Andoza:National football squad break

This template may be used to create a separator between groups of players in a national football squad table. Note that all separators will appear at the bottom when sorting.
[manbasini tahrirlash]- {{National football squad break}}, or {{Nat fs break}} in short.
Yana qarang
[manbasini tahrirlash]- {{National football squad start}}
- {{National football squad start (goals)}}
- {{National football squad start (recent)}}
- {{National football squad start (no caps)}}
- {{National football squad player}}
- {{National football squad player (goals)}}
- {{National football squad player (recent)}}
- {{National football squad player (no caps)}}
- {{National football squad end}}
Yuqoridagi hujjat Andoza:National football squad break/doc sahifasidan olingan. Tajriba oʻtkazish uchun qumloq va test sahifasidan foydalaning. Iltimos, turkumlarni hujjat sahifasiga va intervikilarni vikimaʼlumotlarga joylashtiring. Ushbu andoza ostsahifalari. |