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Birds of Prey (film)

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Birds of Prey

Film posteri
Rejissyor(lar) Cathy Yan
Ssenariynavis(lar) Christina Hodson
  • Margot Robbie
  • Mary Elizabeth Winstead
  • Jurnee Smollett-Bell
  • Rosie Perez
  • Chris Messina
  • Ella Jay Basco
  • Ali Wong
  • Ewan McGregor
Bastakor(lar) Daniel Pemberton
Kinematografiya Matthew Libatique
  • Jay Cassidy
  • Evan Schiff
Distribyutor Warner Bros. Pictures
Chiqarilgan sanasi
Davomiyligi 109 daqiqa[2]
Mamlakat AQSH bayrogʻi AQSh
Byudjeti $82-100 million[3][4]
Daromadi $205,3 million[5][6]

Birds of Prey yoki Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) 2020-yilda Cathy Yan rejissyorligi ostida suratga olingan superqahramonlar haqidagi AQSh filmidir. Warner Bros., DC Films, LuckyChap Entertainment, Clubhouse Pictures va Kroll & Co. Entertainment studiyalari tomonidan ishlangan. Film DC Kengaytirilgan Koinoti (DCKK) ning 8chi toʻliq metrajli filmidir. Filmda bosh rollarni Margot Robbie (Harleen Quinzel / Harley Quinn rolida), Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Jurnee Smollett-Bell, Rosie Perez, Chris Messina, Ella Jay Basco, Ali Wong va Ewan McGregor ijro etgan.

Birds of Prey filmining ilk relizi 2020-yil 7-yanvarda Mexiko shahrida boʻlib oʻtdi. Film $82-100 millionlik byudjeti bilan butun dunyo boʻylab $203,5 million mablagʻ toʻpladi.

1.„Flying High (Birds of Prey)“1:53
2.„The Fantabulous Emancipation Explosion“1:32
3.„Harley Quinn (Danger Danger)“3:06
4.„Birds of Prey“2:16
5.„Harley Gogo Agogo“1:56
6.„The Black Mask Club“1:54
7.„Stolen Diamond“1:55
8.„Bad Ass Broad (Whistle MF)“3:07
9.„Lonely in Gotham“0:50
10.„Black Canary Echo“1:08
11.„The Bertinelli Massacre (The Huntress Story)“2:29
12.„Bump It!“2:19
13.„Roman Sionis“2:42
15.„Bruce and the Beaver“1:26
16.„Lotus Flower“1:40
17.„Femme Fatale“0:19
19.„The Bertinelli Revenge“1:57
20.„I Want To Kill You Because I Can“3:13
21.„Zsasz Showdown“2:30
22.„Work Together“2:05
23.„Battle Commence“2:33
24.„Flight Together (Birds of Prey)“4:59
25.„Founders Pier“1:46
26.„Roller Vs Rollers“3:27
27.„The Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn“2:03
Jami davomiyligi:61:52

Birds of Prey filmining ilk relizi 2020-yil 7-yanvarda Mexiko shahrida boʻlib oʻtdi.

Film $82-100 millionlik byudjeti bilan butun dunyo boʻylab $203,5 million mablagʻ toʻpladi[3][4][18][5][6].

  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 „Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn (2020)“. British Film Institute. 2020-yil 28-iyunda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2022-yil 19-aprel.
  2. „Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn (2020)“. Irish Film Classification Office. Qaraldi: 9-yanvar 2020-yil.[sayt ishlamaydi][sayt ishlamaydi]
  3. 3,0 3,1 Rubin, Rebecca „Why 'Birds of Prey' Whiffed at the Box Office“. Variety (10-fevral 2020-yil). Qaraldi: 10-fevral 2020-yil.
  4. 4,0 4,1 Aleksandr, Irina „Margot Robbie on Quentin Tarantino, Marriage, and the One Word She Hates Being Called“. Vogue (6-iyun 2019-yil). Qaraldi: 6-iyun 2019-yil.
  5. 5,0 5,1 „Birds of Prey (2020)“. Box Office Mojo. Qaraldi: 21-fevral 2020-yil.
  6. 6,0 6,1 „Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020)“. The Numbers. Qaraldi: 21-fevral 2020-yil.
  7. Hough, Q.V. „Birds of Prey: Harley Quinn Won't Be In Anyone's Shadow, Says Writer“. Screen Rant (3-yanvar 2019-yil). Qaraldi: 4-yanvar 2019-yil.
  8. Sippell, Margeaux „'Bumblebee' Screenwriter Hints About 'Birds of Prey,' 'Batgirl' and Why She Writes About Female Superheroes“. Variety (2-yanvar 2019-yil). Qaraldi: 4-yanvar 2019-yil.
  9. 9,0 9,1 McMillan, Graeme. „'Birds of Prey': Who Are Huntress and Black Canary?“. The Hollywood Reporter (26-sentyabr 2018-yil). 27-sentyabr 2018-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 26-sentyabr 2018-yil.
  10. Kroll, Justin. „'Birds of Prey' Adds Jurnee Smollett-Bell and Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Black Canary and Huntress“. Variety (26-sentyabr 2018-yil). 26-sentyabr 2018-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 26-sentyabr 2018-yil.
  11. White, Peter „'How I Met Your Mother's Charlene Amoia Joins 'Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)'“. Deadline Hollywood (14-fevral 2019-yil). 15-fevral 2019-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 14-fevral 2019-yil.
  12. 12,0 12,1 Gonzalez, Umberto „'Birds of Prey' Revealed: Margot Robbie Film Will Feature Black Canary, Huntress, Cassandra Cain, Renee Montoya (Exclusive)“. The Wrap (16-iyul 2018-yil). 16-avgust 2018-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 19-iyul 2018-yil.
  13. Gonzalez, Umberto „'Birds of Prey': Rosie Perez Cast as Renee Montoya in Superheroine Movie (Exclusive)“. The Wrap (3-oktabr 2018-yil). 4-oktabr 2018-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 3-oktabr 2018-yil.
  14. Kroll, Justin. „Harley Quinn Spinoff 'Birds of Prey' Casts Cassandra Cain (EXCLUSIVE)“. Variety (14-noyabr 2018-yil). 19-noyabr 2018-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 15-noyabr 2018-yil.
  15. Gonzalez, Umberto „'Birds of Prey': Ewan McGregor in Talks to Play Batman Villain Black Mask (Exclusive)“. The Wrap (1-noyabr 2018-yil). 1-noyabr 2018-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 1-noyabr 2018-yil.
  16. McMillan, Graeme „Behind the Black Mask: Who Is the 'Birds of Prey' Bad Guy?“. The Hollywood Reporter (1-noyabr 2018-yil). 1-noyabr 2018-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 1-noyabr 2018-yil.
  17. D'Alessandro, Anthony; D'Alessandro, Anthony „Chris Messina Joins Warner Bros./DC’s ʻBirds Of Prey’ As Bad Guy Victor Zsasz“. Deadline Hollywood (11-dekabr 2018-yil). Qaraldi: 11-dekabr 2018-yil.
  18. Film and Television Tax Credit Program Program 2.0 (Report) California Film Commission November 2018 p. 20 archived from the original on 2019-09-19 https://web.archive.org/web/20190919135115/http://film.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/CA-Tax-Credit-Progress-Report-FINAL-DRAFT-11-2-18.pdf. Qaraldi: 19-iyul 2019-yil.