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Art therapy as a means of adaptation of young children to pre-school Bukhara State University

Mirzayeva Dilfuza Shavkatovna


This article is written about the development of a child's personality, how a number of mental neoplasms manifest themselves, how important personality traits occur, how mental features are formed that determine the behavior of children, their attitude to the world around them and represent the foundation of personality. The main goal of art therapy work with preschoolers is to harmonize the development of personality through the development of the ability of self-expression and self-knowledge. Art therapy allows them to freely express their imagination.

Keywords: prerequisites, art pedagogy, art therapy, personality, professionalism, art, position, sublimation, maturity, motivation and need, components, correctional and developmental

Art therapy is a system of individual classes aimed at the development of speech by means of artistic creativity. Art therapy (from the English art - art, therapy - treatment) is a type of psychotherapy and psychological correction based on the therapeutic effect of visual creativity in order to influence the psycho-emotional state of the child. The problem of children's adaptation to kindergarten at the present stage is very high. Only after coming to kindergarten, the child experiences extreme stress, which sometimes drags on for several months, turning into a severe form of adaptation. On the one hand, the existing economic relations force most parents to go to work immediately after the birth of a child, on the other hand, the increasingly widespread personality-oriented approach to children does not allow an indifferent attitude to the problems of a small person who hardly accepts life in the new conditions of kindergarten. The adaptation period is a serious test for a child. Since adaptation is the adaptation or habituation of the body to a new environment, and therefore, for a child, kindergarten is undoubtedly a new, still unknown space, with a new environment and new relationships.

        The goal of each preschool educational organization is to adapt the child's personality to society, and at whatever age the child comes to kindergarten for the first time, for him it is a strong stressful experience that needs to be mitigated. In this case, a method of positive psychological impact is needed, in order to maintain and strengthen the mental balance of the baby. The most optimal approach in ensuring the adaptation of young children can be considered a creative approach.

Art therapy is a specialized form of psychotherapy based on art, primarily visual and creative activities. The main goal of art therapy is to harmonize the development of personality through the development of the ability of self-expression and self-knowledge in the process of perception and creation of art products, creative activity. Art therapy is the most productive and irreplaceable way of psychological work with children and today Art therapy is considered one of the mildest, but effective methods used by teachers. Since there is also a pedagogical direction of art therapy, the tasks of which are the development of correction, education and socialization.

Art therapy in kindergarten is the way to a child's psychological health.A variety of art classes contribute to the development of a child's creative abilities, the formation of a correct worldview and a positive worldview. In the process of children's creativity, the inner world of the child is revealed. Using art therapy in working with children, we strive to achieve the following goals: the formation of high vitality and harmonious relationships with the outside world, the development of mutual understanding between children, as well as between children and adults. We teach the child self-expression, the ability to manage their feelings, experiences, emotions.

Ultimately, the use of the art therapy method contributes to the development of thinking, logic, imagination, memory, attention, speech, fine motor skills, creativity, skills of successful interaction with peers and adults, and, of course, the excellent well-being of the child.Coming into contact with art in its various manifestations, the child gets rid of mental stress, stress, communication with the beautiful gives him the opportunity to calm down, learn to be focused, attentive and live in harmony with himself, therefore, it is much easier and more painless to adapt to the new conditions of kindergarten.

In the process of children's adaptation to kindergarten, games with elements of art therapy can be used. The effectiveness of the impact of these exercises and games on children is significantly increased if they are accompanied by music and drawing, different types of impact are combined in one joint activity.

At the heart of the creation of products of activity in the process of art therapy is a system of motives, where the main thing is the expression of the subject of his feelings, experiences in an external form; the desire to understand and understand what is happening in his inner world; satisfaction of the need to communicate with other people through the product of his activity; cognition of the surrounding world through its symbolization in a special form, the construction of the world (in the form of drawings, stories, fairy tales, crafts). Various types of art therapy provide an opportunity for self-expression, self-knowledge and allow the individual to rise to a higher stage of his development.

Some types of art therapy and their forms that can be used in the process of adaptation with young children in kindergarten:

Igrotherapy is games for acquaintance; games for communication; games with objects; fairy tale games; games with sand and water; games with a constructor;

Isotherapy is finger painting; palm painting; foam rubber printing; wax crayons; watercolor; leaf prints; palm drawings; drawing with cotton swabs; sand painting; monotype;

Fairy tale therapy is the staging of fairy tales; reading or discussing the fairy tale itself; familiarity with figurative expressions; summing up the ability to expressively intonate the characters' replicas; convey the rhythmization of the movements of the heroes of fairy tales; guess emotional situations by expressive performance;

Sand therapy is the construction of sand; drawing with sand and on sand; experimentation; leaving patterns on sand; creating paintings on sand and the "sand world; creating sand compositions and "secrets".

To determine the success of the adaptation period, the following criteria are used: the general emotional background of behavior, cognitive and play activities, relationships with adults, relationships with children, reaction to a change in the usual situation. It is necessary to carry out an early diagnosis of the child's adaptability to the conditions of a preschool educational organization. It will help to purposefully organize the life of both younger and older preschoolers in kindergarten, find the right and painless way to adapt the child to new conditions, form his communication skills with peers and, as a result, a positive attitude to kindergarten.

Thus, in order to adapt a child to kindergarten, a method of positive psychological impact is needed, such a method is art therapy, since art therapy is not just a beautiful and fashionable word, but first of all, it is a modern method of positive psychological impact, in order to maintain and strengthen the mental balance of the baby. This psychological method is based on both medical practice and versatile artistic creativity: drawing, visualization, modeling, monotype, music, auditory development, literature, etc., which allows you to create the most effective conditions for the successful adaptation of young children to kindergarten.

If your child has difficulties in emotional development; autistic spectrum of behavior; low mood; emotional instability; increased anxiety; fears; phobias; low self-esteem, art therapy is necessary for him. Art therapy is especially useful for non-speaking children with the above problems, since in cases where the experiences cannot be expressed in words, art therapeutic means provide access to these experiences and help to get rid of them.

Children's drawing is a special material that, in addition to artistic and creative beginnings, carries an important communicative meaning. Drawing helps to distract the baby from his painful experiences, relieves tension, calms and returns a sense of self-worth.

Is the child behaving badly? Is he not interested in anything? He doesn't want to work on his speech?

Many children with speech problems find it difficult to express their feelings, emotions and thoughts, as well as to understand how other people feel. Sometimes this is what causes undesirable behavior. It is easier for such children to establish a dialogue with the world in the process of creative activity. But first you just need to learn how to enjoy drawing, modeling, designing. Art therapy will help the child to give a socially acceptable way out of aggression; establish contacts with people; develop self-control and concentration; increase self-esteem.


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