U.S. Bancorp

Vikipediya, ochiq ensiklopediya
U.S. Bancorp
Turi Public company
Qachon asos solingan 13-iyul, 1863-yil (160 yil avval) (1863-07-13)
Joylashuvi U.S. Bancorp Center
Rahbariyat Andrew Cecere
(Chairman, President and CEO)
Mahsulot(lar)i Consumer Banking, Corporate Banking, Insurance, Investment banking, Mortgage loans, Private banking, Private equity, Wealth management, Credit cards, Financial Analysis
Aylanma daromadi Decrease AQSh$22,72 billion (2021)
Operatsion foydasi 6 150 000 000[1]
Boyligi US$573.28 billion (2021)[2]
Sof foydasi 5 825 000 000[3]
Ishchilar soni 68,796 (2021)
Shoʻba korxonalari
Vebsayti Andoza:Official URL

US Bancorp (us bancorp sifatida stilize qilingan) — Minneapolis, Minnesota shahrida joylashgan va Delaver shtatida joylashgan Amerika bank xolding kompaniyasi.[4] Bu AQSh Bank Milliy Assotsiatsiyasining bosh kompaniyasi boʻlib, Qoʻshma Shtatlardagi beshinchi yirik bank muassasasidir.[5] Kompaniya jismoniy shaxslar, korxonalar, davlat tuzilmalari va boshqa moliya institutlariga bank, investitsiya, ipoteka, ishonch va toʻlov xizmatlari mahsulotlarini taqdim etadi. Uning 3106 ta filiali va 4842 ta avtomatlashtirilgan kassalari bor, asosan AQShning Gʻarbiy va Oʻrta Gʻarbiy qismida.

US Bancorp 1863-yilda Milliy bank toʻgʻrisidagi qonun qabul qilingandan soʻng berilgan ikkinchi eng qadimgi doimiy milliy xartiya, dastlab №24 Nizom asosida ishlaydi. Dastlab Filadelfiyaning Birinchi Milliy Bankiga berilgan eng qadimgi milliy nizom Uells Fargoga tegishli boʻlib, u Wachovia bilan birlashganda olingan.[6]

Tarixi[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Sent-Luis, Missuri shahri markazidagi bitta AQSh Bank Plaza
Kolorado shtatining Denver markazidagi AQSh banki minorasi
Solt-Leyk-Siti shahridagi AQSh bank minorasi, Yuta
Milwaukee, Viskonsin shtatidagi AQSh bank markazi
Sheboygan shahridagi AQSh banki binosi, Viskonsin
AQSh Bancorp izi
Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari Milliy banki Portlend, Oregon
Minneapolis markazi; AQSh Bancorp markazi chapdan ikkinchi toʻsiqsiz minoradir.
Ogayo shtatining Gudson shahridagi AQSh banki
Los-Anjeles, Kaliforniya markazidagi AQSh bank minorasi

AQSh banki nomi birinchi marta 1891 -yilda Oregon shtatining Portlend shahrida tashkil etilgan Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari Portlend Milliy Banki sifatida paydo boʻlgan.[7] 1902-yilda u Portlendning Ainsworth Milliy banki bilan birlashdi, ammo AQSh Milliy banki nomini saqlab qoldi.[7]

Franshizaning markaziy qismi 1864-yildan Minneapolis Birinchi Milliy Bankining tashkil topishi bilan boshlanadi.[7] 1929-yilda bu bank Sankt-Pol Birinchi Milliy banki (shuningdek 1864-yilda tashkil etilgan) va bir qancha kichikroq Yuqori Oʻrta Gʻarb banklari bilan birlashib, Birinchi Bank aktsiyadorlik korporatsiyasini tashkil etdi, u 1968-yilda nomini Birinchi Bank tizimiga oʻzgartirdi[7].

Franshizaning sharqiy qismida Miluokidagi Fermerlar va Millerlar banki 1853-yilda oʻz eshiklarini ochdi, Miluokining Birinchi Milliy Bankiga aylandi va oxir-oqibat Birinchi Viskonsin va oxir-oqibat Firstar korporatsiyasiga aylandi.[7] Cincinnati shtatida Cincinnati Birinchi Milliy Banki 1863-yil 13-iyulda №24 Milliy Xartiyaga muvofiq ish boshladi - AQSh Bancorp bugungi kunda ham amal qiladigan nizom va mamlakatdagi eng qadimgi faol milliy bank ustavlaridan biri. US Bancorp oʻzining tashkil etilgan sanasi sifatida 1863-yilni daʼvo qiladi.[7]

AQShning Oregon banki davri[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

1969-yil yanvar oyida AQShning Oregon shtati Milliy banki 1968-yil 9-sentabrda bank direktorlaridan ruxsat olgan[8] va keyinchalik Valyuta nazoratchisining qonuniy roziligini olganidan soʻng, US Bancorp xolding kompaniyasi[9] sifatida qayta tashkil etildi. 1968-yil 28-noyabrda[10] Bank prezidenti va bosh ijrochi direktori LeRoy B. Staver tezda yangi xolding kompaniyasiga rais va bosh ijrochi direktor, Robert B. Uilson esa xolding kompaniyasi prezidenti, shuningdek, bank boʻyicha ijrochi vitse-prezident etib tayinlandi.[11][12]

Staver 1974-yil oktyabr oyida nafaqaga chiqdi va uning oʻrniga Jon Elorriaga rais va bosh ijrochi direktor lavozimiga koʻtarildi, Elorriaga oʻrniga esa kichik Karl V. Mays prezident etib tayinlandi.[13]

1983-yil avgust oyida AQShning Oregondagi Bancorp boshqaruv tashkilotida katta oʻzgarishlar yuz berdi. Elorriaga kompaniyaning rais va bosh ijrochi direktori sifatida qolgan boʻlsa-da, Mays raisning yangi yordamchisi lavozimiga, Edmund P. Jensen esa Mays oʻrniga prezident etib, Rojer L. Brizli esa yangi kompaniyaga tayinlandi. bosh operatsion direktor lavozimi.[14]

1986-yil dekabr oyida AQShning Oregon shtatidagi Bancorp kompaniyasi Oregon shtatidagi Forest Grove (Vodiy milliy korporatsiyasi) (Feniks, Arizona, xuddi shu nomdagi kompaniya bilan adashtirmaslik kerak) oʻzining besh filiali boʻlgan Valley National Bank of Forest bankini sotib olishni eʼlon qildi. Grove shoʻʻba korxonasi 13,7 million dollarlik zaxirada.[15]

AQShning Oregondagi Bancorp kompaniyasi Oregon shtatidan tashqarida birinchi xaridini 1986-yil dekabr oyida Spokane, Vashingtonda joylashgan Old National Bancorp bilan oʻzining Old National Bank of Washington va First National Bank of Spokane shoʻba korxonalari bilan 174 million dollarga sotib olinishini eʼlon qildi.[16][17][18]

1986-yil dekabr oyida Oregon shtatidagi AQSh banki Camas, Vashingtonda joylashgan Heritage Bankni 2,8 million dollarga sotib olishni kutayotganini eʼlon qildi.[19][20]

1987-yil may oyida AQShning Oregon shtatidagi Bancorp kompaniyasi Vashington shtatining Sietl shahrida joylashgan Peoples Bancorpni oʻzining Xalq Milliy Banki shoʻba korxonasi bilan birgalikda 275 million dollarga sotib olinishini eʼlon qildi.[21][22] Sotib olish 1987-yil dekabr oyida yakunlandi.[23] Sotib olingandan soʻng, Peoples va Old National birlashtirib, AQShning Vashington bankini tashkil qilishdi.

Jon Elorriaga 1987-yil noyabr oyida boshqaruv raisi va bosh ijrochi direktor sifatida nafaqaga chiqdi va uning oʻrniga Rojer L. Brizli tayinlandi, Jensen esa prezident sifatida davom etdi.[24][25]

1987-yil dekabr oyida Oregon shtatidagi AQSh banki Bellingham, Vashingtonda joylashgan Mt Baker Bankni 25 million dollarga sotib olishni kutayotganini eʼlon qildi.[26]

AQShning Oregon banki 1988-yil aprel oyida Humboldt va Del Norte okruglarida yettita filiali boʻlgan Evrika,Kaliforniyada joylashgan Loleta bankining 15,3 million dollarga naqd pulga sotib olinishini eʼlon qilib, Kaliforniya shtatiga kirdi.[27] Sotib olish 1988-yil dekabr oyida yakunlandi va AQSh Kaliforniya Banki deb oʻzgartirildi.[28]

1988-yil aprel oyida AQShning Oregondagi Bancorp banki Bellingham, Vashingtonda joylashgan Shimoli-gʻarbiy tijorat bankini 15,5 million dollarga sotib olishni eʼlon qildi.[29] Sotib olish 1988-yilning noyabrida yakunlandi.[30]

1988-yil iyul oyida AQShning Oregon shtatidagi Bancorp banki Auburn, Vashingtonda joylashgan Western Independent Bancshares kompaniyasini Auburn Valley Bank shoʻba korxonasi bilan 4,25 million dollarga naqd pulga sotib olishni eʼlon qildi.[31]

1989-yil oktyabr oyida AQShning Oregon shtatidagi Bancorp kompaniyasi Sakramento (Kaliforniya) da joylashgan uchta filialga ega Mother Lode Savings Bankni 5,3 million dollarga sotib olishni eʼlon qildi.[32] Sotib olish 1990-yilning avgustida yakunlandi[33] Ushbu xarid mamlakatdagi tijorat banki tomonidan bunday olib qoʻyishga ruxsat beruvchi qonunchilik kuchga kirganidan beri birinchi tejamkorliklaridan biri boʻldi.

1980-yillarning oxirlarida AQShning Oregondagi Bancorp banki Aydaxo shtatida joylashgan bankni sotib olish yoʻli bilan Idaho shtatiga kirishga bir necha bor urinishlar qildi, bu faqat Aydaho qonuni boʻyicha ruxsat etilgan, biroq narx haddan tashqari koʻtarilgach, muvaffaqiyatsizlikka uchradi.[34] 1990-yil mart oyida AQShning Oregon shtatidagi Bancorp banki Federal bank qonunchiligidagi boʻshliq orqali bank tashkil etishini eʼlon qildi, bu esa Valyuta nazorati idorasiga bank shtab-kvartirasini shtatdan qatʼi nazar, hozirgi joylashuvidan 30 milya masofaga koʻchirishga ruxsat berish imkonini beradi. chegaralari va davlat qoidalari.[35] Federal ruxsatni olgandan soʻng, Birinchi Milliy bank nihoyat 1992-yil fevral oyida koʻchirildi va AQShning Aydaho Banki deb oʻzgartirildi.[36]

1990-yil iyul oyida AQShning Oregon shtatidagi Bancorp Obern, Kaliforniyada joylashgan HeartFed moliyaviy korporatsiyasi oʻzining Heart Federal jamgʻarma va kredit shoʻba korxonasi bilan birgalikda 107,8 million dollarga sotib olinishini eʼlon qildi.[37] Eʼlon qilingan paytda, Heart Federal Savings shimoliy Kaliforniyada 29 ta filialiga ega edi. Sotib olish 1991-yil mart oyida 118 million dollarga yakunlandi.[38]

1991-yil noyabr oyida Edmund P. Jensenga prezidentlik vazifalariga qoʻshimcha ravishda bosh operatsion direktor lavozimi berildi, bu esa uni Brezlining mumkin boʻlgan davomchisiga aylantirdi.[39]

1992-yil fevral oyida AQShning Oregon shtatidagi Bancorp shirkati Shimoliy Kaliforniyadagi 20 ta filiali va Nevadadagi 29 ta filialini Bank of Americaning Security Pacific korporatsiyasini sotib olishi natijasida Bankamerica korporatsiyasi tomonidan 70 million dollarga sotib olinishini eʼlon qildi.[40][41][42] Ushbu sotib olish AQShning Oregondagi Bancorp kompaniyasiga Nevada shtatida birinchi borligini berdi.

1993-yil yanvar oyida AQShning Oregon shtatidagi Bancorp rahbariyatini tashkil etishda yana bir katta oʻzgarish yuz berdi. Bosh operatsion direktori lavozimini saqlab qolgan holda, Edmund P. Jensen oʻz lavozimini Kevin R. Kelliga topshirgan holda rais oʻrinbosari etib tayinlandi. Shu bilan birga, Gerri B. Kemeron rais oʻrinbosari etib tayinlandi.[43] Oʻn oy oʻtgach, Jensen Visa Inc prezidenti boʻlish uchun isteʼfoga chiqdi[44] 1994-yil yanvarida Gerri Kemeron Jensen[45] oʻrniga birinchi boʻlib operatsion direktor etib tayinlandi, keyin esa atigi uch haftadan soʻng bosh ijrochi direktor etib tayinlandi.[46] Kelli 1994-yil mart oyida prezidentlik lavozimidan isteʼfoga chiqish haqida ariza berdi[47] va Brizli nihoyat 1994-yil aprel oyida raislikdan Kemeronga voz kechdi[48][49]

1995-yil may oyida AQShning Oregon shtatidagi Bancorp kompaniyasi Aydaxo shtatidagi Boise West One Bancorpni 1,8 milliard dollarga sotib olishni kutayotganini eʼlon qildi.[50][51] Eʼlon qilingan paytda West Oneʼning Idaho, Oregon, Vashington va Yuta shtatlarida filiallari boʻlgan, AQShning Oregon shtatidagi Bancorpʻning esa Oregon, Vashington, Kaliforniya, Aydaho va Nevada shtatlarida filiallari boʻlgan. Sotib olish 1995-yil dekabr oyida yakunlandi va AQShning Oregon shtatidagi Bancorp kompaniyasiga Yuta shtatiga birinchi kirishini berdi.[52] Sotib olish shartnomasining bir qismi sifatida West One raisi va bosh ijrochi direktori Daniel R. Nelson US Bancorp kompaniyasining bosh operatsion direktori va prezidenti boʻladi va keyinchalik u Kemeron uch yil ichida rejalashtirilgan nafaqaga chiqqanidan keyin rais va bosh direktor sifatida Kemeronning vorisi boʻladi. US Bancorp ham, West One ham Oregon va Vashingtonda bir-biriga oʻxshash hududlarga ega boʻlganligi sababli, AQSh Adliya vazirligi faqatgina AQSh Bancorp Vashington va Oregondagi 27 ta filialini sotgan taqdirdagina sotib olishni davom ettirishga ruxsat beradi.[53] Tartibga solish qarori natijasida US Bancorp Oregondagi 25 ta, Vashington markazidagi 4 ta va Aydaxodagi bitta filialini First Hawaiian bankiga 38 million dollarga naqd pulga sotdi.[54][55]

1996-yil fevral oyida AQShning Oregon shtatidagi Bancorp kompaniyasi San Ramon, Kaliforniyada joylashgan California Bancsharesni 309 million dollarga sotib olinishini eʼlon qildi.[56] California Bancshares toʻqqizta alohida bankda Sharqiy San-Fransisko koʻrfazi hududida jami 38 ta filialiga ega edi, ular orasida Alameda First National, Community First National, Modesto Banking Co., Commercial Bank of Fremont, Lamorinda National Bank, Bank of San Ramon Valley, Westside. Bank, Concord Commercial Bank va Bank of Milpitas. Sotib olish 1996-yil iyun oyida yakunlandi.[57]

1996-yil sentabr oyida AQShning Oregon shtatidagi Bancorp kompaniyasi Sent-Jorj, Yuta shtatida joylashgan Sun Capital Bancorp-ni oʻzining uchta filiali Sun Capital Bank shoʻʻba korxonasi bilan 15,5 million dollarga sotib olishni eʼlon qildi.[58] Sotib olish 1997-yil yanvar oyida yakunlandi.[59]

1996-yil dekabr oyida AQShning Oregon shtatidagi Bancorp kompaniyasi prezidenti va bosh operatsion direktori Daniel R. Nelson kutilmaganda 1997-yil Yangi yil kunidan erta nafaqaga chiqqanini eʼlon qildi. Nelson dastlab 1999-yil Yangi yil kuni Kameron nafaqaga chiqishi rejalashtirilgan rais va bosh ijrochi direktor sifatida Gerri B. Kemeronning vorisi boʻlishi kerak edi[60]

1996-yil dekabr oyida AQShning Oregon shtatidagi Bancorp kompaniyasi Sakramento, Kaliforniyada joylashgan Business & Professional Bankni 35 million dollarga naqd pulga sotib olishni eʼlon qildi.[61] Sotib olish 1997-yil may oyida yakunlandi[62]

Birinchi bank tizimi davri[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Fayl:First Bank logo 1979.JPG
Birinchi Bank tizimi ushbu logotipni 1979-yildan beri ishlatgan. U birinchi raqamli siluetni oʻz ichiga oladi.

Sotib olishdan oldin Birinchi Bankning qisqacha tarixi[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Birinchi bank tizimi oʻz ildizlarini 1864-yilda Minneapolisning Birinchi Milliy Bankining tashkil topishiga olib borishi mumkin. 1929-yilda Minneapolisning Birinchi Milliy banki Sankt-Polning Birinchi Milliy banki bilan birlashdi va ikkala bank uchun qoʻshma xolding kompaniyasini tuzdi, bu esa har ikkala shoʻʻba bankni qonuniy ravishda alohida saqlagan holda Birinchi Bank aktsiyadorlik korporatsiyasi deb nom oldi. Yangi xolding kompaniyasi 1956-yilgi Bank xolding kompaniyasi toʻgʻrisidagi qonun bunday harakatlarni taqiqlashidan oldin toʻrtta shtat mintaqasida boshqa banklarni sotib olish orqali tez oʻsdi. Birinchi Bank aktsiyadorlik korporatsiyasi 1968-yilda First Bank System Inc. nomini oldi[63]

Birinchi Bank tizimi tomonidan qoʻlga kiritilgandan soʻng US Bancorp[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

1997-yil sentabr oyida yangi US Bancorp, ilgari First Bank System , Minnesota shtatidagi St. Cloud, Zappco, Inc. kompaniyasining uchta banki va oltita banki bilan nomaʼlum summaga sotib olinishini eʼlon qildi.[64] Eʼlon qilingan paytda, US Bancorp Minnesota, Oregon, Vashington, Kolorado, Kaliforniya, Aydaho, Nebraska, Shimoliy Dakota, Nevada, Janubiy Dakota, Montana, Ayova, Illinoys, Yuta, Viskonsin shtatlarida 1000 dan ortiq bank ofislariga ega edi., Kanzas va Vayoming. Sotib olish 1997-yil dekabr oyida yakunlandi.[65]

1998-yil mart oyida US Bancorp Vankuver, Vashingtonda joylashgan Northwest Bancshares shirkati oʻzining 10 ta filialiga ega Shimoli-gʻarbiy Milliy Bankning shoʻʻba korxonasini nomaʼlum summaga sotib olishni eʼlon qildi.[66][67] 1998-yil oktyabr oyida AQSh Adliya vazirligi Shimoliy-Gʻarbiy Milliy Bank filiallaridan birini sotish sharti bilan sotib olishni davom ettirishga ruxsat berishga rozi boʻldi.[68] Sotib olish 1998-yil dekabr oyida AQSh Bancorp soʻrov bank ofisini Centennial Bank of Eugeneʼga sotganidan keyin yakunlandi.[69]

1998-yil oxirida Gerri Kemeron rais sifatida nafaqaga chiqdi va bu lavozimni Jon Grundxoferga topshirdi, u boshqa prezident va bosh ijrochi direktor lavozimlariga rais unvonini qoʻshdi.[70][71]

1999-yil fevral oyida US Bancorp San-Diegoda joylashgan Savdo bankining 10 ta filiali bilan 314 million dollarga sotib olinishini eʼlon qildi.[72][73][74] Sotib olish 1999-yil iyul oyida yakunlandi[75]

1999-yil may oyida US Bancorp Kaliforniya shtatidagi Nyuport-Bichdagi Western Bancorpni Santa Monika banki va Janubiy Kaliforniya bankining shoʻba korxonalari va jami 31 ta filiali bilan 904 million dollarga sotib olinishini eʼlon qildi.[76][77] Eʼlon qilingan paytda AQSh Bancorp Kaliforniyada 98 ta filialga ega edi. Sotib olish 1999-yil noyabr oyida 1,04 milliard dollarga yakunlandi.[78][79]

1999-yil sentabrida US Bancorp San-Diegoda joylashgan Peninsula bankini oʻzining 11 filiali bilan 104 million dollarga sotib olinishini eʼlon qildi.[80][81][82][83] 2000-yil yanvar oyi boshida bir guruh Peninsula Bank aktsiyadorlari qoʻshilishni toʻxtatishga harakat qilishdi, chunki birlashishning dastlabki kelishuvi AQSh Bancorp aktsiyalari qiymatining bir kunlik 27% ga tushishi oldidan tuzilgan va bu xarid narxini pasaytirdi.[84] Keyinchalik, sotib olish 2000-yil yanvar oyida muzokara qilingan dastlabki narxdan 10% ga pasaygan holda yakunlandi.[85]

2000-yil iyun oyida US Bancorp San-Diegoda joylashgan Scripps moliyaviy korporatsiyasini oʻzining toʻqqiz filiali boʻlgan Scripps Bank shoʻʻba korxonasini 155 million dollarga sotib olganini eʼlon qildi.[86] Sotib olish 2000-yil oktyabr oyida yakunlandi.[87]

Birinchi davr[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

2000-yil oktyabr oyida Viskonsin shtatining Milwaukee shahridagi Firstar korporatsiyasi US Bancorpni 21 milliard dollarga sotib olinishini eʼlon qildi.[88][89][90] Birlashish 2001-yil 27-fevralda yakunlandi. Firstar nominal omon qolgan boʻlsa-da, birlashgan kompaniya US Bancorp nomini oldi va Minneapolisdagi eski US Bancorp bosh qarorgohiga koʻchib oʻtdi.[91] Birlashish toʻgʻrisidagi kelishuvga koʻra, Firstar prezidenti va bosh ijrochi direktori Jerri Grundxofer birlashgan kompaniyada ushbu lavozimlarda davom etadi, uning akasi Jon Grundxofer esa US Bancorp raisi, prezidenti va bosh ijrochi direktori boʻlib ishlaydi. 2002-yil 31-dekabrda rejalashtirilgan nafaqaga chiqqunga qadar birlashgan kompaniya boshqaruv kengashi.[90][92] Birlashtirilgan kompaniya Milwaukee va Cincinnati shaharlarida baʼzi maʼmuriy funksiyalarni saqlab qoldi.

Birlashishni davom ettirish uchun AQSh Adliya vazirligi Firstardan Minneapolis hududidagi 11 ta va Ayova shtatidagi Kengash Bluffsdagi 2 ta filialini sotishni talab qildi.[93] Bremer Bank of Saint Paul, Minnesota, 11 Minneapolis hududidagi Firstar ofislarini[94][95] sotib oldi, Liberty Bank of West Des Moines, Ayova, 2 Council Bluffs ofislarini sotib oldi.[96][97]

Sotib olishdan oldin Firstarning qisqacha tarixi[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Firstar korporatsiyasi oʻz ildizlarini 1853-yilda Miluokida Fermer va Miller bankining tashkil etilishi bilan bogʻliq boʻlib, 1919-yilga kelib birinchi Viskonsin milliy bankiga aylangan. Biroq, 2001-yilda US Bancorpni egallab olgan Firstar, aslida 1998-yilda 27 oy oldin Firstarni sotib olgan kompaniya va rahbariyat edi, yaʼni Star Banc korporatsiyasi. Bu bank, oʻz navbatida, oʻz ildizlarini 1863-yilda Cincinnati Birinchi Milliy Bankining tashkil etilishi bilan bogʻlagan. Jerri Grundxofer va uning Star Bancdagi jamoasi ikkala xaridda ham muhim rol oʻynagan.

Hozirgi US Bancorp Star Bancning 1998-yilgacha boʻlgan aktsiyalari narxini saqlab qoladi. Yuqorida aytib oʻtilganidek, u 1863-yilni tashkil topgan sana deb daʼvo qiladi va dastlab Cincinnati Birinchi Milliy Bankiga berilgan nizom asosida ishlaydi. Bundan tashqari, 1998-yilgacha boʻlgan barcha SEC arizalari Star Banc ostida va 1998-yildan 2000-yilgacha boʻlgan barcha arizalar Firstar ostida.

Firstar tomonidan egallab olingandan keyin US Bancorp[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

  2001-yil aprel oyida yangi US Bancorp kompaniyasi Gonoluluda joylashgan Pacific Century Financial Corporation dan Encinoda joylashgan Pacific Century Bankning Kaliforniyadagi barcha 20 ta filiallarini sotib olishni eʼlon qildi.[98][99] Sotib olish 2001-yil sentyabr oyida yakunlandi[100][101]

2002-yil iyul oyida US Bancorp Kaliforniya shtatining San-Mateo shahrida joylashgan Bay View Bankning barcha 57 ta chakana bank filiallarini Bay View Capital Corporation bosh korxonasidan 429 million dollarga sotib olishni eʼlon qildi.[102][103] Sotib olish 2002-yil noyabr oyida yakunlandi.[104]

2003-yil Yangi yil kuni Jon Grundxofer US Bancorp raisi sifatida nafaqaga chiqdi va bu lavozimni ukasi Jerri Grundxoferga topshirdi, u korporatsiyadagi boshqa prezident va bosh ijrochi direktor lavozimlariga rais unvonini qoʻshdi.[105]

2004-yil may oyida US Bancorp National City korporatsiyasidan 34 milliard dollarlik korporativ ishonchli obligatsiyalarni boshqarish biznesini sotib olayotganini eʼlon qildi.[106][107][108]

2004-yil oktyabr oyida Richard K. Devis US Bancorp kompaniyasining bosh operatsion direktori va prezidenti etib tayinlandi. Jerri Grundxofer rais va bosh ijrochi direktor unvonlarini saqlab qolgan holda prezident lavozimini Devisga topshirgan edi.[109] Devis Star Banc korporatsiyasida birga boʻlgan kunlaridan beri Grundhoferning himoyachisi boʻlgan va 1998-yilda Star Banc tomonidan Firstarni sotib olishda yordam bergan[110] va keyinchalik 2001-yilda Firstar tomonidan US Bancorpni sotib olishda yordam bergan.

US Bancorp 2005-yil may oyida Genpassni MoneyPass ATM tarmogʻidagi shoʻʻba korxonasi bilan nomaʼlum summaga sotib oldi[111]

2005-yil noyabr oyida US Bancorp Wachovia korporatsiyasining 410 milliard dollarlik korporativ trast va institutsional saqlash korxonalarini 720 million dollarga naqd pulga sotib olayotganini eʼlon qildi.[112]

2006-yil iyul oyida US Bancorp SunTrust dan 123 milliard dollarlik munitsipal va korporativ obligatsiyalar boshqaruvchisi biznesini sotib olayotganini eʼlon qildi.[113]

2006-yil iyun oyida US Bancorp Kolorado shtatidagi Avon Vail Banks Inc.ni WestStar Bank shoʻba korxonasi va 23 ta joyda 98,6 million dollarga naqd pulga sotib olishni eʼlon qildi.[114] Sotib olish 2006-yil sentyabr oyida yakunlandi.[115]

2006-yil noyabr oyida US Bancorp LaSalle Bankdan 30 milliard dollarlik munitsipal obligatsiyalar boshqaruvchisi biznesini sotib olayotganini eʼlon qildi.[116][117]

2006-yil noyabr oyida US Bancorp Great Falls, Montana shtatida joylashgan United Financial Corporation bilan Heritage Bank shoʻba korxonasini 71 million dollarga sotib olishni eʼlon qildi.[118] Sotib olish 2007-yil fevral oyida yakunlandi va AQSh Bankining Montanadagi filiallari sonidan deyarli ikki baravar koʻp.[119]

2006-yil dekabr oyida Jerri Grundxofer bosh ijrochi direktor lavozimini prezident Richard Devisga topshirdi, Grundxofer esa 2007-yil dekabr oyida nafaqaga chiqqunga qadar rais boʻlib qoldi[120][121][122] 2007-yil dekabr oyida Grundhofer nafaqaga chiqqanidan soʻng, Devis boshqa prezident va bosh ijrochi direktor unvonlariga rais lavozimini qoʻshdi.[123]

2008-yil mart oyida AQSh Bancorp Los-Anjelesda joylashgan yetti ofisli Mellon 1st Business Bankni Nyu-York Mellon Bankidan nomaʼlum miqdorda naqd pulga sotib olishni eʼlon qildi.[124] Sotib olish 2008-yil iyun oyida yakunlandi.[125]

2009-yil 20-oktabrda kompaniya muvaffaqiyatsizlikka uchragan FBOP korporatsiyasining toʻqqizta shoʻba bankini FDICdan noma’lum summaga sotib olish boʻyicha bitimni yakunladi. Banklar qatoriga BankUSA, Arizonada 2 ta idorasi boʻlgan Milliy assotsiatsiya, Kaliforniyada 68 ta idorasi boʻlgan Cal National Bank, Texasda 1 ta idorasi boʻlgan Citizens National Bank, Illinoysda 1 ta ofisga ega Community Bank of Lemont, Texasda 1 ofisi boʻlgan Madisonville State Bank kiradi. Shimoliy Xyuston banki Texasda 1 ofis, Tinch okeani milliy banki Kaliforniyada 17 ofis, Park National Bank Illinoysda 31 ofis va San-Diego National Bank Kaliforniyada 28 ofis.[126]

Kompaniyaning Texasda ilgari boʻlmagani va yaqin kelajakda boʻlishini xohlamaganligi sababli, kompaniya 2010-yilda Texasdagi uchta bankni Xyustondagi Prosperity Bancsharesga nomaʼlum summaga sotdi.[127] Banklarning har birida bittadan ofis mavjud edi.[126]

2009-yil oktyabr oyida BB&T korporatsiyasi (hozirgi Truist Financial) Nevadadagi bank operatsiyalarini AQSh Bancorpga oshkor qilinmagan summaga sotilishini eʼlon qildi. BB&T Nevadadagi 21 ta ofisni FDIC tomonidan Alabama shtatidagi muvaffaqiyatsiz Colonial BancGroupning aktivlari va depozitlarini tasarruf etish boʻyicha koʻmaklashtirgan tranzaksiya orqali sotib olgan edi, ammo BB&T Texasning gʻarbiy qismini kengaytirishni xohlamadi, shu bilan birga u boshqa mustamlakachilarni saqlab qolishni xohladi. Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlarining janubi-sharqidagi joylar.[128] Sotib olish 2010-yil yanvar oyida yakunlandi[129]

2010-yil iyul oyida US Bancorp oʻzining FAF Advisors shoʻʻba korxonasini Nuveen Investmentsga 80 million dollarga va Nuveendagi 9,5% ulushga sotdi.[130][131]

2010-yilda Huntington Bancshares Ogayo shtatidagi Giant Eagle punktlari ichidagi bank filiallarini ijaraga olishni eʼlon qildi, bu asosan US Bancorp oʻrnini egallaydi, shuningdek, FirstMerit Corporation (uni 2016-yilda Huntington tomonidan sotib olinadi) va Citizens Financial Group filiallarini almashtiradi; bitim Pensilvaniyadagi Giant Eagle punktlaridagi Citizens filiallariga taʼsir qilmadi.[132][133] Shartnoma asosan US Bancorp kompaniyasiga taʼsir qilmadi, biroq u Ogayo shtatining Youngstown bozoridan chiqib ketishiga olib keldi, chunki US Bancorpning hududdagi yagona filiallari Giant Eagle joylashgan hududda edi; novdalar birinchi asrlardan beri ushlangan edi. 2020-yilga kelib, US Bancorp, Youngstown va Toledo bozorlarida mavjud boʻlmaganiga qaramay va Ogayo shtatida joylashgan yirik banklar (Huntington, Fifth Third Bank & KeyBank), PNC Bank va Chase Bankni ortda qoldirib, depozitlar boʻyicha Ogayo shtatining eng yirik bankiga aylandi.[134]

2011-yil yanvar oyida US Bancorp Nyu-Meksikodagi muvaffaqiyatsiz Birinchi Jamiyat bankining aktivlari va depozitlarini FDIC tomonidan 380 million dollarlik aktiv chegirmasi evaziga amalga oshirgan tranzaktsiyada sotib oldi.[135] Sotib olish Nyu-Meksikoda 35 ta ofis va Arizonada 3 ta ofisni oʻz ichiga olgan edi.

2012-yil yanvar oyida kompaniya FDIC tomonidan 67,5 million dollarlik aktiv chegirma evaziga amalga oshirilgan tranzaksiya natijasida Tennessi shtatidagi muvaffaqiyatsiz Noksvill bankining aktivlari va depozitlarini sotib oldi.[136] Sotib olish Noksvill hududidagi 10 ta ofisni oʻz ichiga olgan edi.

2014-yil yanvar oyida US Bancorp RBS Citizens Financial Group’dan Chikagodagi Charter One bankining 94 ta filialini 315 million dollarga sotib olishni[137] e’lon qildi va bu uning Chikagodagi bozor ulushini ikki baravar oshirdi.[138] 13 Charter One filiallari AQSH Bankining mavjud ofislariga yaqin joylashgani uchun yopildi.[139] Sotib olish 2014-yil iyun oyida yakunlandi.[138]

2015-yil yanvar oyida bosh moliya direktori Endryu Cecere bosh operatsion direktor lavozimiga koʻtarildi.[140] Bir yil oʻtgach, Seceraga qoʻshimcha prezident lavozimi berildi.[141]

2017-yil yanvar oyida US Bancorp rais va bosh direktor Richard Devis oʻzining bosh direktor lavozimini 2017-yil aprel oyida prezident va COO Endryu Cecerega topshirishini eʼlon qildi va shu bilan birga korporatsiya raisi sifatida qoladi.[142] Devis 2018-yil aprel oyida kompaniyadan rasman nafaqaga chiqdi va raislik lavozimini Cecerega topshirdi.[143]

2018-yil fevral oyida bank Adliya boshqarmasi tomonidan noqonuniy faoliyatning oldini olish choralarini koʻrmaganlikda, jumladan, ularga xiyonat qilish boʻyicha bitta holatda ayblov qoʻyilgan.[144] Jinoiy taʼqibni kechiktirish uchun US Bancorp 613 million dollar jarima toʻlashga rozi boʻldi va rasmiylarga mijozlar tranzaktsiyalari monitoringini yaxshilaganligini koʻrsatish uchun choralar koʻrishga rozi boʻldi.[144] 505 million dollar 2018-yil sentabrida AQSh Bancorp shubhali faoliyati toʻgʻrisida xabar bermagan noqonuniy ish haqi boʻyicha kredit biznesi mijozlariga tarqatilgan.[145]

2018-yil sentabr oyida Fiserv MoneyPass’ni US Bancorp’dan 690 million dollarga sotib olishini e’lon qildi.[146] Kelishuv 2019-yilning mart oyida yakunlandi[147] Savdoga Elanning kredit kartalarini chiqarish boʻlimi kirmadi, u Fidelity, BMW va Mercedes Benz kabi eng mashhur kartalar orasida chiqarilgan.[148] 2019-yil dekabr oyida bank Portlend shtatidagi qoʻngʻiroq markazi xodimi Emili Jeymsni va uning rahbarini ishdan boʻshatdi, chunki Jeyms shaxsan oʻz pulidan 20 dollarni muhtoj mijoz Mark Eugenioga berganidan keyin. Rojdestvo arafasida Yevgenio benzin va naqd puli tugab qoldi va ikki kun avval omonatga qoʻygan mablagʻlari hali va’da qilinganidek, uning hisobiga tushmagani uchun uning AQSh bankining debet kartasi rad etilganda, yoqilgʻi quyish shoxobchasida qolib ketdi. Mablagʻlarni chiqarishga boʻlgan muvaffaqiyatsiz urinishdan soʻng, Jeyms tanaffus paytida Evgenio bilan yoqilgʻi quyish shoxobchasida uchrashdi va unga Rojdestvo arafasida yaxshilik qilish uchun oʻz choʻntagidan 20 dollar taklif qildi.

Minneapolis, Minneapolis shahridagi AQSh banki binosiga oʻt qoʻyish oqibatida zarar koʻrdi

Minneapolisdagi Sharqiy Leyk koʻchasidagi boshqa ikkita bank filiali oʻt qoʻyish natijasida butunlay vayron qilingan. US Bankcorps 919 East Leyk koʻchasidagi shikastlangan filialni qayta qurdi va 2800 East Leyk koʻchasidagi mulkni arzon uy-joy loyihasi sifatida qayta qurish uchun sovgʻa qildi.[149][150]

2021-yil 21-sentabrda US Bancorp MUFG Union Bankning isteʼmolchi biznesini 8 milliard dollarga sotib olishga rozi boʻldi. Bu bankning 2001-yilda Miluokida joylashgan Firstar Corp. bilan 21 milliard dollarga birlashganidan beri eng yirik bitimidir. MUFG Union Bank bilan kelishuv US Bancorpning hozirgi 294 milliard dollarlik bazasiga 58 milliard dollarlik kredit qoʻshadi. Birlashish, shuningdek,AQSh Bancorpga AQShning Gʻarbiy sohilida, ayniqsa Kaliforniyada katta ishtirok etadi.[151]

2022-yil may oyida Bancorp NCRC va CRC bilan kelishilgan holda ishlab chiqilgan besh yillik ijtimoiy nafaqa rejasini eʼlon qildi. MUFG Union Bankni rejalashtirilgan sotib olishning bir qismi sifatida.Jamiyatning 100 milliard dollarlik rejasi besh yil davomida belgilanadi va asosiy eʼtibor past va oʻrtacha daromadli jamoalar va rangli jamoalar uchun kapitaldan adolatli foydalanishni qoʻllab-quvvatlashga qaratilgan.[152]

Mashhur korporativ binolar[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]


  • Jon F. Grundxofer
  • Richard K. Devis

Manbalar[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

  1. (unspecified title)
  2. „Holding Companies with Assets Greater Than $10 Billion“. Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (31-dekabr 2020-yil).
  3. (unspecified title)
  4. „EDGAR Search Results“. www.sec.gov. Qaraldi: 8-noyabr 2018-yil.
  5. „Biggest US Banks by Asset Size (2021)“ (inglizcha). MX Technologies (20-aprel 2021-yil). Qaraldi: 21-sentabr 2021-yil.
  6. „Wells Fargo: Guided By History“. Wells Fargo.
  7. 7,0 7,1 7,2 7,3 7,4 7,5 „US Bank | Annual Report 2012 | 150th Anniversary“. media.corporate-ir.net.
  8. „U.S. National, Oregon, Board Votes Reorganization Plan“. The Wall Street Journal (9-sentabr 1968-yil), s. 13. 13-sentabr 2017-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 7-iyul 2017-yil. „Directors of U.S. National Bank of Oregon approved plans to make the bank the subsidiary of a new one-bank holding company, tentatively to be called U.S. Bancorp, U.S. National announced... The move, according to LeRoy B. Staver, would permit the bank to diversify within the financial field. He added that definite plans for acquisitions havenʼt been formulated yet.“.
  9. U.S. Bancorporation Unit. The Wall Street Journal (6-yanvar 1969-yil), s. 6. „U.S. National Bank of Oregon said it has become a subsidiary of its previously announced holding company, U.S. Bancorporation [sic].“.
  10. „Two Major Banks Get Permission to Organize One-Unit Holding Firms: Currency Comptroller Approves Three Other Such Proposals, Putting Week's Total at Seven“. The Wall Street Journal (29-noyabr 1968-yil), s. 6. 19-avgust 2017-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 7-iyul 2017-yil. „U.S. National Bank of Portland, Ore., received permission to merge with Unit National Bank Of Oregon, currently organizing; the new institution would be owned by U.S. Bancorp. U.S. National has deposits of $1.16 billion and operates 110 offices. American Fletcher National Bank & Trust Co., Indianapolis, with deposits of $594 million and 41 branches, was given the approval to merge with Marion County National Bank, currently organizing. American Fletcher is owned by American Fletcher Corp.“.
  11. Robert B. Wilson Is Named President of U.S. Bancorp. The Wall Street Journal (25-fevral 1969-yil), s. 16. „U.S. Bancorp said Robert B. Wilson, a Portland businessman, has been named president of the one-bank holding company and executive vice president of its subsidiary, U.S. National Bank of Oregon. Mr. Wilson, 53 years old, replaces LeRoy B. Staver, 60, who becomes chairman of the holding company, a position previously unfilled. In addition, Mr. Staver will remain president of the bank and chief executive officer of both the bank and the holding company.“.
  12. U.S. Bancorp Appoints John Elorriaga President. The Wall Street Journal (28-avgust 1973-yil), s. 20. „John A. Elorriaga was elected president and chief administrative officer of U.S. Bancorp., a bank holding company. Mr. Elorriaga also will continue as president and chief administrative officer of U.S. National Bank of Oregon, principal subsidiary of U.S. Bancorp.“.
  13. „At the Top: U.S. Bancorp elected a new president and a new chairman.“. Los Angeles Times (29-oktabr 1974-yil), s. d9. 1-fevral 2018-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 7-iyul 2017-yil. „Carl Mays was named president, succeeding John A. Elorriaga who was promoted to chairman and chief executive officer of the Portland, Ore., firm. Elorriaga succeeds LeRoy B. Staver, who is retiring. U.S. Bancorp., holding company of U.S. National Bank of Oregon, had total assets of $2.725 billion last year.“.
  14. U.S. Bancorp. The Wall Street Journal (30-avgust 1983-yil), s. 34. „Roger L. Breezley, 45-year-old vice chairman of this bank-holding company, was named to the additional new post of chief operating officer. Carl W. Mays Jr., 58, was named to the new position of executive assistant to the chairman. Edmund P. Jensen, 45, formerly executive vice president, was named president, succeeding Mr. Mays. Mr. Jensen also was appointed a director, expanding the board to 24.“.
  15. U.S. Bancorp Plans to Buy Valley National for Stock. The Wall Street Journal (8-dekabr 1986-yil), s. 1. „U.S. Bancorp said it plans to acquire Valley National Corp., a Forest Grove, Ore., bank holding concern, in a stock-swap with an indicated value of about $13.7 million... U.S. Bancorp operates 195 branches in Oregon through its U.S. Bank unit. Valley National, with assets of $93 million, has five branch bank locations and is the parent of Oregon-based Pacific Northwest Trust Corp. and Northvale Homes Inc.“.
  16. Gapa, Les. „A Big Oregon Bank Will Buy Old National“. Seattle Post-Intelligencer (18-dekabr 1986-yil), s. B10. „U.S. Bancorp, the largest bank in Oregon, agreed yesterday to acquire Old National Bancorp, Washington's fifth-largest commercial bank, in a merger that could drastically change competition in this state's banking industry. The combination would create the largest financial institution in the Northwest, with about $11 billion in assets, the companies said, surpassing in size both Seafirst Corp. and Rainier Bancorp, currently Nos. 1 and 2 in Washington... The $174 million acquisition, to be effective next July 1...“.
  17. Buck, Richard. „Merger to Make U.S. Bancorp. Biggest Bank“. Seattle Times (18-dekabr 1986-yil), s. F1. „Old National Bank, long known as the fifth-largest bank in this state, is about to become part of what will be the largest Northwest-based banking institution... The two bank-holding companies, flirting with each other for several years, announced yesterday they intend to merge, with U.S. Bancorp. paying $174 million, or $46 a share, to acquire Old National... U.S. Bancorp. repeatedly said it intended to enter Washington once legal barriers are removed next July 1... Much of the improvement comes from better profits at Old National Bank and First National Bank in Spokane, along with lower losses at Old National Financial Services, a consumer-finance subsidiary whose problems nearly sank the bank in 1983.“.
  18. Buck, Richard. „State Banks Ready to Open Door to Interstate Banking“. Seattle Times (30-iyun 1987-yil), s. C1. „On paper, tomorrow is one of the most important days of the decade for the banking industry in Washington. It's when interstate banking is officially allowed to begin. But in reality, July 1 will be a non-event, except to some senior executives of Old National Bank, which will come under new management and become a subsidiary of U.S. Bancorp in Portland.“.
  19. „Briefly“. Los Angeles Times (25-dekabr 1986-yil), s. 11. „U.S. Bancorp of Portland, Ore., said it will acquire Heritage Bank in Camas, Wash.“.
  20. „U.S. Bancorp Plans to Buy Camas Bank“. Seattle Post-Intelligencer (25-dekabr 1986-yil), s. B7. „Oregon's U.S. Bancorp, which recently announced plans to acquire Spokane-based Old National Bancorporation, yesterday announced another foray into Washington state by signing a definitive agreement to buy the small Heritage Bank in Camas in Clark County. The company said the price will be $2.8 million for all 60,000 issued and outstanding shares of Heritage Bank stock.“.
  21. „U.S. Bancorp To Buy Peoples“. The New York Times (20-may 1987-yil).
  22. Heberlein, Greg. „U.S. Bankcorp. Agrees to Merge With Peoples“. Seattle Times (19-may 1987-yil), s. E1. „In a surprise move, U.S. Bancorp. of Portland today said it would exchange stock worth about $74 a share to acquire Seattle-based Peoples Bancorp.“.
  23. Erickson, Jim. „A Bad Year for Nostalgia – Interstate Banking Law Had Its Effect“. Seattle Post-Intelligencer (1-yanvar 1988-yil), s. B12. „In front of a small gathering of bank officials and the press last week, Peoples Bancorp. Chairman Joshua Green III signed ownership of the 98-year-old bank over to U.S. Bancorp of Portland.“.
  24. U.S. Bancorp's Breezley Is Named Chairman, Chief. The Wall Street Journal (27-oktabr 1987-yil), s. 1. „U.S. Bancorp said Roger L. Breezley, 49 years old, was named chairman and chief executive officer, succeeding John A. Elorriaga, 64, who is retiring. Mr. Breezley has been vice chairman and chief operating officer since 1983. U.S. Bancorp, with $10.6 billion in assets, is the largest bank holding company headquartered in the Pacific Northwest.“.
  25. „People on The Move“. Seattle Post-Intelligencer (2-noyabr 1987-yil), s. B6. „Roger L. Breezley has been elected chairman of the board and chief executive officer of U.S. Bancorp, the Portland holding company that has acquired Old National Bank and is taking over Peoples National Bank. Breezley succeeded John A. Elorriaga as chairman upon Elorriaga's retirement yesterday. Breezley has been vice chairman of the board and chief operating officer of U.S. Bancorp since 1983. U.S. Bancorp subsidiaries include Oregon's largest bank, U.S. National Bank of Oregon, Old National Bank of Washington, and U.S. Bank of Southwest Washington. It is the largest independent bank company in the Northwest.“.
  26. U.S. Bancorp Plans To Buy Mt Baker Bank. The Wall Street Journal (17-dekabr 1987-yil), s. 1. „U.S. Bancorp signed a preliminary agreement for the acquisition of Mt Baker Bank for $16 a share, or $25 million, the companies said. Under the accord, Mt Baker, based in Bellingham, Wash., will become a subsidiary of U.S. Bancorp, based in Portland.“.
  27. Sorensen, Donald J.. „U.S. Bancorp to Expand to California“. The Oregonian (9-aprel 1988-yil), s. E01. „U.S. Bancorp carried its acquisition program into Northern California for the first time with the announcement Friday that it plans to purchase a bank based in Eureka. A letter of intent has been signed to acquire the Bank of Loleta, a state-chartered bank with assets of $143 million with seven branches in Humboldt and Del Norte counties. Purchase price is about $15.3 million in cash, the Portland-based bank holding company said... The expansion policy of U.S. Bancorp in recent years has created the third-largest bank in Washington with Old National Bancorporation of Spokane and Peoples Bancorporation of Seattle combined into U.S. Bank of Washington. Another subsidiary is the U.S. Bank of Southwest Washington, based in Vancouver, and including Heritage Bank of Camas. Pending acquisitions include Mt Baker Bank, a savings bank in Bellingham, and Northwestern Commercial Bank, also in Bellingham. Last year, it also acquired Valley National Bank of Forest Grove to add to the statewide network of U.S. National Bank of Oregon.“.
  28. U.S. Bancorp (12-iyun 1989-yil). „Bank of Loleta Becomes U.S. Bank of California“. Press-reliz.  „The name has changed but the people remain the same. On June 12, 1989, the Bank of Loleta completed its conversion to the U.S. Bancorp system by officially opening its doors as the U.S. Bank of California (U.S. Bank). Acquired by U.S. Bancorp on Dec. 15, 1988, the Bank of Loleta has been operating as a subsidiary of that company.“
  29. U.S. Bancorp Sets Purchase. The Wall Street Journal (28-aprel 1988-yil), s. 1. „U.S. Bancorp said it definitively agreed to acquire Northwestern Commercial Bank, Bellingham, Wash., for $15.5 million.“.
  30. (17-noyabr 1988-yil). „U.S. Bancorp Acquires Northwestern Commercial Bank“. Press-reliz.  „The completion of the acquisition of Northwestern Commercial Bank by U.S. Bancorp (NASDAQ: USBC) was announced Thursday, Nov. 17, by Ed Jensen, president, U.S. Bancorp and F. Murray ("Red") Haskell, chairman of the board, Northwestern Commercial Bank...“
  31. „U.S. Bancorp – Western Independent Bancshares Is Purchased“. Seattle Post-Intelligencer (23-iyul 1988-yil), s. B3. „U.S. Bancorp, the Portland-based financial services company, will buy Western Independent Bancshares Inc. in Auburn for $4.25 million in cash under the terms of a definitive agreement announced yesterday. Western Independent Bancshares is the parent company of Auburn Valley Bank, which had year-end assets of $44.6 million and offices in Auburn and Kent. The previously announced acquisition, which requires the approval of Western Independent Bancshares shareholders and regulators, is one of several pending or completed by U.S. Bancorp this year. The company completed the acquisition of Mt Baker Bank in Bellingham last month and has agreements to purchase Northwestern Commercial Bank, also in Bellingham, and the Bank of Loleta in Eureka, Calif.“.
  32. Sorensen, Donald J.. „U.S. Bancorp Buys Women-Founded Sacramento Bank“. The Oregonian (19-oktabr 1989-yil), s. E17. „U.S. Bancorp continued its expansion into Northern California by announcing Wednesday that it has agreed to acquire Mother Lode Savings Bank of Sacramento for about $5.3 million. Mother Lode, which has assets of $107.7 million and three offices, was founded by women in 1980 as a savings and loan to encourage business development by women in the area. It was later changed to a savings bank and expanded its operations... It is one of the first acquisitions of thrift by a commercial bank in the nation since legislation permitting such takeovers. However, the savings bank is healthy and it was not a rescue effort, U.S. Bancorp said... When the transaction is completed, expected early next year, the bank will become part of U.S. Bank of California, a Bancorp subsidiary. The California unit was formed early last year with the acquisition of the $143 million-in-assets Bank of Loleta in Eureka, Calif.“.
  33. MacKenzie, Bill. „U.S. Bank Acquires Mother Lode Savings“. The Oregonian (26-avgust 1990-yil), s. B06. „U.S. Bank has completed its acquisition of Mother Lode Savings Bank of Sacramento, further solidifying the Oregon bank's position in Northern California. Mother Lode, a state-chartered bank with about $111 million in assets and three offices, became part of U.S. Bank of California on Friday.“.
  34. Howe, Kenneth. „U.S. Bancorp on Northern California Buying Spree“. San Francisco Chronicle (29-iyul 1991-yil), s. B1. „U.S. Bancorp, with $18.6 billion in assets, is the country's 35th biggest bank. Breezley's goal is to get it among the top 20 banks by 1994. Even if the bigger banks were to stop growing, U.S. Bancorp would have to expand by 70 percent over the next 3 1/2 years to achieve the goal. But that may not be as difficult as it sounds. The company has tripled in size since 1983... Started from scratch 2 1/2 years ago, the company's U.S. Bank of California unit, with about $1.4 billion in assets, already is the seventh-largest bank headquartered in Northern California. Forming U.S. Bank of California after buying the tiny Bank of Loleta in Eureka at the end of 1988, Breezley added Sacramento's Mother Lode Savings in 1990 and Auburn's HeartFed Financial Corp. and Petaluma's Northbay Financial this year... Much of U.S. Bancorp's growth has occurred in the state of Washington, where the company has made six acquisitions in four years and where U.S. Bank of Washington, with $5.4 billion in assets, is now the third-largest bank. Breezley's next target is Idaho, where his blend of caution and aggression is evident. Tejera said that last year U.S. Bancorp tried three times to buy Idaho institutions: First National Bank of North Idaho in Wallace, Mountain West Savings Bank of Coeur d'Alene and Boise-based West One Bancorp. "They played it very conservative in those attempts, walking away when the price got too steep, " he said.“.
  35. U.S. Bancorp (13-mart 1990-yil). „First National Bank in Spokane to Transfer Branches to U.S. Bank“. Press-reliz.  „U.S. Bancorp (NASDAQ: USBC) Tuesday announced plans to transfer branches of its wholly-owned subsidiary First National Bank in Spokane (First National Bank) to its flagship Washington bank, U.S. Bank of Washington, National Association (U.S. Bank). In addition, First National Bank will apply to relocate its main office to Idaho. Completion of the transactions is dependent upon regulatory approval. "First National Bank has been a part of the U.S. Bancorp system since the acquisition of Old National Bank in 1987," said Gerry Cameron, president of U.S. Bank.“
  36. U.S. Bancorp (19-fevral 1992-yil). „U.S. Bank Gains Approval to Serve Idaho Customers“. Press-reliz.  „The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) has approved an application to relocate U.S. Bancorp's subsidiary First National Bank in Spokane to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. U.S. Bancorp acquired the First National Bank charter in 1987, as part of its acquisition of Old National Bancorporation, which is now part of the current U.S. Bank of Washington... U.S. Bank of Idaho, National Association, opened for business today in its new location and under its new name... Once established in Coeur d'Alene, Schmitt said U.S. Bank of Idaho will file an application for a new branch... Subsidiaries include United States National Bank of Oregon; U.S. Bank of Washington, National Association; U.S. Bank of California; and U.S. Bank of Idaho, National Association.“
  37. Rooks, Judy. „U.S. Bancorp Buys California Savings And Loan“. The Oregonian (18-iyul 1990-yil), s. D01. „The Portland-based financial services company has reached an agreement to acquire HeartFed Financial Corp. of Auburn, Calif., the holding company for Heart Federal Savings and Loan... The deal is valued at about $107.8 million. Acquisition of the 29-branch savings and loan will give U.S. Bancorp its largest toehold in California.“.
  38. „U.S. Bancorp pays $118 million for California thrift“. United Press International (28-mart 1991-yil).
  39. U.S. Bancorp. The Wall Street Journal (5-noyabr 1991-yil), s. B8. „Ed Jensen, 54 years old, was named to the new post of chief operating officer at this bank holding company. Mr. Jensen continues as president.“.
  40. „Banking & Finance“. Los Angeles Times (27-fevral 1992-yil).
  41. Hicks, Larry. „BofA, Security Pacific Branches Sold – U.S. Bancorp Deal Boosts Market Share In Sacramento, Northern California“. Sacramento Bee (27-fevral 1992-yil), s. D1. „U.S. Bancorp, a powerful Oregon bank that is challenging for local market leadership, on Wednesday purchased 49 branches in metropolitan Sacramento, Northern California and Nevada from giants BankAmerica Corp. and Security Pacific Corp. for $70 million... U.S. Bancorp is acquiring $1.58 billion in total deposits from the two banks, including 20 branches in Northern California which hold $750 million in deposits. Security Pacific owns 18 of those branches and BofA owns two offices... In Nevada, the acquisition package includes the purchase of Bank of America Nevada (owned by BofA), with 21 branches, plus eight Security Pacific branches in Nevada.“.
  42. US Bancorp (27-fevral 1992-yil). „U.S. Bancorp to Acquire Divested Bank Of America, Security Pacific Branches In Northern California, Nevada“. Press-reliz. 16-mart 2018-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlandi. Qaraldi: 4-avgust 2022-yil.
  43. U.S. Bancorp. The Wall Street Journal (14-yanvar 1993-yil), s. B8. „Edmund P. Jensen, 55 years old, president and chief operating officer of this bank holding company, was named a vice-chairman. Succeeding him as president is Kevin R. Kelly, 43, formerly president of company's U.S. Bank of Oregon unit. Mr. Jensen retains the post of chief operating officer of the holding company. Also named a vice-chairman was Gerry B. Cameron, 54, former president of the company's U.S. Bank of Washington unit. A spokeswoman said the changes were part of an ongoing strategic development plan.“.
  44. Hansell, Saul. „Visa International Is Set To Replace Top Officer“. The New York Times (27-oktabr 1993-yil). „The longtime chief executive of Visa International, Charles Russell, will announce today that he is resigning from the credit card organization. He will be replaced by Edmund P. Jensen, a vice chairman of U.S. Bancorp in Portland, Ore.“.
  45. U.S. Bancorp (6-yanvar 1994-yil). „Gerry B. Cameron Named Chief Operating Officer Of U.S. Bancorp“. Press-reliz. 2-fevral 2018-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlandi. Qaraldi: 4-avgust 2022-yil. „Chairman Roger L. Breezley today announced that the board of directors of U.S. Bancorp has elected Vice Chairman Gerry Cameron to the additional position of chief operating officer (COO). With the new position, Cameron's scope of responsibility broadens from his traditional regional banking focus to include oversight of nationally focused financial businesses. Cameron assumes the title previously held by Edmund P. Jensen who recently left U.S. Bancorp to join Visa International as president and chief executive officer. Kevin R. Kelly remains as president of U.S. Bancorp.“
  46. Francis, Mike; Hamburg, Ken. „U.S. Bancorp Board Puts Cameron In Charge“. The Oregonian (27-yanvar 1994-yil), s. C01. „The directors of U.S. Bancorp put a new man in charge Wednesday, ending speculation about the succession at the region's largest independent bank. Gerry Cameron, a 38-year veteran of U.S. Bancorp, was named chief executive officer of the regional holding company. He succeeds Roger Breezley, who remains chairman of the company, a position he has held since 1987. Breezley, 55, surrendered his day-to-day management duties at the bank. The leadership change – effective immediately – was announced Wednesday night following an afternoon meeting of the company's directors. A statement by Breezley said he had recommended that the functions of chairman and chief executive be split. The change, he said, allows him to focus on oversight. The suddenness of the change surprised even bank insiders. About an hour after the directors adjourned, the senior vice president for investor relations said he hadn't heard about the change.“.
  47. Francis, Mike. „Kelly Steps Down at U.S. Bancorp“. The Oregonian (19-mart 1994-yil), s. E01. „Kevin R. Kelly resigned Friday as president of U.S. Bancorp, partly because he didn't want his "restlessness" to become a distraction as the bank sharpens its focus on its internal operations. But he's also stepping aside at age 44 so chief executive officer Gerry B. Cameron can assemble his own team of managers at the highest levels of the region's largest independent bank.“.
  48. „Chairman Of U.S. Bancorp Steps Down“. The New York Times (20-aprel 1994-yil). „The chairman of U.S. Bancorp, Roger L. Breezley, resigned yesterday. He will be succeeded by Gerry B. Cameron, the chief executive. The company, based in Portland, Ore., also said it planned to buy back up to six million shares to finance the company's 1993 stock incentive plan and for other corporate purposes. The company has about 99.7 million shares outstanding. Mr. Breezley, 56, will remain on the board. He relinquished the chief executive's post in January, the company said.“.
  49. „U.S. Bancorp Chairman Roger Breezley Resigns“. Seattle Times (20-aprel 1994-yil). „announcement of Breezley's resignation was unexpected“.
  50. Torbenson, Eric. „Idaho Loses Last Major State Bank Boise's West One Agrees To U.S. Bancorp Merger“. The Spokesman-Review (9-may 1995-yil).
  51. Manning, Jeff. „Banking on Bigness: U.S. Buying West One“. The Oregonian (9-may 1995-yil), s. A01. „U.S. Bancorp announced Monday morning its intention to buy Boise-based West One Bancorp in a deal valued at $1.6 billion. The acquisition would boost U.S. Bancorp's total assets from $21.4 billion to more than $30 billion, solidifying its position as the largest Northwest-owned bank... The merger cements U.S. Bancorp's position as the largest bank in Oregon. It also will become the largest institution in Idaho and move from fifth-largest to third-largest in Washington. West One also gives U.S. Bancorp its first entry into Utah. The acquisition probably will raise antitrust concerns among Justice Department lawyers. U.S. Bancorp acknowledged that it probably will have to divest assets in certain markets, especially the Portland metropolitan area, to gain government approval... The acquisition clears up speculation about who U.S. Bancorp's next chief executive will be. As part of the deal, the Portland bank named West One's chairman and chief executive, Dan Nelson, its own chief operating officer and president. What's more, Nelson will assume the bank's helm after Cameron retires in three years.“.
  52. „U.S. Bancorp Completes Purchase Of West One“. The New York Times. Bloomberg L.P. (28-dekabr 1995-yil).
  53. „Justice Allows U.S. Bank Deal“. The Spokesman-Review (12-dekabr 1995-yil).
  54. „First Hawaiian To Buy U.S. Bank Branches“. Seattle Times (5-dekabr 1995-yil).
  55. „Hawaii Bank Buys U.S. Bank Branches“. The Spokesman-Review (5-dekabr 1995-yil).
  56. „U.S. Bancorp to Buy California Bancshares: Mergers: Drop in Oregon bank's share price reflects concern that $309-million price tag is too high.“. Los Angeles Times (13-fevral 1996-yil).
  57. „U.S. Bancorp completes California deal“. United Press International (6-iyun 1996-yil).
  58. „U.S. Bancorp to Acquire Sun Capital“. Deseret News (26-sentabr 1996-yil).
  59. „Meanwhile in Utah...“. Salt Lake Tribune (4-yanvar 1997-yil), s. E10. „U.S. Bank has finalized its acquisition of St. George-based Sun Capital Bank in a deal valued at $15.5 million. Under terms of an agreement originally signed Sept. 25, two Sun Capital branches in St. George and one in Hurricane will merge this spring into U.S. Bank... The merger will bring to 29 the number of U.S. Bank branches operating in Utah. The bank with $33 billion in assets moved into the state in April through its acquisition of West One Bank.“.
  60. Bartel, Frank. „Ex-Spokane Banker Passes Up Chance To Lead Regional Financial Giant“. The Spokesman-Review (25-dekabr 1996-yil).
  61. Ota, Alan K.. „U.S. Bancorp Buys California Bank“. The Oregonian (28-dekabr 1996-yil), s. B12. „U.S. Bancorp strengthened its growing franchise in Northern California Friday by agreeing Friday to acquire Business & Professional Bank of Sacramento for $35 million in cash. The Portland-based banking company's latest acquisition came at the end of a week of renewed rumors on Wall Street that U.S. Bancorp may itself might be a takeover target. The surprise announcement on Dec. 20 that President Daniel R. Nelson would take early retirement at the end of the year fueled the speculation. Nelson was the heir apparent to Chairman Gerry B. Cameron, who plans to retire at the end of 1998.“.
  62. U.S. Bancorp (1-may 1997-yil). „U.S. Bancorp Completes Acquisition of Business & Professional Bank“. Press-reliz. 15-avgust 2017-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlandi. Qaraldi: 26-may 2017-yil.
  63. „Banking Concern Changes Name“. Wall Street Journal (25-aprel 1968-yil), s. 3. „Shareholders of First Bank Stock Corp., a bank holding company, approved a change in the name of the corporation to First Bank System Inc. at the annual meeting.“.[sayt ishlamaydi]
  64. (17-sentabr 1997-yil). „Roundup: U.S. Bancorp to Purchase St. Cloud Bank“. Press-reliz.
  65. DePass, Dee. „U.S. Bancorp finishes its acquisition of Zappco of St. Cloud“. Minneapolis Star-Tribune (16-dekabr 1997-yil), s. 03D. „U.S. Bancorp said Friday that it has completed its acquisition of St. Cloud-based Zappco, a bank holding company with three banks, six branches and $360 million in assets. Terms were not disclosed.“.
  66. „U.S. Bancorp To Buy Clark County Bank“. The Spokesman-Review (14-mart 1998-yil).
  67. „U.S. Bancorp acquires Washington holding company“. Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal (13-mart 1998-yil).
  68. „Northwest Bank Buyout Deal Gets A Federal Go-Ahead“. Seattle Post-Intelligencer (10-oktabr 1998-yil), s. B3. „The Justice Department approved U.S. Bancorp's acquisition of Vancouver, Wash.-based Northwest Bancshares Inc. yesterday after U.S. Bancorp agreed to sell a branch in Clark County.“.
  69. Anderson, Julia. „Bank Sale Officially Complete“. The Columbian (16-dekabr 1998-yil), s. C1. „It's official. Minneapolis-based U.S. Bancorp now owns Northwest National Bank of Vancouver. The sale has been pending since March when Northwest Bank shareholders approved the sale. The deal's closing was announced Tuesday, a few days after U.S. Bank agreed to sell Northwest's Hazel Dell branch to Centennial Bank of Eugene. That sale was required by the U.S. Justice Department to comply with anti-trust regulations. With that out of the way, the larger sale could go forward.“.
  70. Huber, Tim. „Cameron to Step Down at Bancorp“. St. Paul Pioneer Press (24-dekabr 1998-yil), s. 3B. „Minneapolis-based U.S. Bancorp said Wednesday that chairman Gerry Cameron would retire at the end of the year as planned. He will be succeeded by U.S. Bancorp president and chief executive John Grundhofer. Cameron was chief executive of Portland, Ore.-based U.S. Bancorp when it was acquired for $9 billion by Minneapolis-based First Bank System Inc. First Bank assumed the U.S. Bancorp name when the deal closed in March. Cameron became chairman of the merged company. The move is not a surprise. Cameron had said he would retire when the First Bank-U.S. Bancorp merger was announced in March 1997.“.
  71. DePass, Dee. „Grundhofer gains title as U.S. Bancorp chair retires – Cameron steps down after 40-year career“. Minneapolis Star-Tribune (29-dekabr 1998-yil), s. 01D. „U.S. Bancorp Chairman Gerry Cameron will retire effective Thursday, ending a banking career that spanned four decades. Cameron in 1997 had announced his intention to retire by the end of this year, so the move is no surprise. But it does further cement the passing of control at the old U.S. Bancorp, where Cameron was the CEO and president before the August 1997 sale of the Portland-based bank to Minneapolis-based First Bank System. After the deal closed, First Bank took the U.S. Bancorp name. Cameron's departure gives John (Jack) Grundhofer the title of chairman in addition to chief executive and president. Cameron remained out West after the acquisition, which caused many analysts to believe he had effectively given up control of the company long before his official Dec. 31 retirement.“.
  72. DePass, Dee. „U.S. Bancorp to buy San Diego bank firm – Stock purchase is valued at nearly $314 million“. Minneapolis Star-Tribune (19-fevral 1999-yil), s. 01D. „It wasn't the mega merger some bank analysts expected, but U.S. Bancorp pulled its own coup Thursday in announcing that it will buy San Diego-based Bank of Commerce in a stock deal valued near $314 million. Pending regulatory and shareholder approval, the purchase should close by June. Bank of Commerce, with 10 branches, boasts $638 million in assets and is the largest Small Business Administration (SBA) lender in California and one of the largest in the nation.“.
  73. „U.S. Bancorp Plans to Buy San Diego Bank“. Los Angeles Times (19-fevral 1999-yil).
  74. „U.S. Bancorp Adding Bank Of Commerce In Stock Deal“. The New York Times (20-fevral 1999-yil).
  75. „U.S. Bancorp acquires Bank of Commerce“. American City Business Journals (19-iyul 1999-yil).
  76. Cahill, Joseph B.. „U.S. Bancorp Agrees, for $904 Million In Stock, to Acquire Western Bancorp“. The Wall Street Journal (20-may 1999-yil), s. A8.
  77. „U.S. Bancorp to Buy Southern California Banks“. The New York Times (20-may 1999-yil).
  78. „U.S. Bancorp Completes Western Bancorp Buy“. Los Angeles Times (17-noyabr 1999-yil).
  79. „U.S. Bancorp completes acquisition of Western Bancorp“. American City Business Journals (16-noyabr 1999-yil).
  80. „U.S. Bancorp Is Acquiring Peninsula Bank Of San Diego“. The New York Times (3-sentabr 1999-yil).
  81. „California : Southland Focus : San Diego's Peninsula Bank Is Sold“. Los Angeles Times (3-sentabr 1999-yil).
  82. DePass, Dee. „U.S. Bancorp to buy San Diego bank, its 3rd of year in Southern California – Purchase will cost $104 million in stock“. Minneapolis Star-Tribune (3-sentabr 1999-yil), s. 03D. „U.S. Bancorp said Thursday it will buy Peninsula Bank of San Diego for about $104 million in stock, USB's third bank deal in Southern California this year.“.
  83. Calbreath, Dean. „USB adds Peninsula Bank to its roster – Buyout will be stock deal valued at $104 million“. San Diego Union Tribune (3-sentabr 1999-yil), s. C-1. „n its third Southern California purchase this year, Minneapolis-based U.S. Bancorp has launched a $104 million buyout of San Diego's Peninsula Bank.“.
  84. Bigelow, Bruce V.. „Peninsula Bank shareholders move to block merger“. San Diego Union Tribune (7-yanvar 2000-yil), s. C-1. „A group of shareholders in Peninsula Bank of San Diego has moved to thwart Peninsula's merger with U.S. Bancorp, arguing the $100 million deal was "materially altered" when U.S. Bancorp cut its earnings estimate... Peninsula said last September that the bank had agreed to a buyout proposal submitted by Minneapolis-based U.S. Bancorp, the nation's No. 12 bank. The deal was valued then at approximately $100 million to $120 million. But the lawsuit is focused on a subsequent announcement issued Dec. 6, when U.S. Bancorp said lower-than-expected revenue and increased investments had reduced earnings expectations for the fourth quarter and the rest of 2000. The news sent shares of U.S. Bancorp plummeting by more than 27 percent that day, erasing more than $7 billion of market value. Before U.S. Bancorp's disclosure, the Minnesota bank had an estimated 12 percent rate in its earnings growth. The actual rate is now closer to 5 percent, Robbins said.“.
  85. „Business Briefing: U.S. Bancorp completes acquisition“. San Diego Union Tribune (19-yanvar 2000-yil), s. C-2. „U.S. Bancorp of Minneapolis said yesterday it completed its acquisition of Peninsula Bank of San Diego. Based on the closing price of U.S. Bancorp shares Friday, Peninsula holders received $35.70 in U.S. Bancorp's shares for each Peninsula share held. Peninsula plans to convert its operations into U.S. Bank's systems, products and services in July.“.
  86. (27-iyun 2000-yil). „U.S. Bancorp to Acquire Scripps Financial Corporation of San Diego“. Press-reliz. 2-fevral 2018-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlandi. Qaraldi: 20-may 2017-yil.
  87. U.S. Bancorp (13-oktabr 2000-yil). „U.S. Bancorp Completes Acquisition of Scripps Financial Corporation; Addition of Scripps Branches Complements U.S. Bank's California Presence“. Press-reliz. 2-fevral 2018-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlandi. Qaraldi: 20-may 2017-yil.
  88. Atlas, Riva D.. „U.S. Bancorp to Be Acquired By Firstar for $21 Billion“. The New York Times (5-oktabr 2000-yil).
  89. U.S. Bancorp (4-oktabr 2000-yil). „Firstar Corporation and U.S. Bancorp Merge, Creating $160 Billion High-Growth Financial Services Company: $21.2 Billion Share Exchange Will Provide Immediate EPS Accretion“. Press-reliz. 10-aprel 2017-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlandi. Qaraldi: 28-may 2017-yil.
  90. 90,0 90,1 Sanders, Edmund. „U.S. Bancorp to Be Sold to Firstar: Banking: Grundhofer brothers' $19-billion merger would create the nation's eighth-largest bank.“. Los Angeles Times (5-oktabr 2000-yil).
  91. U.S. Bancorp (27-fevral 2001-yil). „Firstar Corporation and U.S. Bancorp Complete Merger“. Press-reliz. 15-yanvar 2002-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlandi.
  92. DePass, Dee. „USB, Firstar make it official – Many Firstar executives moving to the Minneapolis headquarters“. Minneapolis Star-Tribune (27-fevral 2001-yil), s. 01D. „Firstar Corp. completes its $22 billion acquisition of U.S. Bancorp today, creating the nation's eighth-largest bank and triggering a move by a number of Firstar executives from Milwaukee to Minnesota. The influx of more than a dozen top Firstar personnel is expected to take place over the next few months. The headquarters of the combined bank will be in Minneapolis and the combined firm will keep the U.S. Bancorp name. Firstar CEO Jerry Grundhofer becomes CEO of the new, $160 billion U.S. Bancorp. Grundhofer, who replaces his older brother, Jack, in the role of USB CEO, reportedly already has located property in the Twin Cities and expects to move here by the fall. Jack Grundhofer becomes chairman of the combined organization. He will retire next year... The bank will be based in Minneapolis, retain the U.S. Bancorp name and span 24 states with nearly 2,200 branches. The bank will have $107 billion in deposits and 51,000 employees. (Firstar had 23,000, USB 28,000.) The combined bank plans to cut $266 million in expenses over three years, but few layoffs are planned because there was little geographic overlap between the banks. The New CEO will be former Firstar CEO Jerry Grundhofer. Former USB CEO John Grundhofer will be the chairman and retire in 2002.“.
  93. U.S. Department of Justice (5-fevral 2001-yil). „Justice Department requires Firstar Corporation and U.S. Bancorp Inc. to sell branch offices in Minnesota and Iowa“. Press-reliz.
  94. Hoogesteger, John. „Bremer buys Firstar branches; move clears merger path“. American City Business Journals (31-yanvar 2001-yil).
  95. DePass, Dee. „Firstar to sell 11 branches to Bremer Bank“. Minneapolis Star-Tribune (1-fevral 2001-yil), s. 01D. „Milwaukee-based Firstar Corp. will sell 11 of its branches to Bremer Bank in St. Paul to comply with market-share rules governing its pending purchase of U.S. Bancorp. The branches are all in the Twin Cities and represent $760 million in deposits, about one-third of Firstar's current Minnesota franchise. The combined U.S. Bancorp-Firstar will have 90 branches in the Twin Cities after the divestiture, scheduled to take place in June.“.
  96. „Firstar sells two Iowa branches“. American City Business Journals (6-fevral 2001-yil).
  97. Shim, Grace. „Two Bluffs Bank Branches to Be Sold“. Omaha World-Herald (6-fevral 2001-yil), s. 14. „Two Firstar bank branches in Council Bluffs will be sold to West Des Moines, Iowa – based Liberty Bank FSB as part of the merger of Firstar Corp. and U.S. Bancorp. The Tuesday morning announcement was made within a day of Justice Department approval of the $21.2 billion merger that would create the nation's eighth-largest bank, which is to carry the U.S. Bancorp name.“.
  98. „Hawaii-Based Bank to Sell Calif. Branches“. Los Angeles Times (24-aprel 2001-yil).
  99. U.S. Bancorp (5-iyun 2001-yil). „U.S. Bancorp to Acquire 20 Pacific Century Bank Branches in California“. Press-reliz. 2-fevral 2018-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlandi. Qaraldi: 20-may 2017-yil.
  100. U.S. Bancorp (10-sentabr 2001-yil). „U.S. Bank Completes Acquisition of 20 Pacific Century Bank Branches In California“. Press-reliz.
  101. „U.S. Bank completes buy of Pacific Century Bank branches“. American City Business Journals (10-sentabr 2001-yil).
  102. Calvey, Mark. „Bay View liquidates, sells assets to U.S. Bank, Wamu“. San Francisco Business Times (22-iyul 2002-yil).
  103. U.S. Bancorp (22-iyul 2002-yil). „U.S. Bank Agrees to Purchase Bay View Bank Retail Branches“. Press-reliz. 23-aprel 2017-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlandi. Qaraldi: 14-may 2017-yil.
  104. U.S. Bancorp (1-noyabr 2002-yil). „Bay View Capital Closes Sale of Branches to U.S. Bank“. Press-reliz. 19-may 2017-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlandi. Qaraldi: 14-may 2017-yil.
  105. „Jerry Grundhofer named chairman of U.S. Bancorp“. American City Business Journals (18-dekabr 2002-yil).
  106. U.S. Bancorp (25-may 2004-yil). „U.S. Bank to Acquire National City's Corporate Trust Bond Administration Business“. Press-reliz.
  107. „U.S. Bank buys National City trust division“. Columbus Business First (25-may 2004-yil).
  108. U.S. Bancorp (19-oktabr 2004-yil). „U.S. Bancorp Promotes Richard Davis to President and Chief Operating Officer“. Press-reliz.
  109. „U.S. Bancorp names Richard Davis COO“. American City Business Journals (19-oktabr 2004-yil).
  110. McKinney, Jeff. „Star Banc's acquisition to cost city another HQ“. Cincinnati Enquirer (2-iyul 1998-yil).
  111. (10-may 2005-yil). „U.S. Bank Acquires Genpass, Inc., Expands Payment Processing and ATM Services to Clients“. Press-reliz.
  112. Vomhof, John, Jr.. „U.S. Bank to acquire Wachovia units for $720M“. American City Business Journals (29-noyabr 2005-yil).
  113. U.S. Bancorp (25-iyul 2006-yil). „U.S. Bank to Acquire the Municipal and Corporate Bond Trustee Business from SunTrust“. Press-reliz.
  114. Wilbert, Lauren. „U.S. Bancorp set to buy Vail Banks“. American City Business Journals (1-iyun 2006-yil).
  115. U.S. Bancorp (1-sentabr 2006-yil). „U.S. Bancorp Completes Purchase of Vail Banks, Inc.“. Press-reliz.
  116. U.S. Bancorp (10-noyabr 2006-yil). „U.S. Bank to Acquire the Municipal Trustee Business from LaSalle Bank“. Press-reliz.
  117. LeBeau, Steve. „U.S. Bancorp to buy LaSalles's trustee business“. American City Business Journals (10-noyabr 2006-yil).
  118. „U.S. Bancorp to buy United Financial“. American City Business Journals (7-noyabr 2006-yil).
  119. U.S. Bancorp (6-fevral 2007-yil). „U.S. Bancorp Completes Acquisition of United Financial Corp.“. Press-reliz.
  120. U.S. Bancorp (18-iyul 2006-yil). „U.S. Bancorp Announces Davis to Succeed Grundhofer as CEO in December 2006; Grundhofer to Remain Chairman Until December 2007“. Press-reliz.
  121. Garrison-Sprenger, Nicole. „U.S. Bancorp CEO Grundhofer to retire“. American City Business Journals (18-iyul 2006-yil).
  122. Garrison-Sprenger, Nicole. „Davis takes helm at U.S. Bancorp“. St. Paul Pioneer Press (13-dekabr 2006-yil).
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