Kontent qismiga oʻtish

Andoza:Mamlakat mavzulari/doc

Vikipediya, ochiq ensiklopediya

Use this template to create a "Name topics" template for the country / territory / region called Name.

To see how, it's probably easiest to look at one or more of the templates in one of the subcategories of Category:Country and territory topics templates – for instance, {{Antigua and Barbuda topics}} in Category:Caribbean country and territory topics templates.

Below is a basic syntax. If the area involved isn't a country, the template's name and first parameter should be renamed accordingly, i.e. to  {{Territory topics  followed by |territory = Name;  otherwise,  {{Region topics  followed by |region = Name .

{{Country topics
|country = <!--Country's name (the title of the Wikipedia article on that country)-->
|adjective = <!--demonym-->

|history = <!--Usually chronological:-->
* [[(first history link)]]
* [[(second history link)]]
* [[(third history link)]]

|geography = <!--Usually alphabetical:-->
* [[(first geography link)]]
* [[(second geography link)]]
* [[(third geography link)]]

|politics = <!--Usually alphabetical:-->
* [[(first politics link)]]
* [[(second politics link)]]
* [[(third politics link)]]

|economy = <!--Usually alphabetical:-->
* [[(first economy link)]]
* [[(second economy link)]]
* [[(third economy link)]]

|culture = <!--Usually alphabetical:-->
* [[(first culture link)]]
* [[(second culture link)]]
* [[(third culture link)]]
With added fields
{{Country topics
|country =
|state =
|border =
|basestyle =
|titlename =
|titleclass =
|_notopicsword =
|prefix =
|image =
|imagestyle =

|above =
|abovestyle =
|custom1 =
|list1 =

|history =
|custom2 =
|list2 =

|geography =
|subdivisions =
|subdivisions_link =
|custom3 =
|list3 =

|politics =
|politics_link =
|governance =
|governance_link =
|government =
|government_link =
|military =
|military_link =
|custom4 =
|list4 =

|economy =
|infrastructure =
|transport =
|custom5 =
|list5 =

|society =
|society_link =
|adjective =
|culture =
|demographics =
|religion =
|symbols =
|symbols_link =
|custom6 =
|list6 =
|custom7 =
|list7 =
|custom8 =
|list8 =

|below =
|belowstyle =
|_nobelow =
|addtobelow =

It's possible to add, remove or amend various features of the template (e.g. suppress the appearance of a flag in the titlebar). What and how is described in the rest of the documentation.

Because this is a metatemplate for templates in categories such as Category:Country and territory topics templates, it provides the layout that appears to have evolved for the majority of these templates:

  • A titlebar featuring a flag icon followed by a country or area's name followed by the word "topics";
  • Five fundamental topic areas: History, Geography, Politics, Economy, Culture;
  • A line below the template's main body (the "below" line) that carries a link or links to a Wikipedia category, index article, outline article, or portal.

Although standardized, much of the above can be customized via the template's parameters.

Most common parameters shown in bold italics.

Order of
in template
Parameter name Description and example/s
1 template_name Occasionally, the template's name won't necessarily match its title, e.g. the name "Burma (Myanmar) topics" for a template whose title is "Burma topics". In these cases, use template_name to ensure the "v•t•e" links on the lefthand side of the template's titlebar operate correctly.
 |template_name = Burma (Myanmar) topics
(|country = Burma)
2 country


Use one of these to identify the place to which the topics refer.

|country = Belgium
|territory = Anhui
|region = Caribbean
3 [unnamed]
Use when calling the template to set its initial state (expanded, collapsed, autocollapse).
{{Belgium topics |expanded}}
{{Anhui topics |state=collapsed}}
4 (basestyle) Use to set a non-standard basestyle (a non-standard colo/ur scheme – see {{Navbox}} – so use sparingly, if at all!)
5 _notitleflag Set to anything (usually "yes") to suppress the appearance of a flag icon in the titlebar.
6 flagname Use to provide the name of the place's flag if it doesn't match the default "Flag of Name". This is usually due to prefixes/suffixes in the place's name such as "T/the" ("the Bahamas", "The Gambia", etc.).
|flagname = Flag of the Bahamas
7 prefix If the place's name is (sometimes) prefixed by a word such as "the" (e.g. "...of the British Virgin Islands"), set prefix to this word.
|prefix = the
8 flagsize
Use to alter the size or variant of the flag icon from the default settings (see {{flagicon}}).
9 titlename Provided for those occasions where a place carries disambiguation within Wikipedia (e.g. "Galicia (Spain)") but that disambiguation not desired in the template's title.
|region = Galicia (Spain)
|titlename = Galicia
10 _notopicsword Set to anything (usually "yes") to suppress the appearance of the word "topics" in the titlebar.
11 imagestyle Optional further CSS styling for image (if used).
12 image To include an image on the righthand side of template (usually the place's coat of arms). Use Wikipedia's standard syntax, e.g.
[[File:Image's filename.svg|120px|alt=This is a brief description of the image|link=Name of article to which image links]]
13 abovestyle Optional further CSS styling for the template's "above" line (between the template's titlebar and main body).
14 above To add an "above" line (as with a standard Navbox).
|above = Capital: [[Hefei]]
15 history For a list or listsa of links addressing the place's history. See where this template occurs in Wikipedia for examples.
16 custom1
For a custom-named (custom1) list (list1) after the list of history topics (if provided) and before anything else.
17 geography
For a list or listsa of links addressing the place's geography. See where this template occurs in Wikipedia for examples.
subdivisions can be used for a separate list of topics about the place's administrative divisions. If, for the name "Subdivisions" preceding this list, the link "Administrative divisions of [Place]" doesn't exist or an alternative is desired, it can be given using subdivisions_link.
|subdivisions_link = Bhutan#Administrative divisions
18 custom2
For a custom-named (custom2) list (list2) after the list of geography (and/or subdivision) topics (if provided) and before anything else.
19 politics
For a list or listsa of links addressing the place's politics (government, military, etc.). See where this template occurs in Wikipedia for examples.
As links named "Politics of [Place]" don't tend to exist, politics_link can be used to provide a link for the name "Politics" that precedes the list.
|politics_link = Politics of Afghanistan

government and military are provided if a separate list or lists of topics about the place's government and/or military (armed forces) are desired.

20 custom3
For a custom-named (custom3) list (list3) after the list of politics (and/or government/military) topics (if provided) and before anything else.
21 economy
For a list or listsa of links addressing the place's economy. See where this template occurs in Wikipedia for examples.
infrastructure and transport are provided if separate lists of topics about the place's infrastructure and/or transport are desired.
22 custom4
For a custom-named (custom4) list (list4) after the list of economy (and/or infrastructure) topics (if provided) and before anything else.
23 culture
For a list or listsa of links addressing the place's culture. See where this template occurs in Wikipedia for examples.
society, demographics, religion and symbols are provided if a separate list or lists of topics about the place's social structure, demographics, religion and/or symbols are desired.
If society is used, then, if the place has a society category at Wikipedia that's named using a preceding adjective (e.g. "Category:Italian society"), adjective can be used to link the group's name "Society" to that category.
|adjective = Italian     (producing the link [[Category:Italian society|Society]])

Alternatively, society_link can be used to generate a relevant link, e.g.

|society_link = Social history of England     (producing the link [[Social history of England|Society]])

Similarly, if symbols is used and the template is unable to link its group name "Symbols" – or, if it can but an alternative link is desired – then symbols_link can be used to generate a link.

|symbols_link = Symbols of the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man#Bailiwick of Guernsey
24 custom5
For a custom-named (custom5) list (list5) after the list of culture/society/etc. topics (if provided) and before anything else.
25 custom6
For a custom-named (custom6) list (list6) after custom list5 (if provided) and before custom list7 (if provided) or the template's "below" line (if not suppressed).
26 custom7
For a custom-named (custom7) list (list7) after custom list6 (if provided) and before the template's "below" line (if not suppressed).
27 belowstyle Optional further CSS styling for the template's "below" line (below the template's main body).
a Using e.g. {{Navbox |child |groupstyle=padding-left:0.5em;padding-right:0.5em;font-weight:normal; ...}}.

Tracking category

[manbasini tahrirlash]

Andoza:Continent-based templates