Kontent qismiga oʻtish

Die Stem van Suid-Afrika

Vikipediya, ochiq ensiklopediya
Janubiy Afrikaning sobiq milliy madhiyasi
Soʻz muallif(lar)i Cornelis Jacobus Langenhoven
Bastakor Marthinus Lourens de Villiers, 1921
Qabul qilindi 1938-yil 3-iyun
Bekor qilindi 1994-yil 10-may
Die Stem van Suid-Afrika

Die Stem van Suid-Afrika (Afrikaans: [di ˈstɛm fan sœit ˈɑːfrika], lit. '"Janubiy Afrika Ovozi"'), shuningdek, „Janubiy Afrika qoʻngʻirogʻi“ nomi bilan tanilgan Janubiy Afrikaning sobiq milliy madhiyasi. Qoʻshiqning ikkita versiyasi mavjud, biri ingliz va ikkinchisi afrikaans tilida. Janubiy Afrika Ittifoqida „Xudo qirolni asrasin“ madhiyasi bilan birgalikda ishlatilgan. 1957-yildan 1994-yilgacha yagona davlat madhiyasi va 1938-yildan 1957-yilgacha „Xudo qirolni asrasin“ bilan birgalikda milliy madhiya maqomiga ega edi. 1990-yillarning boshlarida aparteid tugaganidan soʻng, 1994-yildan 1997-yilgacha „Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika“ bilan birgalikda milliy madhiya boʻlib qoldi, oʻshanda ikkala qoʻshiqning elementlarini oʻz ichiga olgan yangi gibrid qoʻshiq mamlakatning milliy madhiyasiga aylandi[1][2].

1918-yil may oyida C.J.Langenhoven „Die Stem“ deb nomlangan afrikaans sheʼrini yozdi. Qabul qilingan musiqa aslida ikkinchi versiya edi, birinchisi C.J.Langenhoven tomonidan qabul qilinmagan. Madhiya 1920-yillarda Janubiy Afrika radioeshittirish korporatsiyasi tomonidan keng qoʻllangan va uni kundalik eshittirishlar oxirida „Xudo qirolni asrasin“ bilan birga ijro etgan. Madhiya birinchi marta 1926-yilda birinchi va uchinchi misralarini Angliyada Zonophone yozuvlar yorligʻi uchun Betty Steyn tomonidan ijro etilganda yozilgan. Shuningdek, birinchi marta 1928-yil 31-mayda omma oldida kuylangan. 1938-yilda Janubiy Afrika uni „Xudo qirolni asrasin“ bilan birga mamlakatning ikkita milliy madhiyalaridan biri deb eʼlon qildi.

ASAF xori tomonidan ijro etilayotgan „Die Stem van Suid-Afrika“ning 1938-yildagi yozuvi, birinchi va oxirgi misralari.

Aparteid tugashi va 1990-yillarda yangi milliy madhiya qabul qilinganidan beri „Die Stem“ maqomi zamonaviy Janubiy Afrikada birmuncha bahsli boʻlib qoldi[3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11].

Die Stem van Suid-Afrika/The Call of South Africa
"Die Stem van Suid-Afrika"[12] "Janubiy Afrikaning chaqiruvi" "Die Stem van Suid-Afrikaning so'zma-so'z tarjimasi"
Birinchi band

Uit die blou van onse hemel,
Uit die diepte van ons see,
Oor ons ewige gebergtes
Waar die kranse antwoord gee.
Deur ons vêr-verlate vlaktes
Met die kreun van ossewa –
Ruis die stem van ons geliefde,
Van ons land Suid-Afrika.
Ons sal antwoord op jou roepstem,
Ons sal offer wat jy vra:
Ons sal lewe, ons sal sterwe –
Ons vir jou, Suid-Afrika.

Ringing out from our blue heavens,
From our deep seas breaking round;
Over everlasting mountains,
Where the echoing crags resound;
From our plains where creaking wagons
Cut their trails into the earth,
Calls the spirit of our country,
Of the land that gave us birth.
At thy call we shall not falter,
Firm and steadfast we shall stand,
At thy will to live or perish,
O South Africa, dear land.

Out the blue of our heaven,
Out the depths of our sea,
Over our eternal mountain ranges
Where the cliffs give an echo.
Through our far-deserted plains
With the groan of ox-wagon –
Rises the voice of our beloved,
Of our country South Africa.
We will answer to your calling,
We will offer what you ask:
We will live, we will die –
We for Thee, South Africa.

Ikkinchi band

In die murg van ons gebeente,
In ons hart en siel en gees,
In ons roem op ons verlede,
In ons hoop op wat sal wees.
In ons wil en werk en wandel,
Van ons wieg tot aan ons graf –
Deel geen ander land ons liefde,
Trek geen ander trou ons af.
Vaderland! Ons sal die adel,
Van jou naam met ere dra:
Waar en trou as Afrikaners –
Kinders van Suid-Afrika.

In our body and our spirit,
In our inmost heart held fast;
In the promise of our future,
And the glory of our past;
In our will, our work, our striving,
From the cradle to the grave –
There's no land that shares our loving,
And no bond that can enslave.
Thou hast borne us and we know thee,
May our deeds to all proclaim
Our enduring love and service
To thy honour and thy name.

In the marrow of our bones,
In our heart and soul and spirit,
In the glory of our past,
In our hope of what will be.
In our will and work and wander,
From our crib to our grave –
Share no other land our love,
No other loyalty can sway us.
Fatherland! We will bear the nobility,
Of your name with honour:
Dedicated and true as Afrikaners –
Children of South Africa.

Uchinchi band

In die songloed van ons somer,
In ons winternag se kou,
In die lente van ons liefde,
In die lanfer van ons rou.
By die klink van huw'liks-klokkies,
By die kluit-klap op die kis –
Streel jou stem ons nooit verniet nie,
Weet jy waar jou kinders is.
Op jou roep sê ons nooit nee nie,
Sê ons altyd, altyd ja:
Om te lewe, om te sterwe –
Ja, ons kom, Suid-Afrika.

In the golden warmth of summer,
In the chill of winter's air,
In the surging life of springtime,
In the autumn of despair;
When the wedding bells are chiming
Or when those we love do depart,
Thou dost know us for thy children
And dost take us to thy heart
Loudly peals the answering chorus:
We are thine, and we shall stand,
Be it life or death, to answer
To thy call, beloved land.

In the sunglow of our summer,
In our winter night's cold,
In the spring of our love,
In the autumn of our sorrow.
At the sound of wedding bells,
At the stonefall on the coffin –
Soothes your voice us never in vain,
You know where your children are.
At your call we never say no,
We always, always say yes:
To live, to die –
Yes, we come, South Africa.

To'rtinchi band

Op U Almag vas vertrouend
Het ons vadere gebou:
Skenk ook ons die krag, o Here!
Om te handhaaf en te hou –
Dat die erwe van ons vad're
Vir ons kinders erwe bly:
Knegte van die Allerhoogste,
Teen die hele wêreld vry.
Soos ons vadere vertrou het,
Leer ook ons vertrou, o Heer –
Met ons land en met ons nasie
Sal dit wel wees, God regeer.

In thy power, Almighty, trusting,
Did our fathers build of old;
Strengthen then, O Lord, their children
To defend, to love, to hold –
That the heritage they gave us
For our children yet may be:
Bondsmen only to the Highest
And before the whole world free.
As our fathers trusted humbly,
Teach us, Lord to trust Thee still:
Guard our land and guide our people
In Thy way to do Thy will.

On your almight steadfast entrusted
Had our fathers built:
Give to us also the strength, o Lord!
To sustain and to preserve –
That the heritage of our fathers
For our children heritage remain:
Servants of the almighty,
Against the whole world free.
As our fathers trusted,
Teach us also to trust, o Lord –
With our land and with our nation
It will be well, God reigns.

  1. „Die Stem Period of Use“. everything2.com (2001-yil 5-avgust). Qaraldi: 2018-yil 30-may.
  2. „Dual Status“. david.national-anthems.net. 2007-yil 15-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2007-yil 21-oktyabr.
  3. „'Apologise' for Die Stem“. Sport24. „The manager of the London Cup hockey tournament must apologise for playing apartheid anthem "Die Stem" before South Africa's clash with Great Britain, SA Hockey Association chief executive Marissa Langeni said on Wednesday.“.
  4. „Old Boys Ban for Die Stem“. Cape Times (2018-yil 23-may). 2018-yil 19-sentyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2018-yil 1-noyabr.
  5. „Why I Choose to Sing Die Stem“. The Sunday Independent (2015-yil 4-oktyabr). 2018-yil 19-sentyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2018-yil 1-noyabr.
  6. „'Natoo' Says No to Die Stem.(News)“. Post (2009-yil 25-fevral). 2018-yil 19-sentyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2018-yil 1-noyabr.
  7. Ganesh, Narendh. „Die Stem Controversy“. Post (2014-yil 23-iyul).
  8. Haden, Alexis. „Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika Named Best National Anthem in the World“. The South African (2017-yil 27-dekabr).
  9. „Hofmeyr Sings Die Stem at Innibos“. IOL. South African Press Association (2014-yil 8-iyul). Qaraldi: 2014-yil 22-dekabr.
  10. Dawjee, Haji Mohamed. „Steve Hofmeyr, 'Die Stem' and Living in the Past“. Mail & Guardian (2014-yil 16-iyul).
  11. Kubheka, Thando. „Steve Hofmeyr, Sunette Bridges Defend Paul Kruger Statue“. Eyewitness News (2015-yil 8-aprel). Qaraldi: 2015-yil 14-aprel.
  12. „Die Stem van Suid-Afrika / The Call of South Africa“. flatinternational.