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Danielle Harris

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Danielle Harris
Tavalludi 1-iyun 1977-yil
Fuqaroligi AQSh
Kasbi Aktrisa, rejissyor
Faoliyat yillari 1985-yildan hozirgi kungacha
Turmush oʻrtogʻi David Gross
Bolalari 2
Veb-sayti danielleharris.com

Danielle Andrea Harris (1977-yil 1-iyunda tugʻilgan[1]) - amerikalik aktrisa va rejissyor. U bir nechta dahshatli filmlardagi rollari uchun "qichqiriq malikasi" sifatida tanilgan[2], jumladan "Xellouin" (1988—1989), “Urban Legend" (1998) da Tosh, “Stake Land” (2010) dagi Belle va “Hatchet” serialidagi Marybeth Dunston (2010—2017) kiradi. 2012-yilda u Fangoria shon-sharaf zaliga kiritildi.

Harris oʻz faoliyatini bolalikdan boshlagan, u televizorda turli chiqishlar va "Marked for Death" (1990), "Donʼt Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead" (1991), "The Last Boy Scout" (1991), "Free Willy" (1993) kabi filmlardagi taniqli rollarni ijro etgan. U, shuningdek, Nickelodeon seriyali "The Wild Thornberrys" (1998—2004) va tegishli filmlarda “The Wild Thornberrys Movie” (2002) hamda "Rugrats Go Wild" (2003) filmlarida Debbie Thornberry rolini oʻynagan.

2013-yilda Harris oʻzining rejissyorlik debyutini “Among Friends” qoʻrqinchli filmida qildi[3], bundan avval 2008-yilda "Medison" va 2010-yilda “Stake Land” qisqa metrajli filmlarini boshqargan[4].

Harris Nyu-Yorkning Plainview shahrida tugʻilgan[5] va onasi Fran tomonidan singlisi Ashley bilan birga tarbiyalangan[6][7]. Boshlangʻich maktabda Floridada yashayotganida, Harris goʻzallik tanlovida gʻolib chiqdi va Nyu-York shahriga oʻn kunlik sayohatni yutib oldi[8]. U yerda boʻlganida unga turli modellik ishlari taklif qilingan, biroq ularning hammasi uyidan uzoqda boʻlgani uchun rad etishgan[9]. Oxir-oqibat uning onasi ish uchun Nyu-Yorkka koʻchirildi va Harris model sifatida ishlay boshladi[10][11]. U shuningdek, televizion reklama roliklarida ham suratga tusha boshladi[12].

Shaxsiy hayoti

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

2013-yilda Harris David Gross bilan unashtirilgan[13][14]. Er-xotin 2014-yilning 4-yanvarida Hawaiidagi Holualoa shahrida oʻtkazilgan shaxsiy marosimda turmush qurishdi[15][16] va 2017-yilda oʻgʻil koʻrishdi[17]. Ularning ikkinchi oʻgʻli 2018-yil oxirida dunyoga keldi[18][19].

Harrisni 1995-yilda oʻldirish bilan tahdid qilib xatlar yozgan Christopher Small ismli muxlis tomonidan taʼqib qilingan. Small uyiga ayiqcha va miltiq olib kelganidan keyin hibsga olingan.


[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yil Sarlavha Rol Rejissyor Izohlar
1988 Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers Jamie Lloyd Dwight H. Little
1989 Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers Dominique Othenin-Girard
1990 Marked for Death Tracey Dwight H. Little
1991 City Slickers Classroom Student Ron Underwood
Donʼt Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead Melissa Crandell Stephen Herek
The Last Boy Scout Darian Hallenbeck Tony Scott
1993 Free Willy Gwenie Simon Wincer
1995 Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers Young Jamie Lloyd Joe Chappelle
1996 Back to Back Chelsea Malone Roger Nygard
Daylight Ashley Crighton Rob Cohen
Shattered Image Susan R.J. Williams
1998 Urban Legend Tosh Guaneri Jamie Blanks
Dizzyland Lulu Dennis Hackin Qisqa film
1999 Goosed Young Charlene Silver Aleta Chappelle
2000 Poor White Trash Suzi Michael Addis
2001 Killer Bud Barbie Karl T. Hirsch
2002 The Wild Thornberrys Movie Debbie Thornberry Cathy Malkasain & Jeff McGrath Ovozli rol
2003 Rugrats Go Wild Norton Virgien & John Eng
2004 Debating Robert Lee Liz Bronner Don Polier
Em & Me Emily Davenport L. James Langlois
Life After Lauren Kimberly McCullough Qisqa film
2005 Race You to the Bottom Carla Russell Brown
2007 Halloween Annie Brackett Rob Zombie
Left for Dead Nancy Simmons Christopher Harrison
2008 Burying the Ex Olivia Alan Trezza Qisqa film
Madison Sarah Heather Langenkamp
2009 Halloween II Annie Brackett Rob Zombie
Blood Night: The Legend of Mary Hatchet Frank Sabatella Alissa Giordano Shuningdek, prodyuser
The Black Waters of Echoʻs Pond Kathy Gabriel Bologna
Super Capers Felicia Freeze Ray Griggs
2010 Godkiller Halfpipe Matt Pizzolo Ovozli rol
Cyrus: Mind of a Serial Killer Maria Sanchez Mark Vadik
Hatchet II Marybeth Dunston Adam Green
The Day I Told My Boyfriend Belle Graham Reznick Qisqa film
Stake Land Jim Mickle
Willie Oʻzi Qisqa film
2011 The Victim Mary Michael Biehn
ChromeSkull: Laid to Rest 2 Spann Robert Green Hall
The Trouble with the Truth Jenny Jim Hemphill
Nice Guys Finish Last Kori Kimberly McCullough Qisqa film
2012 Shiver Wendy Alden Julian Richards
Among Friends Jamie Lloyd Oʻzi
Fatal Call Amy Hannison Jack Synder
Fade Into You The Woman Michael Rosenbaum Qisqa film
2013 Hatchet III Marybeth Dunston B.J. McDonnell
Hallows' Eve Nicole Bates Sean McGarry
2014 Camp Dread Donlyn Eldridge Harrison Smith
Ghost of Goodnight Lane Chloe Alin Bijan
The Town That Dreaded Sundown Shahar aholisi Alfonso Gomez-Rejon
See No Evil 2 Amy Jen and Sylvia Soska
2015 Night of the Living Dead: Darkest Dawn Barbara Todd Krisztian Majdik & Zebediah De Soto
2016 Havenhurst Danielle Hampton Andrew C. Erin
Postpartum Regan Richard Bakewell & Lale Arpaci Qisqa film
2017 Victor Crowley Marybeth Dunston Adam Green
Inoperable Amy Barrett Christopher Lawrence Chapman
2018 Camp Cold Brook Angela Andy Palmer
Requiem Naomi Paul Moore
2019 Between the Darkness Ranger Stella Woodhouse Andres Rovira
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood "Angel" Quentin Tarantino
2020 Redwood Massacre: Annihilation Laura Dempsey David Ryan Keith
Stay Home Danielle Chris Heck & Gabrielle Stone Qisqa film
2021 The Host App Sasha Debbie Sheridan
TBA Stream Elaine Keenan Michael Leavy
TBA Flesh Louise Chris McGowen
TBA Dr. Gift Kat Abel Berry & Jennifer Michelle Stone II
TBA Natty Knocks Diane Dwight H. Little
TBA Roadkill Allison Warren Fast
TBA Project Dorothy Dorothy George Henry Horton
TBA Anne, with Love Charlotte shuningdek, prodyuser
Yil Sarlavha Rol
1985–1987 One Life to Live Samantha "Sammi" Garretson
1987 Spenser: For Hire Tara
1991 Donʼt Touch My Daughter Dana Hemmings
Eerie, Indiana Melanie Monroe
Growing Pains Susie Maxwell
In Living Color Former drug addict
The Killing Mind Young Isobel Neiman
1992 1775 Abby Proctor
1992–1993 Roseanne Molly Tilden
1993 Jack's Place Jennifer
The Woman Who Loved Elvis Priscilla "Cilla" Jackson
1994 Boy Meets World Theresa "T.K." Keiner
The Commish Sheri Fisher
Roseanne: An Unauthorized Biography Jessica Pentland
1996 Wish Upon a Star Hayley Wheaton / Alexia Wheaton
1997 ER Laura Quentin
High Incident Tiffany
1997–1998 Brooklyn South Willow Mortner
1998 Charmed Aviva
Diagnosis: Murder Noelle Andrew
1998–2004 The Wild Thornberrys Debbie Thornberry
1999 Hostage Hotel Justine Sinclair
2000–2002 Thatʼs Life Plum Wilkinson
2002 The West Wing Kiki
2003 The Partners Leila
2004–2005 Father of the Pride Sierra
2005 Cold Case Gina Carroll
2007 Route 666: Americaʼs Scariest Home Haunts Oʻzi
2009 Fear Clinic Susan
2010 Psych Tonya
2011 Paranormal Challenge Guest judge
2012 Nuclear Family Zoe
2012–2013 Holliston Oʻzi
2013 Bones Rebecca "Becca" Pearce
Halloween Wars Guest judge
Hollywood Death Trip Co-host
Naked Vegas Oʻzi
Twisted Tales Susan
2015 Robot Chicken Debbie Thornberry
2019 The Boulet Brothers' Dragula Guest judge
2021 The Conners Molly Tilden
Creepshow Marnie Wrightson

Video Oʻyinlar

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yil Sarlavha Ovozli rol
2000 The Wild Thornberrys: Animal Adventures Debbie Thornberry
The Wild Thornberrys: Rambler
2003 Rugrats Go Wild
  1. Danielle Harris AllMovieda
  2. „'Hatchet 2's' Danielle Harris is horror's reigning scream queen“. New York Daily News (2-oktabr 2010-yil). Qaraldi: 7-sentabr 2018-yil.
  3. „Exclusive Interview: Danielle Harris On Her Directorial Debut Among Friends“. ComingSoon.net. Qaraldi: 12-sentabr 2018-yil.
  4. „Interview: Danielle Harris Talks 'Stake Land'“. Bloody Disgusting (22-aprel 2011-yil). Qaraldi: 12-sentabr 2018-yil.
  5. „Girl Profile: Danielle Harris“. Iheartgirls.com (11-noyabr 2012-yil). Qaraldi: 22-iyun 2014-yil.
  6. „Danielle Harris Profile“. Metacritic (1-iyun 1977-yil). Qaraldi: 1-avgust 2016-yil.
  7. „Fulle Circle Magazine: #82. A Conversation with Danielle Harris: Part II“. Fulle Circle Magazine. Qaraldi: 16-dekabr 2017-yil.{{cite magazine}}: CS1 maint: date format ()
  8. „Danielle Harris Video | Celebrity Interview and Paparazzi“. Ovguide.com (1-iyun 1977-yil). 2013-yil 6-fevralda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 25-sentabr 2012-yil.
  9. „Danielle Harris Talks 'Halloween II', 'Fear Clinic' and HorrorGal.com“. Icon vs. Icon. Qaraldi: 25-sentabr 2012-yil.
  10. „The Virginian-Pilot Archives“. Nl.newsbank.com (29-iyul 1995-yil). 2014-yil 13-aprelda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 25-sentabr 2012-yil.
  11. „Danielle Harris Biography (1977–)“. Filmreference.com (1-iyun 1977-yil). Qaraldi: 25-sentabr 2012-yil.
  12. Costill. „All Grown Up: The 23 Hottest Former Child Stars“. AMOG (31-mart 2010-yil). Qaraldi: 7-may 2016-yil.
  13. „David Gross & Danielle Harris's Carneros Inn Proposal & Engagement!“. damionhamilton.com (6-avgust 2013-yil). 2013-yil 5-sentyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan.
  14. „Interview: Actress Danielle Harris On 'Hatchet III', Directing And Wedding Bells“. Star Pulse (10-iyun 2013-yil). 4-mart 2016-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 28-iyul 2022-yil.
  15. „Exclusive Photos: See Inside Scream Queen Danielle Harris' Wedding!“. toofab.com (7-yanvar 2014-yil).
  16. „Actress Danielle Harris weds“. Daily Express (6-yanvar 2014-yil).
  17. „Baby Boy on the Way for Danielle Harris“. People (18-oktabr 2016-yil). Qaraldi: 11-fevral 2019-yil.
  18. „'Halloween' Actress Danielle Harris Welcomes a Baby Boy (Exclusive)“. ET (24-oktabr 2018-yil).
  19. Stern. „Danielle Harris Welcomes Son Jagger Maxwell“. People (25-oktabr 2018-yil).