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Effective methods and their proper use in English language learning and teaching

Abduolimova Diyora Obidjon qizi


This article discussed current issues of English LIterature Today. This article focuses on effective methods and ttheir proper use in today's English language lerning and teaching.

Today, the demand for learning foreign languages in our country is increasing more and more. Creating effective methods of learning and teaching foreign languages is the demand of today. it gives a good result, but there are also some negative aspects. Today, foreign languages are taught in pre-school educational institutions. How effective is it to teach a foreign language to a child who does not know Uzbek well. In my opinion, it is very beneficial during the practice, for several months. The children, who have just entered school, are not very patient to sit in class.

At the moment, it depends on the teacher's skills and the methods used to make students interested in foreign languages.

Today, the educational system of our country has all the necessary conditions for getting an education. The educational process in schools is conducted based on modern technologies, relying on modern methods. As in the past centuries, pens dipped in ink and blackboards are popular today. It has changed to what it is. Nowadays, schools have separate classrooms for each subject, and visual aids for lessons can attract students who have the ability and desire to read. Modern technologies are a great help in teaching foreign languages, and it can be a good tool to make students interested in the lesson.Literature does not deal with direct upbringing, like a teacher or a parent, but it raises the feeling, taste, the border of imagination between goodness and evil, the soul and soul. Therefore, it is a means of upbringing. Many of the tragedies of mankind today have been analyzed and are being done among the world's allomas, which in a certain sense are associated with the fact that they move away from literature or do not educate their hearts with it. The heart that art, including literature, has not brought up, is a soul prone to savagery, evil, abyss.Because it is difficult for evil to penetrate into a heart filled with literature, it is necessary for the soul to demolish the strongholds, castles, where literature built, before moving to the direction of evil. A heart saturated with literature, A Mind - Foundation looks like a solid building. He can withstand many earthquakes that begin to err. The heart, uneducated by literature and art, will spill out, unable to withstand the "lowest-scoring tremors". This is a fact proven over the centuries. Literature has a message from the place it occupies in the thinking, spiritual world, cultural development of the individual mind, it may seem superfluous to speak these words to those who know why the art of the word came about or what its main task is. But anxiety-the question is not in vain, it seems. By the 21st century, due to the overt suspicion of literature in life, social relations, public confessions, upbringing, "the taste of crowd has become the dominant taste" (Ortega Gasset) in Palla, one mouth shouted "Yes!"does not seem to be enough. No matter how hard and sad it is to admit, it is the same fact that literature today frees its place fifty years ago entirely to the taste of the crowd - the elements of popular culture mentioned in Herman Hesse's novel "The Biser game", written in 1943. (The main event in the novel takes place in 2200. The historical narrator of a distant future stands out from his time and, from the point of view of the main character, Knext, makes a scientific, philosophical- psychological analysis of cultural life and Society of the past-XX century. The 20th century" feltonism", when spoken with today's language, is a time when popular culture flourished. During this period, the mood of crowds of people was in its dust. The narrator of the work calls this mood a culture of "feltonism". "Felton "is German for" Entertainer"," ermak".People, left with high feelings, high goals, spend their lives with pastime and entertainment activities. Newspapers, the mass Press. books, works, art samples are created for this purpose. Scientists of this period are also engaged not in real science, but in studies such as "the attitude of Friedrich Nietzsche to women", "Rossini's favorite dish", "the peculiarities of being a Bachelor", or rather, took-away. The masses went from mukkasi to domestic and ermak culture. And society makes them the most unnecessary, manipulative, mute with information that contradicts life and beauty, the essence and mission of man. People of this period either took it until they said it was empty-they read it, they either watched various shows, pranks, they were obsessed with various crosswords, scanwords and other ermak games, they watched it as a work of art, they heard it as music all just ermak, entertainment, punishment, means of day-to-day. There is nothing in these games that spiritually enriches a person, purifies him, induces him into the harmony of the bani universe, the unity of spirit and body- Wahdat ul-incarnate. People engage in such activities to distract themselves from economic and political bubbles, to hide their pre-tomorrow anxiety and fears within them, to deceive themselves. Hesse concludes from the Rovi language that such culture and society are doomed to decline.) As such, this anxiety and question are not spontaneous.

Teaching the given topic during the lesson in a way that the students are interested in is one of the most effective methods today. Let's take the 8th grade as an example. All the students in this class are interesting, modern, and diverse musicians. In order to achieve good results in this class, study the most effective way is to follow the interests of the students. Almost all the students of the class love to listen to today's modern music, so the teachers, that is, we will be as modern as them. In what sense, of course based on the lesson process. If the students of this class are asked to listen to some music and tell it, all the students can tell it without hesitation. Our topic is now "Wild animals". The teacher asked about the topic in this process If he combines words and tells them to the students in a musical style, he will enjoy the lesson process, even a student who is not interested in learning the language will start paying attention to the music without realizing it. ng asks the students to tell, of course every student will tell. It is true that this does not correspond to the grammar topics in foreign languages, but it is much better than wasting 45 minutes allocated for the lesson without achieving any results. i thinkrasa, of course, every student will tell. True, this does not correspond to the grammar topics of foreign languages, but I think it is much better than wasting the 45 minutes allocated for the lesson without achieving any results. rasa, of course, every student will tell. True, this does not correspond to the grammar topics of foreign languages, but I think it is much better than wasting the 45 minutes allocated for the lesson without achieving any results.Modern technologies speed up the teaching process a little and do not speed up the language learning process either. Today, a foreign language lesson is introduced for 1st grade students. Unfortunately, when I was studying, it was not like that. Of course, the question arises as to what they can learn in a foreign language if they can't speak about themselves fluently in Uzbek.

teaching them everyday things, favorite animals, favorite seasons, parents, siblings, and the words they use every day by "HEARING" is a great result in one year, and today teachers are achieving this result. Why exactly by hearing? 1st graders still don't know how to write in Uzbek. But teaching them words through listening and showing pictures will be effective. For this, the teacher needs modern technologies for broadcasting. In this process, we can see how important modern technologies are.

"LISTENING" learning is one of the most important links in the language learning process. one of the methods. "LISTENING" learning helps the student to focus on one place, to better understand the studied topic, to study the pronunciation of a foreign language in depth, and most importantly, to increase his interest in foreign languages.


The heart, uneducated by literature and art, will spill out, unable to withstand the "lowest-scoring tremors". This is a fact proven over the centuries. Literature has a message from the place it occupies in the thinking, spiritual world, cultural development of the individual mind, it may seem superfluous to speak these words to those who know why the art of the word came about or what its main task is. Literature is the medium of Education.

Does literature die?!", which he asked. Although both the venerable adibiz himself and those who participated in the same debate, "literature does not die!", while performances in a very uplifting spirit, literature has made its areas of influence, scope, even more rich all over the world over the past twenty years.


1. Sh. Mirziyoyev, In the worldview of our people, creating an environment of innovation is the most important task. Without innovation, there will be no competition and development in any field. intensity, we cannot keep up with the unparalleled achievements of science and technology.

2. G. Muhammedov, U. Khojamkulov, S. Toshtemirova "Cluster of innovative education

pedagogical education"..

3. http://marifatyogdusi. uz/?p=2190