
Vikipediya, ochiq ensiklopediya

Eʼtibor bering: Oʻzgartirishlaringizni koʻrish uchun, yangi moslamalaringizning saqlashdan keyin, brauzer keshini tozalash kerak:
Mozilla / Firefox: Ctrl+Shift+R, IE: Ctrl+F5, Safari: Cmd+Shift+R, Konqueror: F5, Opera: Tools → Preferences orqali keshni tozalang.

/* <nowiki> */

// list of common warnings
const warnings = {
	"Vandalizm": {
		templates: [
		label: "vandalism",
		desc: "Vandalizm uchun birlamchi ogohlantirish."
	"Buzish": {
		templates: [
		label: "disruptive editing",
		desc: "Buzg‘unchi tahrir uchun birlamchi ogohlantirish (har doim ham vandalizm emas)"
	"O‘chirib tashlash": {
		templates: [
		label: "unexplained deletion",
		desc: "Agar foydalanuvchi maqolaning bir qismini o'chirishni tushuntirmasa ishlatiladi."
	"Reklama": {
		templates: [
		label: "advertising or promotion",
		desc: "Maqolaga reklama mazmunini qo‘shish."
	"Spam havolalari": {
		templates: [
		label: "adding inappropriate links",
		desc: "Spam deb hisoblanishi mumkin bo‘lgan havolalarni qo‘shish."
	"Manbasiz": {
		templates: [
		label: "adding unsourced content",
		desc: "Maqolaga manbasiz, ehtimol tuhmat qiluvchi kontent qo‘shish."
	"Test sahifa sifatida tahrirlash": {
		templates: [
		label: "making editing tests",
		desc: "Maqolalarni tahrirlash testlarini o‘tkazish."
	"Izoh": {
		templates: [
		label: "adding commentary",
		desc: "Maqolalarga fikr yoki sharh qo‘shish."
	"POV": {
		templates: [
		label: "adding non-neutral content",
		desc: "Neytral nuqtai nazar siyosatini buzadigan kontent qo‘shish."
	"Xatolar": {
		templates: [
		label: "adding deliberate errors to articles",
		desc: "Maqolalarga ataylab xatolar qo‘shish."
	"Egalik": {
		templates: [
		label: "assuming ownership of articles",
		desc: "Maqolalarga egalik qilish."
	"Manbasiz (BLP)": {
		templates: [
		label: "adding unsourced content to biographies of living persons",
		desc: "Tirik odamlarning tarjimai holiga manbasiz tarkib qo‘shish."
	"Suhbat": {
		templates: [
		label: "conversation in article talk space",
		desc: "Noto‘g‘ri muhokama uchun maqola muhokama sahifalaridan foydalanish."
	"Tasvir vandalizmi": {
		templates: [
		label: "image vandalism",
		desc: "Tasvir vandalizmi."
	"AfDni olib tashlash": {
		templates: [
		label: "removing AfD templates or other users' comments from AfD discussions",
		desc: "AfD shablonlarini yoki boshqa foydalanuvchilarning sharhlarini AfD muhokamalaridan olib tashlash."
	"Hazillar": {
		templates: [
		label: "adding inappropriate humor",
		desc: "Maqolalarga nomaqbul hazil qo‘shish."
	"Shaxsiy hujumlar": {
		templates: [
		label: "personal attacks",
		desc: "Boshqa foydalanuvchiga shaxsiy hujumlar."

const namespaceList = [
	{ name: "Main", id: 0, category: "main" },
	{ name: "User", id: 2, category: "user" },
	{ name: "Project", id: 4, category: "wikipedia" },
	{ name: "File", id: 6, category: "other" },
	{ name: "MediaWiki", id: 8, category: "other" },
	{ name: "Template", id: 10, category: "other" },
	{ name: "Help", id: 12, category: "other" },
	{ name: "Category", id: 14, category: "other" },
	{ name: "Portal", id: 100, category: "other" },
	{ name: "Draft", id: 118, category: "draft" },
	{ name: "Talk", id: 1, category: "main" },
	{ name: "User talk", id: 3, category: "user" },
	{ name: "Project talk", id: 5, category: "wikipedia" },
	{ name: "File talk", id: 7, category: "other" },
	{ name: "MediaWiki talk", id: 9, category: "other" },
	{ name: "Template talk", id: 11, category: "other" },
	{ name: "Help talk", id: 13, category: "other" },
	{ name: "Category talk", id: 15, category: "other" },
	{ name: "Portal talk", id: 101, category: "other" },
	{ name: "Draft talk", id: 119, category: "draft" }

const rollbackAllowed = mw.config.values.wgUserGroups.includes("sysop") || mw.config.values.wgUserGroups.includes("rollbacker");

let currentId = null, currentEdit = null, rcstart = null, messageTimeout = null;
let lastRevId = 0;
let queueItems = [], pastQueueItems = [];
const antiVandalApi = new mw.Api();

let currentAIVReports = [];
let reportNum = 0;

// shorthand for querySelector
const qs = document.querySelector.bind(document);

async function runAntiVandal() {
	// if the url isn't the run location, add a link to the page instead
	if (!location.href.includes("Vikipediya:AntiVandal/run")) {

	const username = mw.config.values.wgUserName;
	const userGroups = mw.config.values.wgUserGroups;

	let allowed = false;

	document.head.innerHTML = `
			a {
				color: black;

			body, html {
				display: flex;
				align-items: center;
				justify-content: center;
				height: 80%;
				font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

			.start {
				text-align: center;
				background: blue;
				cursor: pointer;
				padding: 15px;
				color: white;
				border: none;

			.start[disabled] {
				background: grey;
				cursor: not-allowed;

	document.body.innerHTML = `
		<div class="container" style="text-align: center">
			<h1 style="margin-bottom: 5px">AntiVandal</h1>
			<p style="margin-top: 0"><a target="_blank" href="">Ingenuity</a> tomonidan yaratilgan</p>
			<div style="text-align: left">
				<p>AntiVandalni ishga tushirish quyidagilardan birini talab qiladi:</p>
					<li class="rights"><a target="_blank" href="/wiki/Vikipediya:Eski holiga qaytaruvchilar">Eski holiga qaytaruvchilar</a> yoki <a target="_blank" href="/wiki/Vikipediya:Administratorlar">administratorlar </a> foydalanuvchi huquqlari</li>
					<li class="whitelist">AntiVandal ro‘yxatiga kiritilgan foydalanuvchilar</li>
			<button class="start" disabled onclick="startInterface()">AntiVandal dasturini ishga tushirish</button>

	if (userGroups.includes("rollbacker") || userGroups.includes("sysop")) {
		qs(".rights").style.color = "green";
		allowed = true;
	} else {
		qs(".rights").style.color = "red";

	let users = [];

	try {
		const options = {
			action: "query",
			format: "json",
			prop: "revisions",
			titles: "User:Ingenuity/AntiVandalWhitelist.json",
			formatversion: 2,
			rvprop: "content",
			rvslots: "*"
		const content = (await antiVandalApi.get(options)).query.pages[0].revisions[0].slots.main.content;

		users = JSON.parse(content).users;
	} catch (err) {}

	if (users.includes(username)) {
		qs(".whitelist").style.color = "green";
		allowed = true;
	} else {
		qs(".whitelist").style.color = "red";

	qs(".start").disabled = !allowed;

function startInterface() {

	// add listener for hotkey presses
	window.addEventListener("keyup", (event) => {
		if (event.ctrlKey) {
		if (document.activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input") {

		if (event.key.toLowerCase() === antiVandalOptions.controls.queueBack) {
			if (pastQueueItems.length === 0) {

		if (event.key.toLowerCase() === antiVandalOptions.controls.queueForward) {

		if (event.key.toLowerCase() === antiVandalOptions.controls.continueToNext) {

		if (event.key.toLowerCase() === antiVandalOptions.controls.markAsVandalism) {
			revert({ id: currentId, template: "auto" });

		if (event.key.toLowerCase() === antiVandalOptions.controls.rollback) {
			revert({ id: currentId }, true);

	// prevent spacebar from scrolling page
	window.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => {
		if (event.key === " " && === document.body) {

	qs("#queueDelete").onclick = () => {
		queueItems = [];

	qs("#queueBack").onclick = () => {
		if (pastQueueItems.length === 0) {

	qs("#queueForward").onclick = () => {

	qs(".settingsClose").onclick = hideSettings;
	qs(".settingsCancel").onclick = hideSettings;

	qs(".settingsSave").onclick = saveSettings;
	qs("#settings").onclick = showSettings;

	qs("input[name=minORES]").oninput = function() {
		qs("label[for=minORES]").innerText = this.value;

	const diffToolbarItems =".diffActionItem"));

	const warningsContainer = qs(".diffWarningsContainer");

	[...document.querySelectorAll(".diffActionBox")].forEach(e => {
		e.onclick = (event) => event.stopPropagation()

	qs("#report-reason").onfocus = () => qs("#other-reason").checked = true;
	qs(".report-button").onclick = reportCurrentUser;

	qs("#revert-button").onclick = () => {
		const summary = qs("#revert-summary").value;
		revert({ id: currentId, summary: summary }, true);

		for (let e of [...document.querySelectorAll(".diffActionBox")]) { = "none";

		for (let e of [...document.querySelectorAll(".diffActionItem")]) { = "";

	for (let item in warnings) {
		const templates = document.createElement("tr");
		let html = `<td><span class="diffWarningLabel">${item}</span></td>`;
		for (let i = 0; i < warnings[item].templates.length; i++) {
			html += `<td><span
				class="diffWarning warningLevel${i + 1}"
				onclick="revertButton('${item}', ${i})">${i === 4 ? "4im" : i + 1}</span></td>`;
		if (warnings[item].templates.length === 4) {
			html += "<td></td>";
		templates.innerHTML = html + "<td><span class='fas fa-circle-question reason-explanation' title='" + warnings[item].desc + "'></span></td>";

	for (let item of diffToolbarItems) {
		item.onclick = function() {
			if ( === "report-menu") {
				qs("#report-reason").value = "";
				qs("#past-final-warning").checked = true;
			const elem = this.querySelector(".diffActionBox");
			if ( !== "initial") {
				for (let e of [...document.querySelectorAll(".diffActionBox")]) { = "none";
				for (let e of [...document.querySelectorAll(".diffActionItem")]) { = "";
				} = "initial"; = "#ddd";
			} else { = "none"; = "";

	window.setInterval(updateAIVReports, 15000);

// fetch recent changes from API
async function fetchRecentChanges() {
	let greatestRevId = 0;

	try {
		if (queueItems.length >= antiVandalOptions.maxQueueSize) {
			window.setTimeout(() => fetchRecentChanges(), antiVandalOptions.refreshTime);
		const options = {
			action: "query",
			format: "json",
			list: "recentchanges",
			rcprop: "title|ids|sizes|flags|user|tags|comment",
			rclimit: 50,
			rctype: "edit|new",
			rcnamespace: getNamespaceString()
		if (rcstart) {
			options.rcstart = rcstart;
			options.rcdir = "newer";

		const date = new Date();

		rcstart = date.getUTCFullYear() + "-" +
			padString(date.getUTCMonth() + 1, 2) + "-" +
			padString(date.getUTCDate(), 2) + "T" +
			padString(date.getUTCHours(), 2) + ":" +
			padString(date.getUTCMinutes(), 2) + ":" +
			padString(date.getUTCSeconds(), 2);

		const data = await antiVandalApi.get(options);
		const changes = data.query.recentchanges;
		let usersToFetch = [];
		for (let change of changes) {
			if (lastRevId > change.revid) {
			if (!usersToFetch.includes(change.user)) {
				usersToFetch.push(isIPv6(change.user) ? change.user.toUpperCase() : change.user);
			greatestRevId = Math.max(greatestRevId, change.revid);
		const userData = (await antiVandalApi.get({
			action: "query",
			format: "json",
			list: "users",
			usprop: "editcount",
			ususers: usersToFetch.join("|")
		let talkPageData = (await antiVandalApi.get({
			action: "query",
			format: "json",
			prop: "revisions",
			titles: => "User_talk:" + u).join("|"),
			formatversion: 2,
			rvprop: "content",
			rvslots: "*"

		if (typeof talkPageData.query === "undefined") {
			window.setTimeout(() => fetchRecentChanges(), antiVandalOptions.refreshTime);
		talkPageData = talkPageData.query.pages;
		const warnLevels = {};
		for (let item in talkPageData) {
			const username = talkPageData[item].title.split("User talk:")[1];
			if (typeof talkPageData[item].missing !== "undefined") {
				warnLevels[username] = "0";

			warnLevels[username.toLowerCase()] = getWarningLevel(talkPageData[item].revisions[0].slots.main.content);
		let editCounts = {};
		for (let user of userData) {
			if (typeof user.invalid === "string") {
				editCounts[] = -1;
			editCounts[] = user.editcount;
		for (let change of changes) {
			if (editCounts[change.user] > antiVandalOptions.maxEditCount || !editCounts[change.user]) {

			addQueueItem(change, editCounts[change.user], warnLevels[change.user.toLowerCase()] || "0");
	} catch (e) {
		console.log("Failed to fetch recent changes: " + e);

	lastRevId = Math.max(lastRevId, greatestRevId);
	window.setTimeout(() => fetchRecentChanges(), antiVandalOptions.refreshTime);

function escapeHTML(unsafe) {
	return unsafe.replaceAll('&', '&amp;').replaceAll('<', '&lt;').replaceAll('>', '&gt;').replaceAll('"', '&quot;').replaceAll("'", '&#039;');

// get diff, user contributions, and page history for each edit
async function addQueueItem(change, editcount, warnLevel) {
	for (let item of queueItems) {
		if ( === change.revid) {

	for (let item of pastQueueItems) {
		if (item && === change.revid) {

	try {
		let diff = "<!--NEWPAGE-->";
		if (change.type === "new") {
			const data = await antiVandalApi.get({
				action: "query",
				format: "json",
				prop: "revisions",
				titles: change.title,
				formatversion: 2,
				rvprop: "content",
				rvslots: "*"
			const content = data.query.pages[0].revisions[0].slots.main.content;
			for (let line of content.split("\n")) {
				diff += `<tr style="width:100%"><td style="width:50%"></td><td style="width:50%" class="diff-addedline diff-side-added">${escapeHTML(line)}</td></tr>`;
		} else {
			diff = (await antiVandalApi.get({
				action: "compare",
				format: "json",
				fromrev: change.old_revid,
				torev: change.revid,
				prop: "diff"

		const usercontribs = await (antiVandalApi.get({
			action: "query",
			format: "json",
			list: "usercontribs|abuselog",
			afllimit: 20,
			afluser: change.user,
			uclimit: 10,
			ucuser: change.user,
			ucprop: "title|timestamp|comment|sizediff|tags|ids"

		const contribsList = usercontribs.query.usercontribs;

		const pageHistory = (await (antiVandalApi.get({
			action: "query",
			format: "json",
			prop: "revisions",
			titles: change.title,
			formatversion: 2,
			rvprop: "comment|user|timestamp|tags|ids",
			rvslots: "*",
			rvlimit: 10

		outer: for (let item of usercontribs.query.abuselog) {
			for (let log of contribsList) {
				if (item.timestamp === log.timestamp && typeof log.result === "string") {
					if (item.result === "disallow") {
						log.result = "disallow";
					continue outer;
				itemsMatched: 1,
				timestamp: item.timestamp,
				result: item.result,
				title: item.title

		contribsList.sort((a, b) => {
			return new Date(b.timestamp) - new Date(a.timestamp);

		let score = 0;
		try {
			const ORES = await (await (fetch(`${change.revid}?models=damaging|goodfaith`))).json();
			const results = ORES["enwiki"]["scores"][change.revid];
			score = (results["goodfaith"]["score"]["probability"]["false"]);
		} catch (e) {

		if (score < antiVandalOptions.minimumORESScore || 0) {

		const item = {
			user: change.user,
			editcount: editcount,
			change: change.newlen - change.oldlen,
			title: change.title,
			pageLink: `${change.title}`,
			userLink: `${change.user}`,
			userTalkLink: `${change.user}`,
			userPageLink: `${change.user}`,
			tags: change.tags,
			diff: diff,
			id: change.revid,
			comment: change.comment,
			usercontribs: contribsList,
			wiki: "en",
			warnLevel: warnLevel,
			pageHistory: pageHistory,
			score: score

		if (queueItems.length > 0 && antiVandalOptions.sortQueueItems) {
			const firstItem = queueItems.shift();
			queueItems.sort((a, b) => b.score - a.score);
		} else {

	} catch (err) {

async function revert(data, toWarn) {
	qs(".diffProgressContainer").innerHTML += `
		<div class="diffProgressBar" id="revert-${}">
			<div class="diffProgressBarOverlay"></div>
			<div class="diffProgressBarText">Getting history...</div>

	const progressBarId = "#revert-" +;
	const overlayId = "#revert-" + + " > .diffProgressBarOverlay";
	const textId = "#revert-" + + " > .diffProgressBarText";
	try {
		let revdata = (await antiVandalApi.get({
			action: "query",
			format: "json",
			prop: "revisions",
			rvprop: "user|timestamp"

		let pageId;

		for (let item in revdata) {
			pageId = item;

		const revision = revdata[pageId].revisions[0];
		const title = revdata[pageId].title;

		if (rollbackAllowed) {
			try {
				qs(overlayId).style.width = "25%";
				qs(textId).innerText = "Eski holiga qaytarilmoqda...";
				await antiVandalApi.postWithToken(
						action: "rollback",
						title: title,
						user: revision.user,
						summary: `Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/${revision.user}|${revision.user}]] ([[User talk:${revision.user}|talk]])${data.summary ? ": " + data.summary : ""} ([[WP:AntiVandal|AV]])`
			} catch (e) {
				qs(overlayId).style.background = "rgb(60, 220, 60)";
				qs(overlayId).style.width = "100%";
				qs(textId).innerText = "Qarama-qarshilikni tahrirlash";
		} else {
			const pageHistory = (await antiVandalApi.get({
				action: "query",
				format: "json",
				prop: "revisions",
				pageids: pageId,
				rvprop: "user|timestamp|ids",
				rvlimit: 10
			let content;
			for (let rev of pageHistory) {
				if (rev.user !== revision.user) {
					content = (await antiVandalApi.get({
						action: "query",
						format: "json",
						formatversion: 2,
						prop: "revisions",
						revids: rev.revid,
						rvprop: "content"
			if (!content) {
				qs(overlayId).style.background = "rgb(255, 60, 60)";
				qs(overlayId).style.width = "100%";
				qs(textId).innerText = "Could not get page";
			qs(overlayId).style.width = "25%";
			qs(textId).innerText = "Reverting...";
			const summary = `Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/${revision.user}|${revision.user}]] ([[User talk:${revision.user}|talk]])${data.summary ? ": " + data.summary : ""} ([[WP:AntiVandal|AV]])`;
			const response = await{
				action: "edit",
				format: "json",
				pageid: pageId,
				summary: summary,
				text: content,
				token: await getCSRFToken(),
				nocreate: 1
			const editors = await antiVandalApi.get({
				action: "query",
				prop: "revisions",
				titles: title,
				rvlimit: 1,
				rvprop: "user"
			const lastEditor = editors.query.pages[pageId].revisions[0].user;
			if (response.error || response.edit.result !== "Success" || lastEditor !== mw.config.values.wgUserName) {
				qs(overlayId).style.background = "rgb(60, 220, 60)";
				qs(overlayId).style.width = "100%";
				qs(textId).innerText = "Edit conflict";

		if (!toWarn) {
			qs(overlayId).style.width = "50%";
			qs(textId).innerText = "Getting talk...";

			const talkPage = (await antiVandalApi.get({
				action: "query",
				format: "json",
				formatversion: 2,
				prop: "revisions",
				rvprop: "content",
				titles: "User_talk:" + revision.user

			qs(overlayId).style.width = "75%";
			qs(textId).innerText = "Warning...";

			let createNewSection = false, talkContent = "", newContent = "";

			if (typeof Object.values(talkPage)[0].missing !== "undefined") {
				createNewSection = true;
			} else {
				talkContent = Object.values(talkPage)[0].revisions[0].content;
				if (talkContent.match(new RegExp("== ?" + getMonthSectionName() + " ?==")) === null) {
					createNewSection = true;

			const warnLevel = getWarningLevel(talkContent);

			if (warnLevel === "4" || warnLevel === "4im") {
				newMessage("User is already at level 4 warning");
				qs(overlayId).style.width = "100%";
				qs(textId).innerText = "Done";

			let warnTemplate;

			if (data.template === "auto") {
				warnTemplate = "{{subst:uw-vandalism" + (Number(warnLevel) + 1) + "|" + title + "}} ~~" + "~~";
			} else {
				warnTemplate = "{{" + data.template.wikitext + "|" + title + "}}" + " ~~" + "~~";

			if (createNewSection) {
				newContent = talkContent + "\n== " + getMonthSectionName() + " ==\n\n" + warnTemplate;
			} else {
				const sections = talkContent.split(/(?=== ?[\w\d ]+ ?==)/g);

				for (let section in sections) {
					if (sections[section].match(new RegExp("== ?" + getMonthSectionName() + " ?==")) !== null) {
						sections[section] += "\n\n" + warnTemplate + "\n";

				newContent = sections.join("");

			newContent = newContent.replaceAll("\n\n\n", "\n\n");

				action: "edit",
				format: "json",
				title: "User_talk:" + revision.user,
				summary: `Message about your edit on [[${title}]] (level ${(data.template.level || Number(warnLevel)) + 1}) ([[WP:AntiVandal|AV]])`,
				text: newContent,
				token: await getCSRFToken()

		qs(overlayId).style.width = "100%";
		qs(textId).innerText = "Done";
	} catch (err) {
		qs(overlayId).style.background = "rgb(255, 60, 60)";
		qs(overlayId).style.width = "100%";
		qs(textId).innerText = "Edit conflict";

// hide a progress bar after 3 secs
function hideProgressBar(id) {
	window.setTimeout(() => {
		qs(id).style.opacity = "0";
		window.setTimeout(() => {
		}, 400);
	}, 3000);

function revertButton(template, level) {
		id: currentId,
		template: {
			label: warnings[template].label,
			wikitext: warnings[template].templates[level],
			level: level

	for (let e of [...document.querySelectorAll(".diffActionBox")]) { = "none";

	for (let e of [...document.querySelectorAll(".diffActionItem")]) { = "";

// get CSRF token used for making edits
async function getCSRFToken() {
	return (await antiVandalApi.get({
		action: "query",
		meta: "tokens",
		format: "json"

// display message
function newMessage(message) {
	qs(".message").innerHTML = message;
	messageTimeout = setTimeout(() => qs(".message").innerHTML = "", 5000);

// find maximum warning level for user
function getWarningLevel(page) {
	const monthSections = page.split(/(?=== ?[\w\d ]+ ?==)/g);

	for (let section of monthSections) {
		if (new RegExp("== ?" + getMonthSectionName() + " ?==").test(section)) {
			const templates = section.match(/<\!-- Template:[\w-]+?(\di?m?) -->/g);
			if (templates === null) {
				return "0";
			const filteredTemplates = => {
				const match = t.match(/<\!-- Template:[\w-]+?(\di?m?) -->/);
				if (!match) {
					return "0";
				return match[1];
			return filteredTemplates.sort()[filteredTemplates.length - 1].toString();

	return "0";

// returns current month and year (etc "April 2022")
function getMonthSectionName() {
	const months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
	const currentMonth = months[new Date().getUTCMonth()];
	const currentYear = new Date().getUTCFullYear();

	return currentMonth + " " + currentYear;

// pad a string with 0's
function padString(str, len) {
	str = str.toString();
	while (str.length < len) {
		str = "0" + str;
	return str;

// delete the first item from the queue
function shiftQueue() {
	if (queueItems.length > 0) {
	if (pastQueueItems.length > 20) {
	currentEdit = null;
	currentId = null;

// check if username is ipv6
function isIPv6(ip) {
	const regex = /(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}:|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,5}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,2}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,3}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,3}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,2}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,5}|[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,6})|:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,7}|:)|fe80:(:[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}){0,4}%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,}|::(ffff(:0{1,4}){0,1}:){0,1}((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}:((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9]))/gi;
	return regex.test(ip);

// renders items to queue
function renderQueue() {
	const queueContainer = qs(".queueItemsContainer");
	queueContainer.innerHTML = "";

	if (queueItems.length === 0) {

	for (let i = 0; i < queueItems.length; i++) {
		if (i === 0 && queueItems[i].id !== currentId) {
			currentId = queueItems[i].id;
			currentEdit = queueItems[i];
		renderQueueItem(queueItems[i], i !== 0);

	let status;

	if (queueItems.length >= antiVandalOptions.maxQueueSize) {
		status = "Queue is paused";
	} else if (queueItems.length === 0) {
		status = "Boshqa natijalar yuklanmoqda...";

	if (status) {
		qs(".queueStatusContainer").style.display = "initial";
		qs(".queueStatus").innerText = status;
	} else {
		qs(".queueStatusContainer").style.display = "none";

// render an individual item to the queue section
function renderQueueItem(item, isSelected) {
	const queueContainer = qs(".queueItemsContainer");
	let tagHTML = "";

	if (item.tags.length > 2) {
		let extra = item.tags.length - 2;
		item.tags = item.tags.splice(0, 2);
		item.tags.push("+" + extra + " more");

	for (let tag of item.tags) {
		tagHTML += `<span class="queueItemTag">${tag}</span>`;

	let OREScolor = "grey";
	let title = "likely not vandalism";

	if (item.score > 0.5) {
		OREScolor = "yellow";
		title = "possible vandalism";

	if (item.score > 0.6) {
		OREScolor = "orange";
		title = "likely vandalism";

	if (item.score > 0.65) {
		OREScolor = "red";
		title = "very likely vandalism";

	queueContainer.innerHTML += `
		<div class="queueItem${isSelected ? "" : " currentQueueItem"}">
			<a class="queueItemTitle" href="${item.pageLink}" target="_blank" title="${item.title}">
				<span class="fas fa-file-lines"></span>${item.title}
			<a class="queueItemUser" href="${item.userLink}" target="_blank" title="User:${item.user}">
				<span class="fas fa-user"></span>${maxStringLength(item.user, 25)}
			<div class="queueItemChange" style="color: ${getChangeColor(item.change)};">
				<span class="queueItemChangeText">${getChangeString(item.change)}</span>
			<div class="queueItemTags">
			<div class="ores ores-${OREScolor}" title="ORES score of ${Math.floor(item.score * 100) / 100}; ${title}"></div>

// update the diff menu, user contributions, and page history sections
function displayDiff(item) {
	const diffContainer = qs(".diffChangeContainer"); = "auto"; = "block";
	const toolbar = qs(".diffToolbar");
	const userContribsContainer = qs(".userContribs");
	userContribsContainer.innerHTML = "";
	const pageHistoryContainer = qs(".pageHistory");
	pageHistoryContainer.innerHTML = "";
	const editCountContainer = qs(".infoEditCount");
	const warnLevelContainer = qs(".infoWarnLevel");

	if (item === null) { = "calc(100% - 100px)"; = "flex"; = "center"; = "center";
		diffContainer.innerHTML = `Boshqa natijalar yuklanmoqda...`;
		toolbar.innerHTML = `<i>No edit selected</i>`;
		warnLevelContainer.innerText = "Warn level: N/A"; = "none";
		qs("#user-being-reported").innerHTML = "User being reported: none";
		qs(".report-button").disabled = true;

	if (item.diff.includes("<!--NEWPAGE-->")) {
		diffContainer.innerHTML = `
			<table style="width:100%">${item.diff}</table>
			<span class="newPageWarning">Ushbu tahrir yangi sahifa yaratdi va uni qaytarib bo‘lmaydi.</span>
	} else {
		diffContainer.innerHTML = `<table>${item.diff}</table>`;

	const summary = item.comment.length > 0 ? `Summary: ${maxStringLength(item.comment, 50)}` : "";

	toolbar.innerHTML = `
		<a class="diffToolbarItem" href="${item.pageLink}" target="_blank">
			<span class="fas fa-file-lines"></span>
		<span class="diffToolbarItem">
			<span class="fas fa-user"></span>
			<a href="${item.userPageLink}" target="_blank">${item.user}</a>&nbsp;
			<span class="unbold">
				(<a href="${item.userTalkLink}" target="_blank">talk</a> &bull; <a href="${item.userLink}" target="_blank">contribs</a>)
		<span class="diffToolbarItem">
			<span class="fas fa-pencil"></span>
			<span style="color: ${getChangeColor(item.change)};">${getChangeString(item.change)}</span>
		<div class="diffToolbarOverlay">
			<span title="${item.comment}">${summary}</span>

	for (let con of item.usercontribs) {
		if (typeof con.result === "string") {
			if (con.result === "disallow") {
				userContribsContainer.innerHTML += `
					<div class="abuseFilterDisallow">
						<a class="infoItemTitle" href="${getPageLink(con.title,}" target="_blank" title="${con.title}">
							<span class="fas fa-file-lines"></span>${con.title}
						<a class="infoItemTitle infoItemTime" title="${con.timestamp}">
							<span class="fas fa-clock"></span>${timeAgo(con.timestamp)}
						<a class="infoItemTitle">
							<span class="fas fa-circle-exclamation"></span>Disallowed by ${con.itemsMatched} abuse filter${con.itemsMatched === 1 ? "" : "s"}
		con.comment = escapeHTML(con.comment);
		let tagHTML = "";
		if (con.tags.includes("mw-reverted")) {
			tagHTML = `<span class="queueItemTag">Reverted</span>`;
		userContribsContainer.innerHTML += `
			<div class="queueItem${con.revid === ? ' currentQueueItem':''}">
				<a class="infoItemTitle" href="${getPageLink(con.title,}" target="_blank" title="${con.title}">
					<span class="fas fa-file-lines"></span>${con.title}
				<a class="infoItemTitle" title="${con.comment || "No edit summary"}">
					<span class="fas fa-comment-dots"></span>${con.comment || "<em>No edit summary</em>"}
				<a class="infoItemTitle infoItemTime" title="${con.timestamp}">
					<span class="fas fa-clock"></span>${timeAgo(con.timestamp)}
				<div class="queueItemChange" style="color: ${getChangeColor(con.sizediff)};">
					<span class="queueItemChangeText">${getChangeString(con.sizediff)}</span>
				<div class="queueItemTags">

	for (let con of item.pageHistory) {
		let tagHTML = "";
		if (con.tags.includes("mw-reverted")) {
			tagHTML = `<span class="queueItemTag">Reverted</span>`;
		pageHistoryContainer.innerHTML += `
			<div class="queueItem${con.revid === ? ' currentQueueItem':''}">
				<a class="infoItemTitle" href="${getPageLink("Special:Contributions/" + con.user,}" target="_blank" title="${con.user}">
					<span class="fas fa-user"></span>${con.user}
				<a class="infoItemTitle" title="${con.comment || "No edit summary"}">
					<span class="fas fa-comment-dots"></span>${con.comment || "<em>No edit summary</em>"}
				<a class="infoItemTitle infoItemTime" title="${con.timestamp}">
					<span class="fas fa-clock"></span>${timeAgo(con.timestamp)}
				<div class="queueItemTags">

	if (item.editcount !== -1) { = "initial";
		editCountContainer.innerText = "Count: " + item.editcount;
	} else { = "none";

	warnLevelContainer.innerText = "Warn level: " + item.warnLevel;

	const warningsContainer = qs(".diffWarningsContainer");
	if (qs("#diffWarn")) {
	let html = "<tbody id='diffWarn'><tr><td></td>";
	const warnLevels = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "4im"];
	for (let i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
		if (currentEdit.warnLevel === warnLevels[i - 1]) {
			html += `<td class='centered' title="User's current warning level"><span class='fas fa-caret-down'></span></td>`;
		} else {
			html += "<td></td>";
	warningsContainer.innerHTML = html + "</tr></tbody>" + warningsContainer.innerHTML;

	qs("#user-being-reported").innerHTML = `User being reported: <a target="_blank" href="${item.userPageLink}">${item.user}</a> (<a target="_blank" href="${item.userTalkLink}">talk</a> &bull; <a target="_blank" href="${item.userLink}">contribs</a>)`;
	if (item.warnLevel === "4" || item.warnLevel === "4im") {
		qs("#report-notice").innerText = "";
	} else {
		qs("#report-notice").innerText = "This user does not appear to have a final warning on their talk page. Are you sure you want to report?";

	if (checkIfReported(item.user)) {
		qs("#report-notice").innerText = "This user has already been reported.";
		qs(".report-button").disabled = true;
	} else {
		qs(".report-button").disabled = false;

	updateReportToolbar(item.user, item.warnLevel);

// update the icon on the toolbar
function updateReportToolbar(username, warnLevel) {
	const icon = qs("#reportIcon"); = "black"; = "initial";

	if (checkIfReported(username)) {
		icon.className = "fas fa-circle-info";
	} else if (warnLevel === "4" || warnLevel === "4im") {
		icon.className = "fas fa-circle-exclamation"; = "red";
	} else { = "none";

// add link to the top bar
function addAntiVandalLink() {

// load the css and html for the interface
function createInterface() {
	document.body.innerHTML = `
		<div class="mainContainer mainFullHeight">
			<div class="queueContainer mainFullHeight">
				<div class="queueControls">
					<h2 class="sectionHeading">Queue</h2>
					<span class="fas fa-gear queueControl" id="settings" title="Settings"></span>
					<span class="fas fa-trash-can queueControl" id="queueDelete" title="Remove all items from queue"></span>
					<span class="fas fa-arrow-right queueControl" id="queueForward" title="Go to next edit"></span>
					<span class="fas fa-arrow-left queueControl" id="queueBack" title="Go to previous edit"></span>
				<div class="queueItemsContainer"></div>
				<div class="queueStatusContainer">
					<div class="queueStatus">Navbat yuklanmoqda...</div>
			<div class="diffContainer mainFullHeight">
				<div class="diffToolbar"></div>
				<div class="diffChangeContainer"></div>
				<div class="diffActionContainer">
					<div class="diffActionItem">
						<div class="diffActionBox">
							<span>Ogohlantirish va qaytarish</span>
							<table class="diffWarningsContainer"></table>
					<div class="diffActionItem" id="report-menu">
						<span id="reportIcon"></span>
						<div class="diffActionBox">
							<span>Foydalanuvchiga xabar berish
								<a target="_blank" title="Vandalizmga qarshi administrator aralashuvi" href="">AIV</a>
							<input type="radio" id="past-final-warning" name="report-reason" checked>
							<label for="past-final-warning">Vandalizm oxirgi ogohlantirishdan o‘tgan</label><br>
							<input type="radio" id="vandalism-only-acc" name="report-reason">
							<label for="vandalism-only-acc">Faqat vandalizm hisobi</label><br>
							<input type="radio" id="other-reason" name="report-reason">
							<label for="other-reason">Boshqa (aniqlash)</label><br>
							<input for="other-reason" id="report-reason" type="text"><br>
							<button class="report-button" disabled>Xabar</button><br><br>
							<i id="user-being-reported">Xabar qilingan foydalanuvchi: Yo‘q</i><br><br>
							<i id="report-notice"></i>
					<div class="diffActionItem">
						Xulosa bilan qaytarish
						<div class="diffActionBox">
							<input type="text" id="revert-summary" placeholder="Xulosa qaytarish"><br>
							<button id="revert-button">Oldingi holatga qaytarish</button>
					<!-- <div class="diffActionItem">
					</div> -->
					<div class="message"></div>
				<div class="diffProgressContainer"></div>
			<div class="infoContainer mainFullHeight">
				<div class="infoContainerItem">
					<div class="infoContainerItemHeading">
						<h2 class="sectionHeading">Foydalanuvchi hissalari</h2><br>
						<span class="infoEditCount">Hisob: ___</span>
						<span class="infoWarnLevel">Ogohlantirish darajasi: _</span>
					<div class="userContribs"></div>
				<div class="infoContainerItem">
					<div class="infoContainerItemHeading">
						<h2 class="sectionHeading">Sahifa tarixi</h2>
					<div class="pageHistory"></div>
		<div class="settings">
			<div class="settingsContainer">
				<div class="settingsSectionContainer">
					<div class="settingsSection settingsSectionSelected">Navbat</div>
					<!--<div class="settingsSection">Nazorat</div>
					<div class="settingsSection">Interfeys</div>-->
				<div class="settingsButtonContainer">
					<button class="settingsButton settingsCancel">Bekor qilish</button>
					<button class="settingsButton settingsSave">Saqlash</button>
				<div class="settingsCloseContainer">
					<span class="fas fa-xmark settingsClose" title="Close settings"></span>
				<div class="selectedSettings">
					<div class="queueSettings">
						<span>Kamroq foydalanuvchi tahrirlarini koʻrsatish</span>
						<input type="number" name="queueUsersCount">
						<label for="queueUsersCount">tahrirlar</label><br><br>
						<label for="queueMaxSize">Maksimal navbat hajmi:</label>
						<input type="number" name="queueMaxSize"><br><br>
						<span>Ushbu nom maydonlaridan tahrirlarni ko'rsatish:</span><br>
						<input type="checkbox" name="namespaceMain">
						<label for="namespaceMain">Asosiy safiha va munozara:</label><br>
						<input type="checkbox" name="namespaceUser">
						<label for="namespaceUser">Foydalanuvchi: va Foydalanuvchi munozarasi:</label><br>
						<input type="checkbox" name="namespaceDraft">
						<label for="namespaceDraft">Draft: va Draft munozarasi:</label><br>
						<input type="checkbox" name="namespaceWikipedia">
						<label for="namespaceWikipedia">Vikipediya: va Vikipediya munozarasi:</label><br>
						<input type="checkbox" name="namespaceOther">
						<label for="namespaceOther">Boshqa barcha nom maydonlari</label><br><br>
						<span>ORES balli quyidagidan past boʻlgan tahrirlarga eʼtibor bermang:</span><br>
						<label for="minORES">0</label>
						<input type="range" name="minORES" min=0 max=1 step=0.05>

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				font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
				overflow-x: hidden;
				margin: 0;

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				display: inline-block;
				font-size: 1em;

			.centered {
				text-align: center;

			/* login form */

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				display: flex;
				flex-direction: column;
				justify-content: center;
				padding: 30px;
				width: 50%;
				min-width: 400px;
				height: 100%;
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			.loginFormLabel {
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				color: red;
				font-size: 0.9em;

			/* main */

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				width: 25%;
				max-width: 300px;
				height: 100%;

			.queueContainer {
				overflow-y: scroll;
				overflow-x: hidden;

			.diffContainer {
				width: 50%;
				border-left: 1px solid #ccc;
				border-right: 1px solid #ccc;
				flex-grow: 2;

			.mainContainer {
				display: flex;

			.mainFullHeight {
				height: 100%;

			/* queue */

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				background: yellow;
				position: absolute;
				top: 10px;
				left: 10px;
				padding: 5px;
				border-radius: 5px;

			.queueItem, .abuseFilterDisallow {
				padding: 10px;
				border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
				position: relative;

			.abuseFilterDisallow {
				padding: 10px 10px 10px 5px;
				border-left: 5px solid red;

			.queueItemTitle, .queueItemUser, .infoItemTitle {
				text-decoration: none;
				color: black;
				font-size: 0.9em;
				text-overflow: clip;
				white-space: nowrap;
				overflow: hidden;
				width: fit-content;
				display: block;

			.queueItemTitle span, .queueItemUser span {
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				font-size: 0.8em;

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				width: 75px;
				height: 100%;
				position: absolute;
				top: 0;
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				background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0), rgba(255, 255, 255, 1));

			.queueItemChangeText {
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				border-radius: 3px;
				background: #ddd;
				padding: 2px 4px;
				margin: 3px;
				font-size: 0.7em;
				position: relative;
				z-index: 2;

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				padding: 10px;
				font-size: 1em;
				font-weight: bold;
				height: 50px;
				position: sticky;
				background: white;
				z-index: 4;
				border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
				top: 0;

			.queueControls .sectionHeading {
				margin-top: 5px;

			.queueControl {
				float: right;
				padding: 5px;
				font-size: 1.2em;
				cursor: pointer;

			.currentQueueItem {
				background: #eee;

			.queueStatusContainer {
				top: calc(100% - 60px);
				z-index: 5;
				position: fixed;
				font-size: 0.8em;
				width: 25%;
				max-width: 300px;
				text-align: center;

			.queueStatus {
				background: #888;
				color: white;
				border-radius: 7px;
				padding: 8px;
				width: fit-content;
				margin: auto;

			/* diff viewer */

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				overflow-y: auto;

			.diffContainer td, .diffContainer tr {
				overflow-wrap: anywhere;

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				background: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.3);

			ins {
				background: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5);
				text-decoration: none;

			.diff-deletedline {
				background: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3);

			del {
				background: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5);
				text-decoration: none;

			.diff-lineno {
				border-bottom: 1px dashed grey;
				background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);

			.diffChangeContainer table, .diffChangeContainer tbody {
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				vertical-align: baseline;

			.diffToolbar {
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				align-items: center;
				justify-content: center;
				flex-wrap: wrap;
				position: fixed;
				width: calc(100% - 300px);

			.diffToolbarItem {
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				text-decoration: none;
				margin: 0 10px;

			.diffToolbarItem a {
				color: black;
				text-decoration: none;

			.diffChangeContainer td:not(.diff-marker) {
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				display: flex;
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				font-weight: normal;
				padding: 0 20px;

			.diffChangeContainer {
				margin-top: 50px;
				position: relative;

			.diffActionContainer {
				position: fixed;
				height: 40px;
				top: calc(100% - 40px);
				background: white;
				display: flex;
				align-items: center;
				border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
				width: calc(100% - 602px);

			.diffActionItem {
				height: 100%;
				width: fit-content;
				cursor: pointer;
				user-select: none;
				padding: 0 15px;
				display: flex;
				align-items: center;
				text-align: center;
				position: relative;
				z-index: 5;

			.diffActionBox {
				position: absolute;
				left: 0;
				top: -410px;
				height: 410px;
				width: 380px;
				border: 1px solid #ccc;
				cursor: initial;
				user-select: initial;
				text-align: left;
				display: none;
				padding: 15px;
				background: white;
				overflow-y: scroll;

			.diffActionItem:hover {
				background: #eee;

			.diffWarning {
				padding: 5px;
				border-radius: 3px;
				width: 35px;
				display: inline-block;
				font-size: 0.8em;
				user-select: none;
				cursor: pointer;
				text-align: center;

			.diffWarningLabel {
				font-size: 0.9em;

			.diffProgressContainer {
				position: fixed;
				top: calc(100% - 80px);
				height: 40px;
				display: flex;
				justify-content: flex-end;
				align-items: center;
				width: calc(100% - 600px);
				padding: 0px 20px;

			.diffProgressBar {
				border-radius: 5px;
				width: 150px;
				height: 25px;
				background: #ddd;
				font-size: 0.8em;
				display: flex;
				align-items: center;
				justify-content: center;
				position: relative;
				margin-left: 10px;
				opacity: 1;
				transition: 0.3s;

			.diffProgressBarOverlay {
				position: absolute;
				top: 0;
				left: 0;
				border-radius: 5px;
				width: 0px;
				transition: 0.3s;
				height: 100%;
				background: rgb(0, 170, 255);

			.diffActionBox a {
				color: black;

			.diffProgressBarText {
				position: relative;

			.diffWarningsContainer td {
				padding: 2px;

			.warningLevel1 {
				background: rgb(138, 203, 223);

			.warningLevel2 {
				background: rgb(215, 223, 138);

			.warningLevel3 {
				background: rgb(226, 170, 97);

			.warningLevel4 {
				background: rgb(224, 82, 64);

			.warningLevel5 {
				color: white;
				background: rgb(0, 0, 0);

			/* info container */

			.infoContainer {
				margin-top: 50px;
				height: calc(100% - 50px);

			.infoContainerItem {
				height: 50%;
				overflow-y: scroll;
				overflow-x: hidden;
				border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;

			.infoItemTitle {
				margin-bottom: 3px;

			.infoItemTitle .fas {
				width: 20px;

			.infoItemTime {
				font-size: 0.8em;

			.infoContainerItemHeading {
				padding: 10px;
				border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;

			.infoEditCount, .infoWarnLevel {
				font-size: 0.8em;

			.infoEditCount {
				margin-right: 10px;

			/* settings */

			.settings {
				display: none;
				align-items: center;
				justify-content: center;
				position: fixed;
				width: 100%;
				height: 100%;
				top: 0;
				left: 0;
				z-index: 10;

			.settingsContainer {
				width: 60%;
				min-width: 800px;
				height: 60%;
				min-height: 600px;
				background: white;
				border: 1px solid #bbb;
				position: relative;
				display: flex;
				flex-wrap: wrap;

			.settingsSectionContainer {
				width: 150px;
				border-right: 1px solid #ccc;
				height: 100%;

			.settingsSection {
				border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
				padding: 10px;
				user-select: none;
				cursor: pointer;

			.settingsSectionSelected {
				background: #ddd;

			.settingsButton {
				width: 100px;
				height: 30px;

			.settingsButtonContainer, .settingsCloseContainer {
				text-align: right;
				position: absolute;
				top: calc(100% - 40px);
				width: calc(100% - 10px);
				left: 0;
				user-select: none;
				flex-basis: 100%;

			.settingsCloseContainer {
				top: 10px;

			.settingsClose {
				cursor: pointer;
				font-size: 1.5em;

			.selectedSettings {
				padding: 15px;

			.message {
				position: absolute;
				text-align: right;
				left: 0;
				width: calc(100% - 20px);

			#reportIcon {
				margin-left: 10px;

			#user-being-reported, #report-notice {
				font-size: 0.8em;

			.ores {
				height: 5px;
				background: #ddd;
				position: absolute;
				top: calc(100% - 5px);
				left: 0;
				width: 100%;

			.ores-red {
				background: red;

			.ores-orange {
				background: orange;

			.ores-yellow {
				background: yellow;

			label[for=minORES] {
				display: block;

			@media screen and (max-width: 1200px) {
				.diffActionContainer {
					width: calc(50% - 2px);

				.diffToolbar {
					width: calc(75%);

// green for changes > 0, gray for = 0, red for < 0
function getChangeColor(change) {
	if (change < 0) {
		return "red";
	} else if (change > 0) {
		return "green";

	return "black";

// + for > 0, - for < 0
function getChangeString(change) {
	if (change > 0) {
		change = "+" + change;
	} else {
		change = change.toString().replace("-", "&ndash;");

	return change;

// changes timestamp into x seconds/minutes/hours ago
function timeAgo(timestamp) {
	const difference = new Date().getTime() - new Date(timestamp);
	const seconds = Math.floor(difference / 1000);

	if (seconds > 60) {
		if (seconds > 60 * 60) {
			if (seconds > 60 * 60 * 24) {
				const val = Math.floor(seconds / 60 / 60 / 24);
				return val + " day" + (val !== 1 ? "s" : "") + " ago";
			const val = Math.floor(seconds / 60 / 60);
			return val + " hour" + (val !== 1 ? "s" : "") + " ago";
		const val = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
		return val + " minute" + (val !== 1 ? "s" : "") + " ago";
	return seconds + " second" + (seconds !== 1 ? "s" : "") + " ago";

// get url to page
function getPageLink(title) {
	return "https://" + + "" + title;

// chop off strings over maximum length
function maxStringLength(str, len) {
	if (str.length > len) {
		str = str.substring(0, len) + "...";
	return str;

// show the settings container
function showSettings() {
	qs(".settings").style.display = "flex";

	qs("input[name=queueUsersCount]").value = antiVandalOptions.maxEditCount;
	qs("input[name=queueMaxSize]").value = antiVandalOptions.maxQueueSize;
	qs("input[name=namespaceMain]").checked = antiVandalOptions.namespaces.main;
	qs("input[name=namespaceUser]").checked = antiVandalOptions.namespaces.user;
	qs("input[name=namespaceDraft]").checked = antiVandalOptions.namespaces.draft;
	qs("input[name=namespaceWikipedia]").checked = antiVandalOptions.namespaces.wikipedia;
	qs("input[name=namespaceOther]").checked = antiVandalOptions.namespaces.other;
	qs("input[name=minORES]").value = antiVandalOptions.minimumORESScore;
	qs("label[for=minORES]").innerText = antiVandalOptions.minimumORESScore;

// hide the settings container
function hideSettings() {
	qs(".settings").style.display = "none";

// save settings
function saveSettings() {
	antiVandalOptions.maxEditCount = parseInt(qs("input[name=queueUsersCount]").value);
	antiVandalOptions.maxQueueSize = parseInt(qs("input[name=queueMaxSize]").value);
	antiVandalOptions.namespaces.main = qs("input[name=namespaceMain]").checked;
	antiVandalOptions.namespaces.user = qs("input[name=namespaceUser]").checked;
	antiVandalOptions.namespaces.draft = qs("input[name=namespaceDraft]").checked;
	antiVandalOptions.namespaces.wikipedia = qs("input[name=namespaceWikipedia]").checked;
	antiVandalOptions.namespaces.other = qs("input[name=namespaceOther]").checked;
	antiVandalOptions.minimumORESScore = parseFloat(qs("input[name=minORES]").value);


// get list of users reported to AIV
async function updateAIVReports() {
	const AIVregex = /{{(?:ip)?vandal\|(?:1=)?(.+?)}}/gmi;
	try {
		const pages = (await antiVandalApi.get({
			action: "query",
			format: "json",
			prop: "revisions",
			titles: "Wikipedia:Administrator_intervention_against_vandalism|Wikipedia:Administrator_intervention_against_vandalism/TB2",
			formatversion: 2,
			rvprop: "content",
			rvslots: "*"

		currentAIVReports = [...pages[0].revisions[0].slots.main.content.matchAll(AIVregex)]
			.map(e => e[1]);
	} catch (err) {

// check if a user is reported to AIV
function checkIfReported(user) {
	for (let username of currentAIVReports) {
		if (username.toLowerCase() === user.toLowerCase()) {
			return true;

	return false;

// add report for user
async function reportUserToAIV(user, reason) {
	await updateAIVReports();
	if (checkIfReported(user)) {
	qs(".diffProgressContainer").innerHTML += `
		<div class="diffProgressBar" id="report-${reportNum}">
			<div class="diffProgressBarOverlay"></div>
			<div class="diffProgressBarText">Getting AIV page...</div>

	const progressBarId = "#report-" + reportNum;
	const overlayId = "#report-" + reportNum + " > .diffProgressBarOverlay";
	const textId = "#report-" + reportNum + " > .diffProgressBarText";
	qs(overlayId).style.background = "orange";

	let template = "Vandal";
	if (user.match(/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/) || isIPv6(user)) {
		template = "IPvandal";

	const text = "\n* {" + "{" + template + "|" + user + "}} &ndash; " + reason + " ~~" + "~~";

	qs(overlayId).style.width = "50%";
	qs(textId).innerText = "Reporting...";

	try {
		const AIVcontent = (await antiVandalApi.get({
			action: "query",
			format: "json",
			prop: "revisions",
			titles: "Wikipedia:Administrator_intervention_against_vandalism",
			formatversion: 2,
			rvprop: "content|ids",
			rvslots: "*"
			action: "edit",
			format: "json",
			title: "Wikipedia:Administrator_intervention_against_vandalism",
			summary: `Reporting [[Special:Contributions/${user}|${user}]] ([[WP:AntiVandal|AV]])`,
			text: AIVcontent.slots.main.content + text,
			token: await getCSRFToken(),
			baserevid: AIVcontent.revid
	} catch (err) {

	qs(overlayId).style.width = "100%";
	qs(textId).innerText = "Done";

function reportCurrentUser() {
	const user = currentEdit.user;
	if (qs("#past-final-warning").checked) {
		reportUserToAIV(user, "Vandalism past final warning.");
	} else if (qs("#vandalism-only-acc").checked) {
		reportUserToAIV(user, "Evidently a vandalism-only account.");
	} else if (qs("#other-reason").checked) {
		reportUserToAIV(user, qs("#report-reason").value);

function loadSettings() {
	if (!"AntiVandalSettings")) {
			maxQueueSize: 50,
			wiki: mw.config.values.wgServerName.split(".")[0],
			controls: {
				markAsVandalism: "q",
				continueToNext: " ",
				queueBack: "[",
				queueForward: "]",
				rollback: "r"
			refreshTime: 5000,
			maxEditCount: 50,
			sortQueueItems: true,
			namespaces: {
				main: true,
				user: true,
				draft: true,
				wikipedia: true,
				other: true
			minimumORESScore: 0

	return JSON.parse("AntiVandalSettings"));

function setSettings(settings) {"AntiVandalSettings", JSON.stringify(settings));

function getNamespaceString() {
	return namespaceList.filter(n => antiVandalOptions.namespaces[n.category]).map(n =>"|");

const antiVandalOptions = loadSettings();

/* </nowiki> */