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Peru davlat madhiyasi

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 Peru davlat madhiyasi
Soʻz muallif(lar)i José de la Torre Ugarte, 1821
Bastakor José Bernardo Alcedo
Qabul qilindi 1821
Peru davlat madhiyasi

Himno Nacional del Perú“ („Peru milliy madhiyasi“; „Marcha Nacional del Perú“ yoki „Peru milliy marshi“ nomi bilan ham tanilgan; „Somos libres“ yoki „Biz ozodmiz!“) — Peru davlat madhiyasi hisoblanadi. Uni José Bernardo Alcedo bastalagan, soʻzlari esa 1821-yilda José de la Torre Ugarte tomonidan yozilgan.

Peru oʻz mustaqilligini eʼlon qilgandan soʻng, general José de San Martín 1821-yil 7-avgustda milliy madhiyani tanlash uchun ommaviy tanlovni boshladi. Tanlovda professor-oʻqituvchilar, bastakorlar va ixlosmandlar oʻzlarining imzolangan asarlarini 18-sentabrgacha, yaʼni tayinlangan komissiya qaysi biri „Milliy marsh“ sifatida qabul qilinishini hal qiladigan kungacha Davlat vazirligiga yuborishga chaqirdi.

Ispan tilida[1][2] Inglizcha tarjima

¡Somos libres!
¡seámoslo siempre, seámoslo siempre!
y antes niegue sus luces
sus luces, ¡sus luces el Sol!
Que faltemos al voto solemne
que la patria al Eterno elevó,
𝄆 Que faltemos al voto solemne
que la patria al Eterno elevó. 𝄇

En su cima los Andes sostengan
la bandera o pendón bicolor,
que a los siglos anuncie el esfuerzo
que ser libres, que ser libres
que ser libres por siempre nos dio.
A su sombra vivamos tranquilos,
y al nacer por sus cumbres el Sol,
renovemos el gran juramento
que rendimos, que rendimos,
𝄆 que rendimos al Dios de Jacob, 𝄇
al Dios de Jacob…

We are free!
May we always be so, may we always be so!
And may the Sun renounce its light,
its light, its light,
Before we break the solemn vow
that the Fatherland lifted up to the Eternal,
𝄆 Before we break the solemn vow
that the Fatherland lifted up to the Eternal. 𝄇

On its summits may the Andes sustain
the two-color flag or standard,
may it announce to the centuries the effort
that being free, that being free,
that being free gave us forever.
Under its shadow may we live calmly
and, at birth of the sun in its summits,
may we all renew the great oath
that we rendered, that we rendered,
𝄆 that we rendered to the God of Jacob, 𝄇
the God of Jacob…

  1. „Himno Nacional del Perú“. Municipalidad Distrital de Acora. 2022-yil 30-iyulda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2022-yil 14-avgust.
  2. Peru. Anuario de la legislacion peruana (es). Taller de linotipia, 1912 — 123-bet.