Kontent qismiga oʻtish


Vikipediya, erkin ensiklopediya
Documentation icon Andoza hujjati[koʻrib chiqish] [tahrirlash] [tarix] [yangilash]

Ushbu shablon sahifaning kengaytirilgan tasdiqlangan himoya ostida himoyalanganligini koʻrsatish uchun ishlatiladi, bu extended confirmed foydalanuvchilar guruhidagi foydalanuvchilar uchun tahrirlashni cheklaydi.

Note adding this form of protection is only for pages that qualify under the extended confirmed section of the protection policy. Simply placing this template on a page will not make it protected.


  1. Change the protection level of the article to "Allow only extended confirmed users". For ArbCom-enforced topics, the duration should be indefinite. The consensus for community use recommends temporary usage only.
  2. Add {{pp-extended|small=yes}} to the article.
  3. Remove any instances of {{pp}} templates from the page, as the blue padlock icon generated by this template will suffice.

A full-size protection banner, as offered by other protection templates, is not currently supported. Other parameters such as expiry do not apply to this type of protection.

Andoza:In category

Andoza:Protection templates