Kontent qismiga oʻtish

Nizhneilimsky tumani

Vikipediya, ochiq ensiklopediya

Nijneilimskiy tumani (ruscha: Нижнеили́мский райо́н) — Rossiyaning Irkutsk viloyatidagi oʻttiz uchta tumandan biri[1]. Munitsipalitet sifatida, Nijneilimskiy shahar okrugiga birlashtirilgan[2]. Tumanning maydoni 36,823 kilometr kvadrat[3]. Maʼmuriy markazi — Jeleznogorsk-Ilimskiy shahri[4]. Aholisi: 55 096 (2010)[5] kishini tashkil etadi.

Maʼmuriy va munitsipal maqomi[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Maʼmuriy boʻlinishlar doirasida Nijneylimskiy tumani viloyatdagi oʻttiz uchta tumandan biridir[1]. Jeleznogorsk-Ilimskiy shahri uning maʼmuriy markazi boʻlib xizmat qiladi[4].

Munitsipal boʻlinma sifatida tuman Nijneilimskiy shahar okrugi sifatida kiritilgan[2].

Manbalar[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Eslatmalar[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

  1. 1,0 1,1 Charter of Irkutsk Oblast
  2. 2,0 2,1 Law #96-oz
  3. „General Information“ (russian). Nizhneilimsky District. Qaraldi: 2017-yil 20-yanvar.
  4. 4,0 4,1 Law #49-OZ
  5. ru Federal State Statistics Service. „ru:Всероссийская перепись населения 2010 года. Том 1“ [2010 All-ru Population Census, vol. 1] (ru). Federal State Statistics Service (2011).

Kerakli manbalar[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

  • Zakonodatelnoe Sobranie Irkutskoy oblasti. Postanovlenie № 9/5-ZS ot 15 aprelya 2009 g. „Ustav Irkutskoy oblasti“, v red. Zakona № 2-U ot 14 dekabrya 2017 g. „O popravkax k Ustavu Irkutskoy oblasti“. Vstupil v silu po istechenii desyati dney posle dnya ofitsialnogo opublikovaniya. Opublikovan: „Oblastnaya“, № 45, 24 aprelya 2009 g. (Legislative Assembly of Irkutsk Oblast. Resolution #9/5-ZS of April 15, 2009 Charter of Irkutsk Oblast, as amended by the Law #2-U of December 14, 2017 On the Amendments to the Charter of Irkutsk Oblast. Effective as of the day following a ten-day period after the day of the official publication.).
  • Zakonodatelnoe Sobranie Irkutskoy oblasti. Zakon № 49-OZ ot 21 iyunya 2010 g. „Ob administrativno-territorialnom ustroystve Irkutskoy oblasti“, v red. Zakona № 12-OZ ot 23 marta 2017 g. "O vnesenii izmeneniy v stati 25 i 33 Zakona Irkutskoy oblasti „Ob administrativno-territorialnom ustroystve Irkutskoy oblasti“ i Zakon Irkutskoy oblasti „O poryadke rassmotreniya Zakonodatelnim Sobraniem Irkutskoy oblasti predlojeniy o prisvoenii naimenovaniy geograficheskim obʼektam i (ili) o pereimenovanii geograficheskix obʼektov“". Vstupil v silu posle dnya ofitsialnogo opublikovaniya. Opublikovan: „Oblastnaya“, № 71, 25 iyunya 2010 g. (Legislative Assembly of Irkutsk Oblast. Law #49-OZ of June 21, 2010 On the Administrative-Territorial Structure of Irkutsk Oblast, as amended by the Law #12-OZ of March 23, 2017 On Amending Articles 25 and 33 of the Law of Irkutsk Oblast „On the Administrative-Territorial Structure of Irkutsk Oblast“ and the Law of Irkutsk Oblast „On the Procedures for Consideration of Assignments of Names to Geographical Objects and (or) Renaming of Geographical Objects“. Effective as of after the day of the official publication.).
  • Zakonodatelnoe Sobranie Irkutskoy oblasti. Zakon № 96-oz ot 16 dekabrya 2004 g. „O statuse i granitsax munitsipalnix obrazovaniy Nijneilimskogo rayona Irkutskoy oblasti“, v red. Zakona № 47-OZ ot 21 iyunya 2013 g. "O vnesenii izmeneniy v Zakon Irkutskoy oblasti „O statuse i granitsax munitsipalnix obrazovaniy Nijneilimskogo rayona Irkutskoy oblasti“". Vstupil v silu s 31 dekabrya 2004 g., no ne ranee chem cherez 10 dney so dnya ofitsialnogo opublikovaniya. Opublikovan: „Vostochno-Sibirskaya pravda“, № 254-255, 20 dekabrya 2004 g. (Legislative Assembly of Irkutsk Oblast. Law #96-oz of December 16, 2004 On the Status and Borders of the Municipal Formations of Nizhneilimsky District of Irkutsk Oblast, as amended by the Law #47-OZ of June 21, 2013 On Amending the Law of Irkutsk Oblast „On the Status and Borders of the Municipal Formations of Nizhneilimsky District of Irkutsk Oblast“. Effective as of December 31, 2004, but not earlier than 10 days after the official publication date.).
  • Registry of the Administrative-Territorial Formations of Irkutsk Oblast (ruscha)