé mìng hóng liú bù kě zǔ dǎng ,
xiàng qián jìn ! xiàng qián jìn !
cháo zhe shèng lì de fāng xiàng。

We are on the great road,
Holding a red flag to the sun,
Chairman Mao led the revolutionary masses.
He rushed forward.
Go ahead! Go ahead!
The torrent of revolution is irresistible
Go ahead! Go ahead!
In the direction of victory.

The red flag is fluttering in the whole nation.
The cultural revolution was bright and brilliant.
The working class leads everything.
Seven hundred million people are highly motivated.
Go ahead! Go ahead!
The torrent of revolution is irresistible
Go ahead! Go ahead!
In the direction of victory.

Our friends are all over the world,
Our songs are heard in all directions.
The revolutionary storm swept the world,
The American imperialism and Soviet revisionism are going to perish.
Go ahead! Go ahead!
The torrent of revolution is irresistible
Go ahead! Go ahead!
In the direction of victory.

Sailing the seas depends on the helmsman,
The revolution depends on Mao Zedong Thought.
Always loyal to Chairman Mao,
Red hearts like fire will be like steel.
Go ahead! Go ahead!
The torrent of revolution is irresistible
Go ahead! Go ahead!
In the direction of victory.

Zamonaviy matn[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Soddalashtirilgan xitoy tili Pinyin alifbosida Inglizcha tarjima





wǒ men zǒu zài dà lù shàng ,
yì qì fēng fā dǒu zhì áng yáng ,
gòng chǎn dǎng lǐng dǎo gé mìng duì wǔ ,
pī jīng zhǎn jí bēn xiàng qián fāng .
xiàng qián jìn ! xiàng qián jìn !
gé mìng qì shì bù kě zǔ dǎng ,
xiàng qián jìn ! xiàng qián jìn !
cháo zhe shèng lì de fāng xiàng .

gé mìng hóng qí yíng fēng piāo yáng ,
zhōng huá ér nǚ fā fèn tú qiáng ,
qín kěn jiàn shè jǐn xiù hé shān ,
shì bǎ zǔ guó biàn chéng tiān táng .
xiàng qián jìn ! xiàng qián jìn !
gé mìng qì shì bù kě zǔ dǎng ,
xiàng qián jìn ! xiàng qián jìn !
cháo zhe shèng lì de fāng xiàng .

wǒ mén dí dào lù sǎ mǎn yáng guāng,
wǒ mén dí gē shēng chuán sì fāng ,
wǒ mén dí péng yǒu biàn jí quán qiú ,
wǔ zhōu jià qǐ yǒu yì qiáo liáng 。
xiàng qián jìn ! xiàng qián jìn !
gé mìng qì shì bù kě zǔ dǎng ,
xiàng qián jìn ! xiàng qián jìn !
cháo zhe shèng lì de fāng xiàng .

wǒ mén dí dào lù duō me kuān guǎng
wǒ mén dí qián chéng wú bǐ huī huáng ,
wǒ mén xiàn shēn zhè zhuàng lì dí shì yè ,
wú xiàn xìng fú wú xiàn róng guāng .
xiàng qián jìn ! xiàng qián jìn !
gé mìng qì shì bù kě zǔ dǎng ,
xiàng qián jìn ! xiàng qián jìn !
cháo zhe shèng lì de fāng xiàng .

We are on the great road,
With high spirits and high morale,
The Communist Party leads the revolutionary masses,
The thorns thrown aside.
Go forward! Go ahead!
The irresistible momentum of the revolution,
Go forward! Go ahead!
In the direction of victory.

The revolutionary red flag fluttered in the wind.
The Chinese people are struggling
Diligently building beautiful rivers and mountains,
Vowing to turn the motherland into heaven.
Go forward! Go ahead!
The irresistible momentum of the revolution,
Go forward! Go ahead!
In the direction of victory.

Our road is full of sunshine.
Our songs are heard in all directions.
Our friends are all over the world,
Five continents bridge friendship.
Go forward! Go ahead!
The irresistible momentum of the revolution,
Go forward! Go ahead!
In the direction of victory.

How broad is our road,
Our future is brilliant.
We are dedicated to this magnificent undertaking.
Infinite happiness, infinite glory.
Go forward! Go ahead!
The irresistible momentum of the revolution,
Go forward! Go ahead!
In the direction of victory.

Manbalar[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

  1. http://www.niubb.net/article/714299-1/1/[sayt ishlamaydi]
  2. „Dong Baorui: "Biz yo'lda yuramiz" nashri“. https://www.163.com. 2022-yil 10-sentyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 10-sentabr 2022-yil.

Havolalar[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]