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Diane Baker

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Diane Carol Baker amerikalik aktrisa, produser va pedagog boʻlib, u 1959-yildan beri kinofilmlar va televidenieda turli rollarni ijro etib keladi[1].

Diane Baker
Diane Carol Baker

Fuqaroligi AQSh
Kasbi Aktrisa, Produser
Faoliyat yillari 1959–hozirgacha
Here We Go Again“ televideniesidagi aktyorlar yuqoridan: Dick Gautier, Nita Talbot, Larry Hagman and Diane Baker (1973-yil)

Beyker 1938-yilda Hollywooddagi Hollywood Presviterian kasalxonasida tugʻilgan. Los Angeles, California, Shimoliy Hollywood va Studio Cityda oʻsib ulgʻaygan. U aka-uka Marxlarining bir nechta filmlarida suratga tushgan. Dorotyh Helen Harrington va avtomobil sotuvchisi Clyde Lucius Bakerning qizi rollari shular jumlasidandir. Bakerning Patricia va Sheril ismli ikkita singlisi bor[2]. 18 yoshida, 1956-yilda Van Nuys oʻrta maktabini tugatgandan soʻng, Baker Charles Conrad bilan aktyorlik mahoratini va Nina Fonaroff bilan baletni oʻrganish uchun New Yorkka koʻchib oʻtadi.

1958-yilda 20th Century Fox bilan yetti yillik shartnoma imzolaganidan soʻng, Baker oʻzining kino debyutini rejissor George Stevens tomonidan 1959-yilda Diary of Anne Frank filmida Margot Frank rolini oʻynash uchun tanlaganida amalga oshiradi. Oʻsha yili u James Mason bilan Journey to the Center of the Earth filmida Hope Lange bilan hamda Joan Crawford bilan The Best of Everything filmida rol ijro etadi.

Beyker paydo boʻlgan boshqa Fox filmlari orasida „Nine Hours to Rama“ suiqasd trilleri, „Hemingwayʼs Adventures of a Young Man“ va "Uch yuz spartalik" filmlari kiradi. Uning 1960-yillarda boshlangan televizion ishi "Follow the Sun, Bus Stop, Adventures in Paradise, The Lloyd Bridges Show, The Nurses, The Invaders (birinchi epizodda) va "Route 66 " filmining ikkita epizodini oʻz ichiga oladi.

Baker oʻn yildan koʻproq vaqt davomida San Franciscodagi Sanʼat universiteti akademiyasida aktyorlik sanʼatidan dars bergan. U ilgari kino-televideniye maktabi va aktyorlik maktabining ijrochi direktori sifatida faoliyat olib borgan[3][4].

Shaxsiy hayoti

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Beyker Warren Beatty, Gardner McKay, Frank Langella, Michael Lerner hamda John Saxonlar bilan ishqiy munosabatda boʻlgan[5][6][7].


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Yil Sarlavha Rol Izohlar
1959 The Diary of Anne Frank Margot Frank
Journey to the Center of the Earth Jenny Lindenbrook
The Best of Everything April Morrison
Playhouse 90 Shelia Cass Epizod: „In Lonely Expectation“
1960 The DuPont Show of the Month Nurse Leora Tozer Epizod: „Arrowsmith“
The Wizard of Baghdad Princess Yasmin
Tess of the Storm Country Tess MacLean
1961 Follow the Sun Helen Henderson Epizod: „Journey Into Darkness“
Adventures in Paradise Veronica Sanders Epizod: „Vendetta“
1962 Hemingwayʼs Adventures of a Young Man Carolyn
The 300 Spartans Ellas
1963 The Doctors and the Nurses Marjorie Ford Epizod: „Field of Battle“
Nine Hours to Rama Sheila
The Prize Emily Stratman
Stolen Hours Ellen
Mr. Novak Mrs. Chase Epizod: „A Feeling for Friday“
Route 66 Elisa Epizod: „The Cruelest Sea of All“
Route 66 Marie Duplessis Epizod: „Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are!“
1964 Strait-Jacket Carol Harbin
Marnie Lil Mainwaring
Della Jenny Chappell
Wagon Train Alice Whitetree Epizod: „The Alice Whitetree Story“
The Ghost of Sierra de Cobre Vivia Mandour Televizion film
1965 Mirage Shela
Inherit the Wind Rachel Brown Televizion film
The Big Valley Hester Epizod: „By Fires Unseen“
1966 The Virginian Linda Valence Epizod: „Linda“
Sands of Beersheba Susan Yana bir nomi: Thunder Over Israel
Hawk Mary Wheelis Epizod: „The Longleat Chronicles“
The F.B.I. Elyse Colton Epizod: „The Camel’s Nose“
The Dangerous Days of Kiowa Jones Amilia Rathmore Televizion film
1967 The Fugitive Jean Carlisle Epizodlar: „The Judgement“ (Parts 1 & 2)
The Invaders Kathy Adams Epizod: „Beachhead“
Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre Laney Epizod: „Free of Charge“
1967-1971 Bonanza Mary Wharton / Norma Oʻ Casey 2 epizod
1968 The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit Suzie „S.J.“ Clemens
1969 Krakatoa, East of Java Laura Travis
Trial Run Carole Trenet Televizion film
The Virginian Julie Oakes Epizode: „A Love to Remember“
The Name of the Game Elaine Brennan Epizode: „Give Till It Hurts“
The D.A.: Murder One Mary Brokaw Televizion film
1970 The Interns Sheila Carmichael Epizod: „The Quality of Mercy“
The Old Man Who Cried Wolf Peggy Pulska Televizion film
1971 The Virginian Nan Allen Epizod: „Nan Allen“
Sarge Carol Swanson Epizod: „The Badge or the Cross“
Congratulations, Itʼs a Boy! Edye Televizion film
A Little Game Elaine Hamilton Televizion film
Night Gallery Lynn Alcott Segment: „They’re Tearing Down Tim Riley’s Bar“
1972 Killer by Night Tracey Morrow Televizion film
Love, American Style Wendy Segment: „Love and the Small Wedding“
1973 Love Story Angie Burnett Epizod: „The Youngest Lovers“
Here We Go Again Susan Evans 13ta epizod
1974 A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Katie Nolan Televizion film
Medical Center Three-Cornered Cage Epizod: „Three-Cornered Cage“
The ABC Afternoon Playbreak Diana Epizod: „Can I Save My Children?“
1975 Lucas Tanner Jessica Atkins Epizod: „Why Not a Happy Ending?“
Marcus Welby, M.D. Sister Anne Epizod: „The Medea Factor“
The Streets of San Francisco Inspector Irene Martin Epizod: „The Catʼs Paw“
The Dream Makers Mary Stone Televizion film
1976 Police Woman Cynthia Lambert Epizod: „The Pawn Shop“
Bakerʼs Hawk Jenny Baker
Columbo Joanna Clay Epizod: „Last Salute to the Commodore“
1977 Barnaby Jones Pat Halston Epizod: „The Wife Beater“
Kojak Irene Van Patten 2ta epizod
1978 The Love Boat Ruth Newman Epizod: „Pacific Princess Overtures…“
ABC Afterschool Special Carrie Williams Epizod: „One of a Kind“
1980 The Pilot Pat Simpson
Fugitive Family Ellen 'Ellieʼ Roberts Televizion film
1981 Trapper John, M.D. Mrs. Forsyte Epizod: „The Albatross“
1982 The Blue and the Gray Evelyn Hale Kichik qismli serial
1983 Fantasy Island Fran Woods Epizod: „Saturday’s Child“
1985 A Woman of Substance Laura OʻNeill Kichik qismli serial
1987 CBS Schoolbreak Special Helen Welker-Summers Epizod: „Little Miss Perfect“
1987 Murder, She Wrote Eleanor Thane Epizod: „Simon Says, Color Me Dead“
1990 The Closer Beatrice Grant
1990 Murder, She Wrote Anna Louisa Barlow Epizod: „The Great Twain Robbery“
1991 The Silence of the Lambs Senator Ruth Martin
The Haunted Lorraine Warren Televizion film
1992 Mann & Machine Delores Peterson Epizod: „Water, Water Everywhere“
Perry Mason: The Case of the Heartbroken Bride Laura Parris Televizion film
Murder, She Wrote Mary Forsythe Epizod: „A Christmas Secret“
1993 Twenty Bucks Ruth Adams
The Joy Luck Club Mrs. Jordan
1994 Imaginary Crimes Abigail Tate
1995 A Walton Wedding Charlotte Gilchrist Televizion film
Chicago Hope Ellen Rolston Epizod: „Rise from the Dead“
The Net Mrs. Bennett
1996 The Cable Guy Mrs. Kovacs
Courage Under Fire Louise Boylar
1997 Murder at 1600 Kitty Neil
1998 About Sarah Lila Hollingsworth Televizion film
The Nanny Roberta Epizod: „Saraʼs Parents“
2000 ER Louise Duffy Epizod: „The Domino Heart“
Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis Rose Kennedy Televizion film
2001 Harrisonʼs Flowers Mary Francis
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Margo Nelson Epizod: „Inheritance“
2002 First Monday Arlene Braken 3ta epizod
On the Roof Mrs. Arnott
2003 Dragnet Rebecca Barton Epizod: „The Brass Ring“
A Mighty Wind Supreme Folk Defense Lawyer
2005 The Keeper: The Legend of Omar Khayyam Miss Taylor Yana bir nomi: Empire Rising
Unscripted Diane 5ta epizod
House Blythe House Epizod: „Daddy’s Boy“
2008 Harrison Montgomery Mrs. Cutsworth
2010 Lie to Me Judge Quinn Epizod: „The Whole Truth“
2012 Hemingway & Gellhorn Mrs. Gellhorn
2013 The Surrogate Louise Televizion film

Mukofotlar va nominatsiyalar

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Oltin globus mukofoti

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Yil Kategoriya Nominatsion ish Natija
1960 Most Promising Newcomer — Female The Diary of Anne Frank Nominatsiya
1964 Best Supporting Actress — Motion Picture The Prize Nominatsiya

Primetime Emmy Award mukofoti

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Yil Kategoriya Nominatsion Ish Natija
1966 Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Inherit the Wind Nominatsiya
1985 Outstanding Limited Series A Woman of Substance Nominatsiya

Daytime Emmy Award mukofoti

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Yil Kategoriya Nominatsion ish Natija
1975 Outstanding Actress in a Daytime Drama Special The ABC Afternoon Playbreak: „Can I Save My Children?“ Nominatsiya
  1. „Diane Baker“. catalog.afi.com. 6-mart 2022-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 6-mart 2022-yil.
  2. Blair. „Diane Baker: Creating Films, Schools, and Communities“. CineSOURCE Magazine (13-avgust 2010-yil).
  3. Stein, Ruthe. „'Extraordinary adventure' lures ex-ingenue“. San Francisco Chronicle (27-avgust 2004-yil).Stein, Ruthe (August 27, 2004). „'Extraordinary adventureʼ lures ex-ingenue“. San Francisco Chronicle.
  4. „Academy of Art University School of Acting – Faculty“. Academy of Art University. 21-dekabr 2014-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2-noyabr 2014-yil.
  5. Stein, Ruthe. „'Extraordinary adventure' lures ex-ingenue“. San Francisco Chronicle (27-avgust 2004-yil).
  6. Companions for Diane Baker tcm.com
  7. Suzanne Finstad. Warren Beatty: A Private Man. Crown Publishing Group, 2005 — 207-bet. ISBN 9780307345295.