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Ridley Scott

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Ridley Scott
Tavalludi 30-noyabr 1937-yil (1937-11-30) (87 yosh)
Fuqaroligi Buyuk Britaniya bayrogʻi Birlashgan Qirollik
Kasbi Rejissor, Prosuder
Faoliyat yillari 1965-yildan bugungi kungacha
  • Jake
  • Luke
  • Jordan

Sir Ridley Scott (1937-yil 30-noyabrda tugʻilgan) — ingliz kinorejissori va produseri. Toʻrt karra Oscar, besh karra BAFTA va Oltin globus mukfotlari nomzodi. BAFTA va Saturn mukofotlari sovrindori. Britaniya Imperiyasi Ordeni sohibi[1][2].

Scott 55 yillik faoliyati davomida „Alien (1979), „Blade Runner (1982), „Thelma & Louise (1991), "Gladiator " (2000), „ Black Hawk Down (2001), „Muqaddas zamin“ (2005) va "Marslik" (2015) kabi koʻplab filmlarni suratga olgan[3].

2003-yilda u Britaniya kinoindustriyasidagi xizmatlari uchun unga ritsarlik unvoni berildi. 2004-yilda oʻtkazilgan BBC soʻrovnomasiga koʻra Britaniya madaniyatidagi eng nufuzli odamlar roʻyxatida 10-oʻrinni egalladi.

U 2015-yilda Londondagi Qirollik sanʼat kollejining faxriy doktori unvoniga, 2018-yilda umrbod BAFTA stipendiyasiga sazovor boʻldi[4][5][6].

Yil Nomi Distributor
1977 The Duellists Paramount Pictures
1979 Alien 20th Century Fox
1982 Blade Runner Warner Bros.
1985 Legend Universal Pictures / 20th Century Fox
1987 Someone to Watch Over Me Columbia Pictures
1989 Black Rain Paramount Pictures
1991 Thelma & Louise Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
1992 1492: Conquest of Paradise Paramount Pictures
1996 White Squall Buena Vista Pictures
1997 G.I. Jane
2000 Gladiator DreamWorks Pictures / Universal Pictures
2001 Hannibal Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer / Universal Pictures
Black Hawk Down Sony Pictures Releasing
2003 Matchstick Men Warner Bros. Pictures
2005 Muqaddas zamin 20th Century Fox
2006 A Good Year
2007 American Gangster Universal Pictures
2008 Body of Lies Warner Bros. Pictures
2010 Robin Hood Universal Pictures
2012 Prometheus 20th Century Fox
2013 The Counselor
2014 Exodus: Gods and Kings
2015 Marslik
2017 Alien: Covenant
All the Money in the World Sony Pictures Releasing / STX Entertainment
2021 The Last Duel 20th Century Studios

Ridley Scottning filmlari olgan mukofot va nominatsiyalar

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yil Film Oscar BAFTA Oltin globus
Nominatsiya Yutuq Nominatsiya Yutuq Nominatsiya Yutuq
1977 The Duellists 2
1979 Alien 2 1 7 2 1
1982 Blade Runner 2 8 3 1
1985 Legend 1 3
1989 Black Rain 2
1991 Thelma & Louise 6 1 8 4 1
1992 1492: Conquest of Paradise 1
2000 Gladiator 12 5 14 4 5 2
2001 Black Hawk Down 4 2 3
2007 American Gangster 2 5 3
2012 Prometheus 1 1
2015 Marslik 7 6 3 2
2017 All the Money in the World 1 1 3
Umumiy 40 9 58 9 22 5
  1. „Ridley Scott“. Encyclopædia Britannica.
  2. Matthews, Jack. „Regarding Ridley : For 15 years, Ridley Scott has dazzled us with expressive imagery. 'Every time you make a film, really you're making a novel,' says the director“. Los Angeles Times (4-oktyabr 1992-yil).
  3. „iPod's low-profile creator tops cultural chart“ (18-mart 2017-yil).
  4. „Outstanding British Contribution To Cinema“. BAFTA (12-oktyabr 2015-yil).
  5. „Queen knights Gladiator director“. BBC News (8-iyul 2003-yil). Qaraldi: 6-mart 2010-yil.
  6. „Sir Ridley Scott gets top Bafta honour“. BBC News (31-yanvar 2018-yil). Qaraldi: 18-fevral 2018-yil.