Kontent qismiga oʻtish

Erica Carlson

Vikipediya, ochiq ensiklopediya

  Erica W. Carlson is an American physicist specializing in superconductors, liquid crystals, and strongly correlated materials. She is 150th Anniversary Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Purdue University.[1] As well as for her research, she is known for her work in physics education for quantum physics,[2] and for her introduction of innovative technologies including podcasts and wikis into her physics teaching.[3][4]

  Erica W. Carlson is an American physicist specializing in superconductors, liquid crystals, and strongly correlated materials. She is 150th Anniversary Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Purdue University.[1] As well as for her research, she is known for her work in physics education for quantum physics,[2] and for her introduction of innovative technologies including podcasts and wikis into her physics teaching.[3][4]

Ta'lim va martaba[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Karlson 1994-yil bitiruvchisi Kaliforniya texnologiya instituti. U Los-Anjelesdagi Kaliforniya universitetiga aspiranturada o'qish uchun bordi va 1995- yilda magistr darajasini oldi va 2000- yilda doktorlik dissertatsiyasini tugatdi.[1][5]

Boston universitetida doktorlikdan keyingi tadqiqotlardan so'ng u 2003- yilda Purdue fakultetiga qo'shildi.[1][5]

Tan olish[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Karlson a'zosi deb nomlangan Amerika jismoniy jamiyati (APS) 2015-yilda, dan nominatsiyadan keyin quyultirilgan moddalar fizikasining APS bo'limi, "elektronlarning muhim roli haqidagi nazariy tushunchalar uchun nemat, tartibsizlik va shovqin kuchli o'zaro bog'liq elektron tizimlarning yangi bosqichlarida va noyob xususiyatlarni bashorat qilishda".[6] Purdue universiteti 150 yilligi Professor uni nomidagi 2018.[7]

Shaxsiy hayoti[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Karlson nasroniy bo'lib, diniy e'tiqodini ilm-fan bilan birlashtirish haqida omma oldida gapirdi.[8][9]

Ma'lumotnomalar[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 „Erica Carlson“, People, Purdue Physics, qaraldi: 2022-03-07
  2. 2,0 2,1 „U.S. Department of Defense Awards $2.8M to Purdue University Scientists for Quantum Education Program“, Inside Quantum Technology, October 21, 2021, qaraldi: 2022-03-07
  3. 3,0 3,1 Cohen, Jodi S. (October 20, 2005), „Missed class? Try a podcast: Digital recordings of lectures allow college students with MP3 players to catch lessons or just catch up wherever and whenever they want“, Chicago Tribune
  4. 4,0 4,1 „Where there's a wiki, there's a way“, Insights, Purdue College of Science, Fall–Winter 2007, 2009-03-02da asl nusxadan arxivlandi, qaraldi: 2022-08-04 {{citation}}: More than one of |archivedate= va |archive-date= specified (yordam); More than one of |archiveurl= va |archive-url= specified (yordam)
  5. 5,0 5,1 Curriculum vitae (PDF), qaraldi: 2022-03-07
  6. „Fellows nominated in 2015 by the Division of Condensed Matter Physics“, APS Fellows archive, American Physical Society, qaraldi: 2022-03-07
  7. „Erica Carlson named 150th Anniversary Professor“, Purdue Today, Purdue University, February 7, 2018, qaraldi: 2022-03-07
  8. Winn, Grace (September 16, 2016), „Physics professor reconciles faith with science“, Purdue Exponent, qaraldi: 2022-03-07
  9. „Erica Carlson“, 12 Christian Women in Science, Christianity Today, March 2020, qaraldi: 2022-03-07

Havolalar[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]