Kontent qismiga oʻtish

Evelyn Brent

Vikipediya, ochiq ensiklopediya
Evelyn Brent
Mary Elizabeth Riggs

20-oktyabr 1895-yil
Tampa, Florida, A. Q. Sh.
Vafoti 4-iyun 1975-yil(1975-06-04)
(79 yoshda)
Los Angeles, Kaliforniya, A. Q. Sh.
Fuqaroligi AQSh
Kasbi Aktrisa
Faoliyat yillari 1915-1960
Turmush oʻrtogʻi
B. P. Fineman
(turm. 1922; ajr. 1927)

Harry D. Edwards
(turm. 1928; ajr. 1947)

Harry Fox
(turm. 1948; his death 1959)

Evelyn Brent (talaffuzi: „Evelin Brent“, 20-oktyabr 1895-yil[1][2][3] — 1975-yil 4-iyun[4]) — amerikalik kino va sahna aktrisasi.

Brent Florida shtatining Tampa shahrida tugʻilgan va Betty nomi bilan tanilgan. U 10 yoshga toʻlganda, onasi Eleanora vafot etdi va otasi Arthur uni yolgʻiz tarbiyalash uchun qoldi.

U Nyu-Jersi kinostudiyasida oʻz nomi bilan ishlagan kino karerasini boshlagan, soʻngra 1915-yilda Robert V. „The Shooting of Dan McGrew" nomli ovozsiz film ishlab chiqarishda oʻzining asosiy debyutini qilgan.

Evelyn Brent sifatida kinoda ishlashni davom ettirdi va qizgʻin koʻrinishga ega yosh ayolga aylandi. Birinchi jahon urushidan keyin u taʼtil uchun Londonga joʻnadi va amerikalik dramaturg Oliver Cromwel bilan uchrashdi. Uni „The Ruined Lady" filmidagi muhim rolni qabul qilishga undadi. Asar London sahnasida namoyish etildi. U toʻrt yil davomida Angliyada qoldi, sahnada va ingliz kompaniyalari tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan filmlarda oʻynadi, keyin 1922-yilda Hollywoodga koʻchib oʻtdi.

1920-yillarning oʻrtalarida Filmni bron qilish idoralari tomonidan chiqarilgan reklama tasviri, keyinchalik RKO tomonidan sotib olingan

Brent yigirmadan ortiq ovozsiz filmlar suratga tushdi, shu jumladan uchta rejissyor Jozeph von Sternberg uchun. Ulardan biri William Powell ishtirokidagi „The Last Command" (1928) epik urush dramasi bo‘lib, Emil Jannings „Eng yaxshi aktyor“ nominatsiyasida birinchi marta Akademiya mukofotini qo‘lga kiritgan. Brent filmda bosh ayol rolini oʻynadi.

Shaxsiy hayot va oʻlim

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Evelyn Brent uch marta turmushga chiqdi: film ijrochisi Bernard P. Finemanga, prodyuser Harry D. Edwardsga va vodevil aktyori Harry Foxga. Ular 1959-yilda vafot etguniga qadar nikohda boʻlishdi[5].

Brent 1975-yilda[6] 79 yoshida Los-Anjelesdagi uyida yurak xurujidan vafot etdi. U Kaliforniyaning Mission Hills shahridagi San-Fernando missiyasi qabristoniga dafn etilgan. 

Yil Sarlavha Rol Izohlar
1914 Daybreak Det. Alma Peterson Ovozsiz
1915 Border River Marie Dubuque Lost film, ovozsiz
1915 Help! Help! Police! Marian Trevor Lost film, ovozsiz
1915 Fool’s Gold Nancy Smith Qisqa film; Lost film, ovozsiz
1916 The Other Manʼs Wife Becky Simon Lost film, ovozsiz
1916 The Glorious Lady Lady Eileen Akkreditatsiyasiz; Qisqa film; Lost film, ovozsiz
1916 The Shuttle of Life Miriam Grey Lost film, ovozsiz
1916 The Law Divine Daphne Grey Lost film, ovozsiz
1916 Demos Emma Vine Lost film, ovozsiz
1916 The Door That Has No Key Violet Melton Lost film, ovozsiz
1916 Sybil Sybil Gerard Lost film, ovozsiz
1917 Sonia Sonia Dainton Lost film, ovozsiz
1917 Laughter and Tears Pierette Lost film, ovozsiz
1917 Trapped by the Mormons Nora Prescott Lost film, ovozsiz
1917 The Spanish Jade Mañuela Ovozsiz
1918 Married to a Mormon Beryl Fane Lost film, ovozsiz
1919 The Experiment Doris Fielding Qisqa film, ovozsiz
1919 Pages of Life Mitzi / Dolores Lost film, ovozsiz
1919 Held to Answer Bessie Burbeck Ovozsiz
1919 Loving Lies Ellen Craig Lost film, ovozsiz
1919 The Shadow of the Desert Lolaire Ovozsiz
1920 Arizona Express Lola Nichols Lost film, ovozsiz
1920 The Plunderer Lily Lost film, ovozsiz
1921 The Lone Chance Margaret West Lost film, ovozsiz
1921 The Desert Outlaw May Halloway Lost film, ovozsiz
1921 The Cyclone Rider Weeping Wanda Lost film, ovozsiz
1921 The Dangerous Flirt Sheila Fairfax Lost film, ovozsiz
1921 My Husband’s Wives Marie Wynn Ovozsiz
1922 Silk Stocking Sal 'Stormy' Martin Ovozsiz
1922 Midnight Molly Margaret Warren / Midnight Molly Lost film, ovozsiz
1922 Forbidden Cargo Polly OʻDay Lost film, ovozsiz
1922 Alias Mary Flynn Mary Flynn Lost film, ovozsiz
1922 Smooth as Satin Gertie Jones Lost film, ovozsiz
1923 Lady Robinhood Señorita Catalina / La Ortiga Lost film, ovozsiz
1924 Three Wise Crooks Molly Lost film, ovozsiz
1924 Broadway Lady Rosalie Ryan Lost film, ovozsiz
1924 Queen oʻDiamonds Jeanette Durant / Jerry Lyon Ovozsiz
1924 Secret Orders Janet Graaham Lost film, ovozsiz
1924 The Impostor Judith Gilbert Lost film, ovozsiz
1924 The Jade Cup Peggy Allen Ovozsiz
1924 Flame of the Argentine Inez Remírez Ovozsiz
1924 Love 'Em and Leave 'Em Mame Walsh Lost film, ovozsiz
1924 Loveʼs Greatest Mistake Jane Lost film, ovozsiz
1924 Blind Alleys Sally Ray Lost film, ovozsiz
1925 Underworld 'Feathers' McCoy Ovozsiz
1925 Womenʼs Wares Dolly Morton Lost film, ovozsiz
1925 Beau Sabreur Mary Vanbrugh Lost film, ovozsiz
1925 The Last Command Natalie Dabrova Lost film, ovozsiz
1925 The Showdown Sibyl Shelton Lost film, ovozsiz
1925 A Night of Mystery Gilberte Boismartel Lost film, ovozsiz
1925 His Tiger Lady Tiger Lady Ovozsiz
1926 The Drag Net The Magpie Lost film, ovozsiz
1926 The Mating Call Rose Henderson Lost film, ovozsiz
1926 Interference Deborah Kane Lost film, ovozsiz
1926 Broadway Pearl Lost film, ovozsiz
1926 Fast Company Evelyn Corey Lost film, ovozsiz
1926 Woman Trap Kitty Evans Ovozsiz
1927 Why Bring That Up? Betty Lost film, ovozsiz
1927 Darkened Rooms Ellen Lost film, ovozsiz
1927 Slightly Scarlet Lucy Stavrin Ovozsiz
1927 Framed Rose Manning Ovozsiz
1928 Paramount on Parade Episode 'Origin of the Apacheʼ Lost film, ovozsiz
1928 The Silver Horde Cherry Malotte Ovozsiz
1928 Madonna of the Streets May Silent
1928 Paramount on Parade Oʻzi Silent
1928 Traveling Husbands Ruby Smith Lost film, ovozsiz
1928 The Pagan Lady Dorothy 'Dotʼ Hunter Lost film, ovozsiz
1928 The Mad Parade Monica Dale Ov
1928 High Pressure Francine Dale
1929 Attorney for the Defense Val Lorraine
1929 The Crusader Tess Brandon
1929 The World Gone Mad Carlotta Lamont
1929 Symphony of Living Paula Greig Rupert
1929 Home on the Range Georgia
1930 Without Children Shirley Ross Cole
1930 The Nitwits Miss Alice Lake
1930 Speed Limited Natalie
1930 One for All
1930 Song of the Trail Myra
1930 It Couldnʼt Have Happened as But It Did Beverly Drake
1931 The Presidentʼs Mystery Ilka Blake
1931 Hopalong Cassidy Returns Lilli Marsh
1931 Jungle Jim Shanghai Lil, one of four main characters
1932 King of Gamblers Cora
1932 The Last Train from Madrid Soldier
1932 Night Club Scandal Julia Reed
1933 Sudden Bill Dorn Diana Viargas
1935 Daughter of Shanghai Olga Derey
1935 Tip-Off Girls Rena Terry
1935 Mr. Wong, Detective Olga aka Countess Dubois
1935 The Law West of Tombstone Clara 'Clary' Martinez
1935 Panama Lady Lenore
1936 Daughter of the Tong The Illustrious One
1936 The Mad Empress Empress Eugenie
1936 Emergency Landing Maude Lambert
1936 Forced Landing Doctor Vidalek’s Housekeeper
1936 Wide Open Town Belle Langtry
1937 Dangerous Lady Hester Engle Serial
1937 Ellery Queen and the Murder Ring
1937 Holt of the Secret Service R49 Akkreditatsiyasiz
1937 Westward Ho Miss Healey
1937 Wrecking Crew Martha Poska
1937 The Payoff Alma Dorn
1938 Silent Witness Miss Roos / Anna Barnes
1938 Spy Train Frieda Molte
1938 The Seventh Victim Natalie Cortez
1939 Bowery Champs Carmen
1939 Raiders of the South Belle Chambers
1939 Robin Hood of Monterey Maria Belmonte Sanchez
1941 Stage Struck Miss Lloyd
1941 The Golden Eye Sister Teresa
1941 Life of St. Paul Series Jailerning xotini
1941 Again Pioneers Alice Keeler
1941 Ellery Queen and the Murder Ring Akkreditatsiyasiz
1941 Holt of the Secret Service R49
1942 Westward Ho Miss Healey
1942 Wrecking Crew Martha Poska
1942 The Payoff Alma Dorn
1942 Silent Witness Miss Roos / Anna Barnes
1943 Spy Train Frieda Molte
1943 The Seventh Victim Natalie Cortez
1944 Bowery Champs Gypsy Carmen
1947 Raiders of the South Belle Chambers
1947 Robin Hood of Monterey Maria Belmonte Sanchez
1948 Stage Struck Miss Lloyd
1948 The Golden Eye Sister Teresa
1949 Life of St. Paul Series Jailer xotini
1950 Again Pioneers Alice Keeler
  1. Passport application. „Ancestry.com“. Ancestry.com.
  2. 1929 passenger list for Evelyn edwards. „Ancestry.com“. Ancestry.com.
  3. Kear, Lynn. Books.Google.gr, October 21, 2009. ISBN 9780786454686. 
  4. Kear, Lynn. Evelyn Brent: The Life and Films of Hollywood's Lady Crook, 2009 — 7 bet. ISBN 978-0-7864-4363-5. 
  5. Kear, Lynn. Evelyn Brent: the life and films of Hollywood's Lady Crook, 21-oktabr 2009-yil. ISBN 9780786454686. 1-sentabr 2011-yilda qaraldi. 
  6. Ellenberger, Allan R.. Celebrities in Los Angeles Cemeteries: A Directory (inglizcha). McFarland, 2001 — 195 bet. ISBN 9780786450190. 2017-yil 27-aprelda qaraldi.