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Germaniya Demokratik Respublikasi madhiyasi

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Germaniya Demokratik Respublikasi madhiyasi
Soʻz muallif(lar)i Johannes Becher
Bastakor Hanns Eisler
Qabul qilindi 1949-yil 14-noyabr
Bekor qilindi 1990-yil 3-oktyabr

Auferstanden aus Ruinen (inglizcha: „Risen from Ruins“, literal: 'Resurrected out of Ruins') nemis vatanparvarlik qoʻshigʻi boʻlib, 1949-yildan 1990-yilgacha Sharqiy Germaniyaning davlat madhiyasi boʻlgan.

1949-yilda Ittifoqchilar tomonidan bosib olingan Germaniyaning Sovet istilo zonasi „Germaniya Demokratik Respublikasi“ (GDR) nomi ostida sotsialistik davlatga aylandi. Yangi paydo boʻlgan davlatning milliy madhiyasi uchun soʻzlarni keyinchalik Sharqiy Germaniya madaniyat vaziri boʻlgan shoir Johannes Becher yozgan. Ikki musiqachi Ottmar Gerster va Hanns Eisler Becherning soʻzlariga musiqa taklif qilishdi va Hanns Eisler versiyasi tanlab olindi[1].

1949-yilda yozilgan Sharqiy Germaniya milliy madhiyasi nemislarning boʻlinishini dastlabki bosqichlarini aks ettiradi, bunda ishgʻol zonalarini birlashtirish yoʻlidagi davom etayotgan taraqqiyot koʻpchilik nemislar tomonidan oʻrinli va tabiiy deb hisoblangan. Binobarin, Johannes Becher lirikasi „birlik“ning bir qancha maʼnolarini uygʻunlashtiradi va ularni „ota yurt“ (einig Vaterland) yaʼni butun Germaniya bilan birlashtiradi. Biroq, bu konsepsiya tez orada rivojlana boshlagan Sovuq urush kontekstiga toʻgʻri kelmadi. Ayniqsa, 1961-yilda Sharqiy Germaniya hukumati tomonidan Berlin devori qurilganidan keyin, umumiy maqsadda boʻlinish yuz berdi.

1973-yil sentyabr oyida Sharqiy va Gʻarbiy Germaniya bir vaqtning oʻzida Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkilotiga qabul qilindi, ikki hukumat oʻrtasidagi muzokaralar natijasida bir-birini tan olish darajasiga erishildi. Keyinchalik Sharqiy Germaniya konstitutsiyasidan Germaniya atamasi olib tashlandi va rasmiy marosimlarda faqat davlat madhiyasi kuylandi[2].

„Auferstanden aus Ruinen“ Germaniya Demokratik Respublikasi tarqatib yuborilgach milliy madhiya maqomini yoʻqotdi. 1841-yilda yaratilgan „Deutschlandlied“ birlashgan davlat madhiyasiga aylandi[3].

Nemis tilida Inglizcha tarjima Poetik tarjima

1. Auferstanden aus Ruinen
und der Zukunft zugewandt,
laßt uns Dir zum Guten dienen,
Deutschland, einig Vaterland.
Alte Not gilt es zu zwingen,
und wir zwingen sie vereint,
denn es muß uns doch gelingen,
daß die Sonne schön wie nie
über Deutschland scheint,
über Deutschland scheint.

2. Glück und Friede sei beschieden
Deutschland, unserm Vaterland.
Alle Welt sehnt sich nach Frieden,
reicht den Völkern eure Hand.
Wenn wir brüderlich uns einen,
schlagen wir des Volkes Feind!
Laßt das Licht des Friedens scheinen,
daß nie eine Mutter mehr
ihren Sohn beweint, ihren Sohn beweint

3. Laßt uns pflügen, laßt uns bauen,
lernt und schafft wie nie zuvor,
und der eignen Kraft vertrauend,
steigt ein frei Geschlecht empor.
Deutsche Jugend, bestes Streben,
unsres Volks in dir vereint,
wirst du Deutschlands neues Leben.
Und die Sonne schön wie nie
über Deutschland scheint,
über Deutschland scheint.

1. Risen from the ruins
and turned toward the future,
Let us serve you for the common good,
Germany, united Fatherland.
Our task is to overcome old distress,
and we shall overcome it together,
and we shall surely succeed,
so that the sun, more beautifully than ever before,
shines over Germany, shines over Germany.

2. May happiness and peace be granted
to Germany, our Fatherland.
The whole world longs for peace,
extend your hand to all peoples.
If we unite fraternally,
we will defeat the enemy of the People.
Let the light of peace shine,
so that a mother never again
mourns her son, mourns her son.

3. Let us plough, let us build,
learn and achieve as never before,
That, trusting in our own strength,
a free generation shall arise.
German youth, the best striving
of our people united in you,
Will revivitalize Germany
And the sun, more beautifully than ever before
shines over Germany, shines over Germany.

1. From the ruins risen newly,
To the future turned, we stand.
Let us serve your good weal truly,
Germany, our fatherland.
Triumph over bygone sorrow,
Can unity be won?
For we shall attain a morrow,
When over our Germany,
there is the shining sun, there is the shining sun!

2. May both peace and joy inspire,
Germany, our fatherland.
Peace is all the world’s desire,
To the peoples lend your hand.
In fraternity united,
We shall crush the peopleʼs foe.
Let all paths by peace be lighted,
That no mother shall again
mourn her son in woe, mourn her son in woe!

3. Let us plow and build our nation,
Learn and work as never yet,
That a free new generation,
Faith in its own strength begets!
German youth, for whom the striving
Of our people is at one,
You are Germany’s reviving,
And over our Germany,
There is the shining sun, there is the shining sun!

  1. „East Germany (GDR) – Auferstanden aus Ruinen“. NationalAnthems.me. Qaraldi: 2011-yil 2-noyabr.
  2. Hymne der DDR at LeMO (Wayback Machine saytida 5 July 2009 sanasida arxivlangan)
  3. „Neuer Vorschlag: "Auferstanden aus Ruinen" in Nationalhymne?“. Rheinische Post (2010-yil 21-avgust). 2019-yil 27-aprelda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2021-yil 3-fevral.