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Iroq Turkmanlari

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Iroq Turkmanlari turkiy xalq boʻlib, Iroqdagi uchinchi yirik etnik guruhdir.[1][2]

Usmonlilar hukmronligi davrida Iroqqa kelishgan.[3][4][5][6] Iroq turkmanlari turkiya turklari bilan yaqin aloqada boʻlib, Markaziy Osiyo turkmanlari bilan oʻzini tanishtirmaydi.[7][8][9][10][11]

Iroq turkmanlari janubiy ozarbayjon tilida gaplashadi. Iroq turkmanlari asosan musulmonlardir. Sunniy turkmanlar 60%, shia turkmanlari 40%.[12][13] Biroq, turkmanlar asosan dunyoviydir va dinni o'z hayotining asosiy ahamiyati sifatida qo'ymaydi.[13]

Iroq turkmanlarining kichik bir qismi katoliklar,[14] ularning soni 30 mingga yaqin deb taxmin qilinadi.[15]Turkman Injil Hamkorligi Yangi Ahdni Iroq turkman lahjasiga tarjima qildi va 2021 yilda uni 2000 nusxada bosib chiqardi va tarqatdi.[16]

  1. Sadik 2009, s. 13: "the Turkmen are Iraq's third-largest ethnic group after the Arabs and Kurds"
  2. Barker 2012, s. 23: "The Turkish-speaking Turkmen are the third-largest ethnic group in Iraq after the Arabs and the Kurds."
  3. Taylor 2004, s. 31: "The largest number of Turkmen immigrants followed the army of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent when he conquered all of Iraq in 1535. Throughout their reign, the Ottomans encouraged the settlement of immigrant Turkmen along the loosely formed boundary that divided Arab and Kurdish settlements in northern Iraq."
  4. Jawhar 2010, s. 314: "There's a strong conflict of opinions regarding the origins of Iraqi Turkmen, however, it is certain that they settled down during the Ottoman rule in the northwest of Mosul, whence they spread to eastern Baghdad. Once there, they became high ranked officers, experts, traders, and executives in residential agglomerations lined up along the vast, fertile plains, and mingled with Kurds, Assyrians, Arabs, and other confessions. With the creation of the new Iraqi state in 1921, Iraqi Turkmen managed to maintain their socioeconomic status."
  5. International Crisis Group 2008: "Turkomans are descendents of Ottoman Empire-era soldiers, traders and civil servants... The 1957 census, Iraq’s last reliable count before the overthrow of the monarchy in 1958, put the country’s population at 6,300,000 and the Turkoman population at 567,000, about 9 per cent...Subsequent censuses, in 1967, 1977, 1987 and 1997, are all considered highly problematic, due to suspicions of regime manipulation."
  6. Bainbridge, Margaret. Turkic Peoples Of The World. Routledge, 2013. ISBN 9781136153624. 
  7. Peyrouse, Sebastien. Turkmenistan: Strategies of Power, Dilemmas of Development. Routledge, 2015 — 62-bet. ISBN 978-0-230-11552-1. 
  8. Kushner 1987, s. 209.
  9. The New York Times.. „Who Are the Turkmens of Syria?“. 2017-yil 14-yanvarda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2017-yil 3-mart.
  10. Triana 2017, s. 168: "Turkmen, Iraqi citizens of Turkish origin, are the third largest ethnic group in Iraq after Arabs and Kurds and they are said to number about 3 million of Iraq's 34.7 million citizens according to the Iraqi Ministry of Planning."
  11. Bassem, Wassim „Iraq's Turkmens call for independent province“. Al-Monitor (2016). — „Iraqi Turkmens, who are citizens of Iraq with Turkish origins, have been calling for their own independent province in the Tal Afar district west of Mosul, located in the center of the Ninevah province...Turkmens are a mix of Sunnis and Shiites and are the third-largest ethnicity in Iraq after Arabs and Kurds, numbering around 3 million out of the total population of about 34.7 million, according to 2013 data from the Iraqi Ministry of Planning.“. 2021-yil 12-sentyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan.
  12. Jawhar 2010, ss. 313–328: "In short, Iraqi Turkmen are a unique ethnic group; they are predominantly Muslim and divided into two main sects: Shiites (40%) Sunnites (60%), and have strong cultural ties with Turkey"
  13. 13,0 13,1 Oğuzlu 2004, s. 313.
  14. www.fildisiajans.com.tr, Fildişi Ajans, Danışmanlık ve Yazılım „ORSAM-Center for Middle Eastern Studies“ (en). ORSAM-Center for Middle Eastern Studies. Qaraldi: 2023-yil 19-sentyabr.
  15. Hann, Geoff. Iraq: The ancient sites and Iraqi Kurdistan. Bradt Travel Guides, 2015. ISBN 9781841624884. „There are estimated to be some three million Turkmen in Iraq, but despite ... There are also about 30,000 Christian 'Catholic'Turks and some Jews living in Iraq...“ 
  16. „Home | Turkmen Bible Partnership“ (en). Turkmen Bible Partne. Qaraldi: 2023-yil 19-sentyabr.