Kontent qismiga oʻtish


Vikipediya, ochiq ensiklopediya

This template creates a list of goalscorers for association football or any other sports competitions. Assists are also supported.

  • goals: Musobaqada urilgan gollar soni
  • matches: Musobaqada oʻtkazilgan oʻyinlar soni
  • ongoing: Har qanday qiymat soʻzni hozirgi zamonga oʻzgartiradi (raqobat tugagandan soʻng olib tashlang)
  • bold: Har qanday qiymat faol oʻyinchilarning qalin harflar bilan yozilganligi haqida eslatma qoʻshadi (musobaqa tugagandan soʻng olib tashlang)
  • updated: Oxirgi yangilanish sanasini koʻrsatishga imkon beradi
  • goalscorers: Noyob gol mualliflari soni (avtogollarni hisobga olmaganda)
    • own goals: Avtogollar soni
  • 20 goals, 19 goals, … 2 goals, 1 goal, 1 own goal, 2 own goals, … 5 own goals: parameters for listing the goalscorers
  • assists: Shablonni yordamchilarga almashtiradi.
    • 20 assists, 19 assists, … 2 assists, 1 assist: parameters for listing the assists
    • When enabled, the following parameters are ignored: goals, matches, own goals, ongoing
  • lc: Makes the first letter of the introductory sentence lower case. Allows a qualifying phrase before the goals scored and average per game statement.
  • further: Allows additional text to be added to the introductory paragraph. Can be used to add a golden boot winner.
  • sep: |further= tomonidan qoʻshilgan matn oldidan tinish belgilari qoʻllaniladi (standart toʻliq toʻxtash).
  • extra: Matnni yangi paragrafga qoʻshish imkonini beradi.
  • source Amanbani altbilgi sifatida kiritish imkonini beradi.

Goalscorers should be separated by line and should be preceded by * (asterisk), along with a flag. One of the following football flag icon templates should be used:

Gol mualliflari avval terma jamoasining alifbo tartibida, keyin esa familiyasi boʻyicha saralanishi kerak. Avtogol mualliflari ortidan „(Rqaribga qarshi)“ yozuvi qoʻyilishi kerak, bunda „RAQUB“ ular gol urgan jamoadir. Raqibni bogʻlamaslik kerak, shuningdek matnni kichikroq hajmga oʻzgartirmaslik kerak.

An example of correct usage:

|goals=19 |matches=4

|4 goals=
*{{fbicon|FRG}} [[Dieter Müller]]

|2 goals=
* {{fbicon|NED}} [[Ruud Geels]]
* {{fbicon|YUG}} [[Dragan Džajić]]

|1 goal=
* {{fbicon|TCH}} [[Karol Dobiaš]]
* {{fbicon|TCH}} [[Zdeněk Nehoda]]
* {{fbicon|TCH}} [[Anton Ondruš]]
* {{fbicon|TCH}} [[Ján Švehlík]]
* {{fbicon|TCH}} [[František Veselý]]
* {{fbicon|NED}} [[Willy van de Kerkhof]]
* {{fbicon|FRG}} [[Heinz Flohe]]
* {{fbicon|FRG}} [[Bernd Hölzenbein]]
* {{fbicon|YUG}} [[Josip Katalinski]]
* {{fbicon|YUG}} [[Danilo Popivoda]]

|1 own goal=
* {{fbicon|TCH}} [[Anton Ondruš]] (against Netherlands)

This code produces the following (shown inside a green border):

There were 19 goals scored in 4 matches, for an average of 4.75 goals per match.

4 goals

2 goals

1 goal

1 own goal

Source: UEFA