George Peppard

Vikipediya, ochiq ensiklopediya
George Peppard
Tavalludi 1-oktyabr 1928-yil
Detroit, Michigan, A. Q. Sh.
Vafoti 8-may 1994-yil(1994-05-08)
(65 yoshda)
Los Angeles, Kaliforniya, A. Q. Sh.
Fuqaroligi AQSh
Kasbi Aktyor
Faoliyat yillari 1951–1994
Turmush oʻrtogʻi
  • Helen Davies
    (turm. 1954; divajr 1964)
  • Elizabeth Ashley
    (turm. 1966; ajr. 1972)
  • Sherry Boucher
    (turm. 1975; ajr. 1979)
  • Alexis Adams
    (turm. 1984; ajr. 1986)
  • Laura Taylor
    (turm. 1992)
Bolalari 3

George Peppard ( /pəˈpɑːrd/, 1928-yil 1-oktyabr — 1994-yil 8-may) — amerikalik aktyor. U 1961-yilda „Breakfast at Tiffany’s“ filmidagi kurashchan yozuvchi Paul Varjak roli va komando rahbari podpolkovnik rolini oʻynagani bilan yaxshi esda qolgan.

Yoshlik[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

George Peppard 1928-yil 1-oktyabrda Detroytda qurilish pudratchisi George Peppard Sr. va opera xonandasi va ovoz oʻqituvchisi Vernelle Rorerning oʻgʻli boʻlib tugʻilgan[1]. Uning onasi Georgedan oldin besh marta homilador boʻlgan. Oilasi Depressiyada barcha pullarini yoʻqotdi va otasi ish izlab ketayotganda George va onasini Detroytda qoldirishga majbur boʻldi[2]. U 1946-yilda Michigan shtatidagi Dirborn shahridagi Dirborn oʻrta maktabini tamomlagan[3].

Aktyorlik[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Peppard oʻzining sahnadagi debyutini 1949-yilda Pitsburg oʻyingohida qilgan. Nyu-York shahriga koʻchib oʻtgandan soʻng, Peppard aktyorlar studiyasiga oʻqishga kirdi va u yerda Lee Strasberg bilan usulni oʻrgandi. U shu vaqt ichida pul to‘lash uchun disk-jokey bo‘lib ishlagan, radiostansiya muhandisi, qilichbozlikdan dars bergan, taksi haydagan va mototsikl taʼmirlash ustaxonasida mexanik bo‘lgan[4].

Peppard Nyu-Angliyadagi yozgi fondda ishlagan va ikki mavsum davomida Oregon shtatining Ashland shahridagi ochiq havoda Shakespeare festivalida qatnashgan.

Shaxsiy hayot[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Peppard besh marta uylangan va uch farzandning otasi boʻlgan.

1990-yilda u shunday degan edi: „Uylanish va yomon ajralish xuddi oyogʻingni sindirish bilan barobar. Xuddi shu oyoq, bir joyda. Men tayoq bilan yurmaganimdan baxtiyorman“[5].

Filmografiya[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Yil Sarlavha Rol Izohlar
1956 The United States Steel Hour Piney Woods TV: Bang the Drum Slowly
1956-1957 Kraft Television Theatre TV: The Long Flight
1957 The Kaiser Aluminum Hour Lynch TV: A Real Fine Cutting Edge
1957 Studio One TV: A Walk in the Forest
1957 The Alcoa Hour Eddie Pierce TV: The Big Build-Up
1957 The Strange One Cadet Robert Marquales Film debyut
1957 Alfred Hitchcock Presents Evan Wallace TV: The Diplomatic Corpse
1957-1958 Matinee Theatre TV: End of the Rope, 1-qism
1958 Suspicion Lee TV: The Eye of Truth
1958 Hallmark Hall of Fame Dennis Walsh TV: Little Moon of Alban
1959 Pork Chop Hill Cpl. Chuck Fedderson
1960 Home from the Hill Raphael „Rafe“ Copley
1960 Startime Pat Lawrence TV: Incident at a Corner
1960 The Subterraneans Leo Percepied
1961 Breakfast at Tiffany’s Paul Varjak
1962 How the West Was Won Zeb Rawlings
1963 The Victors Cpl. Frank Chase
1964 The Carpetbaggers Jonas Cord
1964 Theatre of Stars Buddy Wren TV: The Game with Glass Pieces
1965 Operation Crossbow Lt. John Curtis
1965 The Third Day Steve Mallory
1966 The Blue Max Lt. Bruno Stachel
1967 Tobruk Capt. Kurt Bergman
1967 Rough Night in Jericho Dolan
1968 P. J. P. J. Detweiler
1968 Whatʼs So Bad About Feeling Good? Pete
1968 House of Cards Reno Davis
1969 Pendulum Capt. Frank Matthews
1970 The Executioner John Shay
1970 Cannon for Cordoba Capt. Red Douglas
1971 One More Train to Rob Harker Fleet
1972 The Bravos Major John David Harkness TV film
1972 The Groundstar Conspiracy Tuxan
1972-1974 Banacek Thomas Banacek TV seriya
1974 Newmanʼs Law Vince Newman
1975 The Week of Fear Dr. Jake Goodwin TV film
1975 Guilty or Innocent: The Sam Sheppard Murder Case Dr. Samuel Sheppard TV film
1975-1976 Doctors' Hospital Dr. Jake Goodwin
1977 Damnation Alley Maj. Eugene Denton
1979 Five Days from Home T. M. Pryor rejissyor
1979 Crisis in Mid-Air Nick Culver TV film
1979 From Hell to Victory Brett Rosson
1979 Torn Between Two Lovers Paul Rasmussen TV film
1979 An Almost Perfect Affair Oʻzi
1980 Battle Beyond the Stars Cowboy
1981 Your Ticket Is No Longer Valid Jim Daley
1981 Race for the Yankee Zephyr Theo Brown
1982 Twilight Theatre TV film
1982 Jugando con la muerte [fr] McFadden
1983-1987 The A-Team Col. John „Hannibal“ Smith
1984 Tales of the Unexpected Sgt. Guedo
1988 Man Against the Mob Frank Doakey TV film
1989 Zwei Frauen Janob Martin
1989 Man Against the Mob: The Chinatown Murders Frank Doakey TV film
1990 Night of the Fox Col. Harry Martineau/Max Vogel TV film
1992 The Tigress Sid Slaughter TV film
1994 Matlock Max Morgan yakuniy chiqish

Manbalar[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

  1. Collins, Glenn. „George Peppard Dies; Stage and Screen Actor, 65“. The New York Times (1994-yil 10-may). Qaraldi: 2010-yil 23-avgust.
  2. Ashley p 76-77
  3. Newspapers. „‘A-Team’ movie has Dearborn tie“ (en). Press and Guide (2010-yil 8-iyun). Qaraldi: 2021-yil 5-aprel. [sayt ishlamaydi]
  4. Tinee, Mae. „Meeting a 'New' George Peppard“. Chicago Tribune (1963-yil 17-mart), s. E14.
  5. GEORGE PEPPARD: Ready, Set, Action Character: [Orange County Edition] Cerone, Daniel. Los Angeles Times November 25, 1990: 86.