Kontent qismiga oʻtish

NBA chempionlari ro'yxati

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Walter A Brown Trophy

Milliy basketbol assotsiatsiyasi (inglizcha: National Basketball Association) — (1949-yilgacha Amerika Basketbol Assotsiatsiyasi (ABA) deb nomlangan) chempionlari roʻyxati. Barcha final seriyalari jamoalardan birining toʻrtta gʻalabasiga qadar (ketma-ket yettita oʻyingacha) oʻtkazildi va 1949-50 yilgi mavsumdan tashqari Gʻarbiy va Sharqiy konferensiya chempionlari (1970-yilgacha boʻlgan divizionlar) oʻrtasida oʻtkazildi. Bu vaqtda sharqiy divizion chempioni finalda Gʻarbiy va Markaziy divizion chempionlari oʻrtasidagi ketma-ket oʻyinlar gʻolibi bilan oʻynaydi.

Oʻyinlar formati 2-2-1-1-1 boʻldi: 2 oʻyin uyda, 2 ta mehmonda, oʻyin uyda, keyin yana mehmonda va oxirgi oʻyinda (gʻalaba qozongan oʻyinlarda eng yaxshi natija qayd etgan jamoa uyda seriyani boshladi). Format 1984/85-yilgi mavsumgacha saqlanib qoldi (1953-55, 1975 va 1978-yilgi mavsumlardan tashqari, oxirgi ikkitasi 1-2-2-1-1 formatida edi). 1985-yildan keyin oʻyin seriyasi 2-3-2 formatida oʻynaldi (gʻalaba oʻyinlari boʻyicha eng yaxshi koʻrsatkichga ega boʻlgan jamoa seriyani uy arenasida boshladi). Pley-off oʻyinlari endi eski 2-2-1-1-1 formatiga qaytdi. Final 2008-yildan beri 2-3-2[1] formatida oʻtkazib kelinmoqda.

1978-yilgacha chempionlikni qoʻlga kiritgan jamoa Walter A. Brown NBA Championship Trophy kubogi bilan taqdirlangan. 1977/78-yilgi mavsumdan boshlab kubok dizayni yangisiga, 1983/84-yilgi mavsumda esa Larry O'Brien NBA Championship Trophy nomiga oʻzgartirildi.

Chempionlar soni boʻyicha Sharqiy konferensiya/divizion Gʻarbiy konferensiya/diviziondan 38-34 hisobida yetakchilik qilmoqda. Markaziy divizionning sobiq jamoasi faqat bir marta chempionlikni qo'lga kiritgan.

     Qalin shrift bilan National Basketball Association chempionatini go'libi.
Egri shrift bilan O'z uyida yetakchilik qilgan jamoa.
Yil G'arb chempioni Murabbiy Natija Sharq chempioni Murabbiy Havola
Basketball Association of America (BAA)
1947 Chicago Stags (1) (1, 0–1) Harold Olsen 1–4 Philadelphia Warriors (2) (1, 1–0) Eddie Gottlieb [2]
1948 Baltimore Bullets (2) (1, 1–0) Buddy Jeannette 4–2 Philadelphia Warriors (1) (2, 1–1) Eddie Gottlieb [3]
1949 Minneapolis Lakers (2) (1, 1–0) John Kundla 4–2 Washington Capitols (1) (1, 0–1) Red Auerbach [4]
National Basketball Association (NBA)
1950 Minneapolis Lakers (1) [lower-alpha 1] (2, 2–0) John Kundla 4–2 Syracuse Nationals (1) (1, 0–1) Al Cervi [8][9]
1951 Rochester Royals (2) (1, 1–0) Les Harrison 4–3 New York Knicks (3) (1, 0–1) Joe Lapchick [10]
1952 Minneapolis Lakers (2) (3, 3–0) John Kundla 4–3 New York Knicks (3) (2, 0–2) Joe Lapchick [11]
1953 Minneapolis Lakers (1) (4, 4–0) John Kundla 4–1 New York Knicks (1) (3, 0–3) Joe Lapchick [12]
1954 Minneapolis Lakers (1) (5, 5–0) John Kundla 4–3 Syracuse Nationals (1) (2, 0–2) Al Cervi [13]
1955 Fort Wayne Pistons (1) (1, 0–1) Charles Eckman 3–4 Syracuse Nationals (1) (3, 1–2) Al Cervi [14]
1956 Fort Wayne Pistons (1) (2, 0–2) Charles Eckman 1–4 Philadelphia Warriors (1) (3, 2–1) George Senesky [15]
1957 St. Louis Hawks (1) (1, 0–1) Alex Hannum 3–4 Boston Celtics (1) (1, 1–0) Red Auerbach [16]
1958 St. Louis Hawks (1) (2, 1–1) Alex Hannum 4–2 Boston Celtics (1) (2, 1–1) Red Auerbach [17]
1959 Minneapolis Lakers (2) (6, 5–1) John Kundla 0–4 Boston Celtics (1) (3, 2–1) Red Auerbach [18]
1960 St. Louis Hawks (1) (3, 1–2) Ed Macauley 3–4 Boston Celtics (1) (4, 3–1) Red Auerbach [19]
1961 St. Louis Hawks (1) (4, 1–3) Paul Seymour 1–4 Boston Celtics (1) (5, 4–1) Red Auerbach [20]
1962 Los Angeles Lakers (1) (7, 5–2) Fred Schaus 3–4 Boston Celtics (1) (6, 5–1) Red Auerbach [21]
1963 Los Angeles Lakers (1) (8, 5–3) Fred Schaus 2–4 Boston Celtics (1) (7, 6–1) Red Auerbach [22]
1964[lower-alpha 2] San Francisco Warriors (1) (4, 2–2) Alex Hannum 1–4 Boston Celtics (1) (8, 7–1) Red Auerbach [23]
1965 Los Angeles Lakers (1) (9, 5–4) Fred Schaus 1–4 Boston Celtics (1) (9, 8–1) Red Auerbach [24]
1966 Los Angeles Lakers (1) (10, 5–5) Fred Schaus 3–4 Boston Celtics (2) (10, 9–1) Red Auerbach [25]
[1967]] San Francisco Warriors (1) (5, 2–3) Bill Sharman 2–4 Philadelphia 76ers (1) (4, 2–2) Alex Hannum [26]
1968 Los Angeles Lakers (2) (11, 5–6) Butch van Breda Kolff 2–4 Boston Celtics (2) (11, 10–1) Bill Russell [27]
1969 Los Angeles Lakers (1) (12, 5–7) Butch van Breda Kolff 3–4 Boston Celtics (4) (12, 11–1) Bill Russell [28]
1970 Los Angeles Lakers (2) (13, 5–8) Joe Mullaney 3–4 New York Knicks (1) (4, 1–3) Red Holzman [29]
1971 Milwaukee Bucks (1) (1, 1–0) Larry Costello 4–0 Baltimore Bullets (1) (1, 0–1) Gene Shue [30]
1972 Los Angeles Lakers (1) (14, 6–8) Bill Sharman 4–1 New York Knicks (2) (5, 1–4) Red Holzman [31]
1973 Los Angeles Lakers (2) (15, 6–9) Bill Sharman 1–4 New York Knicks (2) (6, 2–4) Red Holzman [32]
1974 Milwaukee Bucks (1) (2, 1–1) Larry Costello 3–4 Boston Celtics (1) (13, 12–1) Tom Heinsohn [33]
1975 Golden State Warriors (1) (6, 3–3) Al Attles 4–0 Washington Bullets (2) (2, 0–2) K. C. Jones [34]
1976 Phoenix Suns (3) (1, 0–1) John MacLeod 2–4 Boston Celtics (1) (14, 13–1) Tom Heinsohn [35]
1977[lower-alpha 3] Portland Trail Blazers (3) (1, 1–0) Jack Ramsay 4–2 Philadelphia 76ers (1) (5, 2–3) Gene Shue [38]
1978 Seattle SuperSonics (4) (1, 0–1) Lenny Wilkens 3–4 Washington Bullets (3) (3, 1–2) Dick Motta [39]
1979 Seattle SuperSonics (1) (2, 1–1) Lenny Wilkens 4–1 Washington Bullets (1) (4, 1–3) Dick Motta [40]
1980 Los Angeles Lakers (1) (16, 7–9) Paul Westhead 4–2 Philadelphia 76ers (3) (6, 2–4) Billy Cunningham [41]
1981 Houston Rockets (6) (1, 0–1) Del Harris 2–4 Boston Celtics (1) (15, 14–1) Bill Fitch [42]
1982 Los Angeles Lakers (1) (17, 8–9) Pat Riley 4–2 Philadelphia 76ers (3) (7, 2–5) Billy Cunningham [43]
1983 Los Angeles Lakers (1) (18, 8–10) Pat Riley 0–4 Philadelphia 76ers (1) (8, 3–5) Billy Cunningham [44]
1984[lower-alpha 4] Los Angeles Lakers (1) (19, 8–11) Pat Riley 3–4 Boston Celtics (1) (16, 15–1) K. C. Jones [45]
1985 Los Angeles Lakers (1) (20, 9–11) Pat Riley 4–2 Boston Celtics (1) (17, 15–2) K. C. Jones [46]
1986 Houston Rockets (2) (2, 0–2) Bill Fitch 2–4 Boston Celtics (1) (18, 16–2) K. C. Jones [47]
1987 Los Angeles Lakers (1) (21, 10–11) Pat Riley 4–2 Boston Celtics (1) (19, 16–3) K. C. Jones [48]
1988 Los Angeles Lakers (1) (22, 11–11) Pat Riley 4–3 Detroit Pistons (2) (3, 0–3) Chuck Daly [49]
1989 Los Angeles Lakers (1) (23, 11–12) Pat Riley 0–4 Detroit Pistons (1) (4, 1–3) Chuck Daly [50]
1990 Portland Trail Blazers (3) (2, 1–1) Rick Adelman 1–4 Detroit Pistons (1) (5, 2–3) Chuck Daly [51]
1991 Los Angeles Lakers (3) (24, 11–13) Mike Dunleavy 1–4 Chicago Bulls (1) (1, 1–0) Phil Jackson [52]
1992 Portland Trail Blazers (1) (3, 1–2) Rick Adelman 2–4 Chicago Bulls (1) (2, 2–0) Phil Jackson [53]
1993 Phoenix Suns (1) (2, 0–2) Paul Westphal 2–4 Chicago Bulls (2) (3, 3–0) Phil Jackson [54]
1994 Houston Rockets (2) (3, 1–2) Rudy Tomjanovich 4–3 New York Knicks (2) (7, 2–5) Pat Riley [55]
1995 Houston Rockets (6) (4, 2–2) Rudy Tomjanovich 4–0 Orlando Magic (1) (1, 0–1) Brian Hill [56]
1996 Seattle SuperSonics (1) (3, 1–2) George Karl 2–4 Chicago Bulls (1) (4, 4–0) Phil Jackson [57]
1997 Utah Jazz (1) (1, 0–1) Jerry Sloan 2–4 Chicago Bulls (1) (5, 5–0) Phil Jackson [58]
1998 Utah Jazz (1) (2, 0–2) Jerry Sloan 2–4 Chicago Bulls (1) (6, 6–0) Phil Jackson [59]
1999[lower-alpha 5] San Antonio Spurs (1) (1, 1–0) Gregg Popovich 4–1 New York Knicks (8) (8, 2–6) Jeff Van Gundy [61]
2000 Los Angeles Lakers (1) (25, 12–13) Phil Jackson 4–2 Indiana Pacers (1) (1, 0–1) Larry Bird [62]
2001 Los Angeles Lakers (2) (26, 13–13) Phil Jackson 4–1 Philadelphia 76ers (1) (9, 3–6) Larry Brown [63]
2002 Los Angeles Lakers (3) (27, 14–13) Phil Jackson 4–0 New Jersey Nets (1) (1, 0–1) Byron Scott [64]
2003 San Antonio Spurs (1) (2, 2–0) Gregg Popovich 4–2 New Jersey Nets (2) (2, 0–2) Byron Scott [65]
2004 Los Angeles Lakers (2) (28, 14–14) Phil Jackson 1–4 Detroit Pistons (3) (6, 3–3) Larry Brown [66]
2005 San Antonio Spurs (2) (3, 3–0) Gregg Popovich 4–3 Detroit Pistons (2) (7, 3–4) Larry Brown [67]
2006 Dallas Mavericks (4) (1, 0–1) Avery Johnson 2–4 Miami Heat (2) (1, 1–0) Pat Riley [68]
2007 San Antonio Spurs (3) (4, 4–0) Gregg Popovich 4–0 Cleveland Cavaliers (2) (1, 0–1) Mike Brown [69]
2008 Los Angeles Lakers (1) (29, 14–15) Phil Jackson 2–4 Boston Celtics (1) (20, 17–3) Doc Rivers [70]
2009 Los Angeles Lakers (1) (30, 15–15) Phil Jackson 4–1 Orlando Magic (3) (2, 0–2) Stan Van Gundy [71]
2010 Los Angeles Lakers (1) (31, 16–15) Phil Jackson 4–3 Boston Celtics (4) (21, 17–4) Doc Rivers [72]
2011 Dallas Mavericks (3) (2, 1–1) Rick Carlisle 4–2 Miami Heat (2) (2, 1–1) Erik Spoelstra [73]
2012[lower-alpha 6] Oklahoma City Thunder (2) (4, 1–3) Scott Brooks 1–4 Miami Heat (2) (3, 2–1) Erik Spoelstra [76]
2013 San Antonio Spurs (2) (5, 4–1) Gregg Popovich 3–4 Miami Heat (1) (4, 3–1) Erik Spoelstra [77]
2014 San Antonio Spurs (1) (6, 5–1) Gregg Popovich 4–1 Miami Heat (2) (5, 3–2) Erik Spoelstra [78]
2015 Golden State Warriors (1) (7, 4–3) Steve Kerr 4–2 Cleveland Cavaliers (2) (2, 0–2) David Blatt [79]
2016 Golden State Warriors (1) (8, 4–4) Steve Kerr 3–4 Cleveland Cavaliers (1) (3, 1–2) Tyronn Lue [80]
2017 Golden State Warriors (1) (9, 5–4) Steve Kerr 4–1 Cleveland Cavaliers (2) (4, 1–3) Tyronn Lue [81]
2018 Golden State Warriors (2) (10, 6–4) Steve Kerr 4–0 Cleveland Cavaliers (4) (5, 1–4) Tyronn Lue [82]
2019 Golden State Warriors (1) (11, 6–5) Steve Kerr 2–4 Toronto Raptors (2) (1, 1–0) Nick Nurse [83]
2020[lower-alpha 7] Los Angeles Lakers (1) (32, 17–15) Frank Vogel 4–2 Miami Heat (5) (6, 3–3) Erik Spoelstra [85]
2021 Phoenix Suns (2) (3, 0–3) Monty Williams 2–4 Milwaukee Bucks (3) (3, 2–1) Mike Budenholzer [86]
2022 Golden State Warriors (3) (12, 7–5) Steve Kerr 4–2 Boston Celtics (2) (22, 17–5) Ime Udoka [87]
  1. Bob Ryan. „Time to turn back clock on format“. Boston Globe (2005-yil 23-iyun). Qaraldi: 2008-yil 14-may.(ingl.)
  2. „Warriors Win Inaugural Finals“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  3. „NBA & ABA Champions“. Basketball-Reference.com. 2019-yil 20-martda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2-dekabr 2017-yil.
  4. „Mikan, Lakers Begin Championship Run“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  5. 5,0 5,1 „Anderson, Lakers Play for Shot at Syracuse Nationals“ (3-aprel 1950-yil), s. 11. 14-iyul 2019-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 16-may 2019-yil.
  6. „Season Review: 1949–50“. NBA.com (24-aprel 2017-yil). 13-aprel 2019-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 16-may 2019-yil.
  7. Hollander, Zander; Sachare, Alex. The Official NBA Basketball Encyclopedia. Villard Books, 1989 — 49–51-bet. ISBN 0-394-58039-7. Qaraldi: 16-may 2019-yil. 
  8. 8,0 8,1 „1949–50 NBA Season Summary“. basketball-reference.com. Sports Reference LLC.. 2011-yil 6-mayda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 31-oktabr 2008-yil.
  9. „Lakers: First Champs of Newly Formed NBA“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 14-may 2008-yil.
  10. „Royals Reign, Despite Knicks' Unlikely Comeback“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 14-may 2008-yil.
  11. „Lakers Reclaim the NBA Crown“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 14-may 2008-yil.
  12. „Lakers Unstoppable in Big Apple“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 14-may 2008-yil.
  13. „Minneapolis Makes One Last Title Run“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 14-may 2008-yil.
  14. „Nats Win First Title of Shot-Clock Era“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  15. „Warriors Reign Over League's 10th Season“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  16. „Celtics Officially Launch Their Dynasty“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  17. „Pettit Drops 50 on Celtics in Game 6“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  18. „Celtics Sweep Past Minneapolis“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  19. „Hawks Force Game 7, But Celtics Repeat“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  20. „Celtics Give Sharman Championship Sendoff“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  21. „Celtics, Lakers Work OT to Start Rivalry“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 17-avgust 2011-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  22. „Cousy Retires as Six-Time Champion“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  23. „Boston 'D' at Center of Title Defense“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  24. „Celtics Win Seventh Straight Finals“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 17-avgust 2011-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  25. „Red Lights Cigar to Close Coaching Career“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 17-avgust 2011-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  26. „Prolific Sixers Bring Ring to Philly“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  27. „Boston is Alive and Well“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 17-avgust 2011-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  28. „West's Heroics Can't Deprive Russell of 11th Title“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 17-avgust 2011-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  29. „Gutsy Reed Rallies Knicks in Game 7“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 17-avgust 2011-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  30. „'Big O' Completes Bucks' Championship Run“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  31. „Lakers' Legendary Season Leads to Elusive Title“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 19-noyabr 2010-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  32. „Knicks Win One for the 'Aged'“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 17-avgust 2011-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  33. „Celtics Win First Title of Post-Russell Era“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  34. „Barry's Warriors Produce Epic Upset“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  35. „Triple-OT Classic Highlights Boston's 13th Title“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  36. „Larry O'Brien Championship Trophy“. NBA.com. National Basketball Association. 25-mart 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 26-iyul 2008-yil.
  37. „The trophies“. St. Petersburg Times. Times Publishing Company (10-aprel 2003-yil). 25-mart 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 26-iyul 2008-yil.
  38. „Walton, Lucas Ignite 'Blazermania'“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  39. „'Fat Lady' Sings Victorious Tune for Bullets“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  40. „DJ Leads the Way for Sonics“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 23-iyun 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  41. „Rookie Makes the Lakers Believe in Magic“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  42. „Celtics Return to Glory“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  43. „Lakers' Arduous Season Ends in Victory“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  44. „Moses Helps Dr. J, Sixers Reach Promised Land“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  45. „Celtics Win First Bird-Magic Finals Showdown“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  46. „Kareem, Lakers Conquer the Celtic Mystique“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  47. „Frontcourt Vaults Celtics to Front of the Pack“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 23-iyun 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  48. „Magic Maneuvers Lakers Past Celtics“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 22-iyun 2011-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  49. „Lakers Capture the Elusive Repeat“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  50. „Waiting Game Ends for Impatient Pistons“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  51. „Bad Boys Still the Best“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  52. „Bulls Finally Get That Championship Feeling“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  53. „Repeat is Extra Sweet for Bulls“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  54. „Paxson's Trey Propels Bulls Into NBA History“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 29-yanvar 2013-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  55. „Houston's Championship: Dream Come True“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  56. „Rockets Earn Respect With Finals Sweep“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  57. „Bulls' Record-Setting Season Ends in Victory“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  58. „MJ Adds More Finals Heroics to His Legacy“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  59. „Jordan's Jumper Secures Chicago's Sixth Title“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  60. Donovan, John. „Let the semi-season begin: Expect injuries, intensity and a new champion in '99“. CNN Sports Illustrated (4-fevral 1999-yil). 22-iyun 2011-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 4-sentabr 2011-yil.
  61. „'Little General' Marches Spurs to First Title“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  62. „Shaq Makes Mark in New Millennium“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  63. „Take Two for Tinseltown“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  64. „A Sweeping Statement“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  65. „The Storybook Spurs!“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
  66. „Motown back at #1“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
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  68. „Wade's world is Title Town“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 21-fevral 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 17-may 2008-yil.
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  70. „Return to Glory: Celtics Win NBA Title“. NBA.com. Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. 1-yanvar 2011-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 3-iyun 2008-yil.
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  85. „2020 NBA Finals Heat vs. Lakers“. Basketball-Reference.com. 2020-yil 7-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 12-oktabr 2020-yil.
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