PlayStation: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

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30-May 2021, 03:37 dagi koʻrinishi

PlayStation (Yaponcha: プレイステーション, Pureisutēshon, qisqartmasi: PS) Sony Computer Entertainment tomonidan ishlab chiqariluvchi videooʻyin konsollarining umumiy nomi hamda branddir. Ilk PlayStation 1994-yili 3-dekabrda Yaponiyada sotilgan.[1] Shu kungacha PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Portable va boshqa modifikatsiyalari chiqarilgan.

Birinchi konsol, PS One, 100 milliondan ortiq miqdorda sotilib, rekord qoʻygan.[2] Undan keyingi PlayStation 2 konsoli 150 million dona sotilib, shu rekordni yangiladi.[3] Sony'ning hozirgi konsoli, PlayStation 3, 2011-yilgacha 47.9 million dona sotildi.[4]

Shuningdek qarang



  1. „Business Development/Japan“. Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Qaraldi: 2007-yil 19-dekabr.
  2. "PlayStation 2 Breaks Record as the Fastest Computer Entertainment Platform to Reach Cumulative Shipment of 100 Million Units" (PDF), 2009-12-23da asl nusxadan (PDF) arxivlandi, qaraldi: 2011-04-28
  3. „PLAYSTATION®2 SALES REACH 150 MILLION UNITS WORLDWIDE“. Sony Computer Entertainment (2011-yil 14-fevral). Qaraldi: 2011-yil 14-fevral.
  4. Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Staff. „PlayStation 3 Worldwide Hardware Unit Sales“. Sony Computer Entertainment. Qaraldi: 12-noyabr, 2009.

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