Kontent qismiga oʻtish

Andoza:Iloh bilgiqutisi/doc

Vikipediya, erkin ensiklopediya
Member of {{{member_of}}}
Boshqa nomlari {{{other_names}}}
Nomi iyerogliflarda {{{hiro}}}
Nomi qadimgi skandinaviya tilida {{{Old_Norse}}}
{{{script_name}}} {{{script}}}
Venerated in {{{venerated_in}}}
Affiliation {{{affiliation}}}
Asosiy ibodat {{{cult_center}}}
Oʻtmishdoshi {{{predecessor}}}
Vorisi {{{successor}}}
Yashash joy(lar)i {{{abode}}}
Sayyora {{{planet}}}
Mantra {{{mantra}}}
Qurol {{{weapon}}}
Armiya {{{army}}}
Janglar {{{battles}}}
Artifacts {{{artifacts}}}
Jonivorlar {{{animals}}}
Ramz(lar)i {{{symbol}}}
Tarafdor(lar)i {{{adherents}}}
Boʻyi {{{height}}}
Yoshi {{{age}}}
Daraxt {{{tree}}}
Day {{{day}}}
Soni {{{number}}}
Mount {{{mount}}}
Texts {{{texts}}}
Jinsi {{{gender}}}
Dini {{{region}}}
Etnik guruh {{{ethnic_group}}}
Festivallar {{{festivals}}}
Shaxsiy maʼlumotlar
Ota-onasi {{{parents}}}
Aka-uka/opa-singillari {{{siblings}}}
Consort {{{consort}}}
Avlodi {{{offspring}}}
Yunoncha ekvivalenti {{{Greek_equivalent}}}
Rimcha ekvivalenti {{{Roman_equivalent}}}
Etruscan ekvivalenti {{{Etruscan_equivalent}}}
Christian ekvivalenti {{{Christian_equivalent}}}
Slavic ekvivalenti {{{Slavic_equivalent}}}
Hinduism ekvivalenti {{{Hinduism_equivalent}}}
Canaanite ekvivalenti {{{Canaanite_equivalent}}}
{{{equivalent1_type}}} ekvivalenti {{{equivalent1}}}
{{{equivalent2_type}}} ekvivalenti {{{equivalent2}}}
{{Infobox deity
| type         = 
| name         = 
| deity_of     = <!-- or god_of / Alusi_of -->
| member_of    = 
| image        = 
| alt          = <!-- for alternate text of the title image per [[WP:ALT]] -->
| caption      = 
| other_names  = 
| hiro         = 
| avatar_birth = 
| avatar_end   =
| Old_Norse    = 
| script_name  = 
| script       = 
| affiliation  = <!-- or | associate = -->
| cult_center  = <!-- or | cult_centre = -->
| abode        = <!-- or | abodes = -->
| planet       = <!-- or | world = -->
| mantra       = 
| mantra benefits =
| weapon       = <!-- or | weapons = -->
| battles      = 
| artifacts    = <!-- or | artefacts = -->
| animals      = 
| symbol       = <!-- or | symbols = -->
| adherents    =
| height       = 
| age          = 
| tree         =
| day          = 
| color        = <!-- or | colour = -->
| number       = 
| consort      = <!-- or | consorts = -->
| parents      = 
| siblings     = 
| offspring    = <!-- or | children = -->
| predecessor  =
| successor    =
| army         =
| mount        = 
| texts        = 
| gender       =
| Greek_equivalent            = 
| Roman_equivalent            = 
| Etruscan_equivalent         = 
| Christian_equivalent        = 
| Islamic_equivalent          = 
| Slavic_equivalent           = 
| Hinduism_equivalent         = 
| Canaanite_equivalent        =
| Maya_equivalent        =
| Aztec_equivalent        =
| equivalent1_type = 
| equivalent1 =
| equivalent2_type = 
| equivalent2 =
| region       = 
| ethnic_group = 
| festivals    = 
| nirvana      =