Angliya suvi

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Anglian Water Services Ltd
Fayl:Anglian water.png
Turi Subsidiary
Tarmogʻi Water industry
Egasi AWG
Qachon asos solingan 1989
Joylashuvi Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire
Hududiy xizmati East of England
  • John Hirst (Chair);
  • Peter Simpson, (CEO);
Aylanma daromadi
  • Decrease £1,351.8 million (2020-2021)
  • £1,419.9 million (2019-2020)
Operatsion foydasi
  • Decrease £391.6 million (2020-2021)
  • £399.1 million (2019-2020)
Ishchilar soni 5,000 [1]

Anglian Water- Angliyaning sharqiy qismida ishlaydigan suv kompaniyasi . U 1989-yilda suv xo'jaligini qisman xususiylashtirish natijasida tashkil topgan. U ilgari Angliya suv boshqarmasi mas'uliyati bo'lgan hududni suv ta'minoti, kanalizatsiya va oqova suvlarni tozalash bilan ta'minlaydi. Vakolatning qolgan funktsiyalari atrof-muhitni muhofaza qilish agentligiga o'tkazildi. Anglian water1991- yilda Buyuk Britaniyaning suv sanoati to'g'risidagi qonuni asosida tartibga solinadi.

Ta'minot maydoni[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Anglian water Bedfordshire, Bukingemshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Linkolnshir, Shimoliy Linkolnshire, Shimoliy-Sharqiy Linkolnshire, Norfolk, Northamptonshire, Nottingemshire va Suffolkning barcha yoki bir qismini ichimlik suvi bilan ta'minlaydi. [2]

Anglian water shimoldagi Xamberdan janubdagi Temza daryosigacha, jumladan, Buyuk Ouse va Upminster atrofidagi Katta Londonning kichik bir qismiga qadar kengroq hududga drenaj va kanalizatsiya bilan ta'minlaydi.

Korporativ ma'lumotlar[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Anglian Water Services Ltd - bu Anglian Water brendi ostidagi xizmatlar va kommunal xizmatlarning ko'p qismini ta'minlovchi xususiy cheklangan kompaniya bo'lib, Angliya va Uelsda kompaniya raqami 2366656 bilan ro'yxatga olingan. [3] Anglian Water Property Holdings (UK) Ltd va Osprey Water Services Ltd. kabi qardosh guruh mavjud. [3]

Mijozlarga hizmat[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Anglian Water kompaniyasi Ofwat kompaniyasining 2012/13 yillardagi xizmatni rag'batlantirish mexanizmining yillik hisobotida suv va kanalizatsiya kompaniyalari uchun sifatli "Kompaniyadan qoniqish" ligasida birinchi o'rinni egalladi. [4] 2011/12-yil [5] va o'n beshinchi o'rinlarni egallagan. 2010/11 da. [6]

Aniq saqlang[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

"Angliya suvini toza tuting" kampaniyasi yog'lar va bolalar ro'molchalari kabi yuvib bo'lmaydigan narsalar tufayli mintaqadagi kanalizatsiya tiqilib qolishini kamaytirishga qaratilgan. Kampaniya, shuningdek, jamoatchilikni xabardor qilish uchun jamoat rahbarlari bilan ishladi va oziq-ovqat chiqindilarining kanalizatsiyaga tushishini to'xtatish uchun bepul suzgichlarni taklif qildi. Piterborodagi yetti haftalik sinovdan so'ng, blokirovkalar 80 foizdan ko'proqqa kamaydi. Hozirda ushbu model mintaqaning boshqa “qaynoq nuqta” shahar va shaharlariga tarqatilmoqda. [7]  ]

20 tomchi[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

"20 tomchi" aksiyasi aholini suv iste'molini kamaytirishga undadi20 litre (4 12 imp gal) suvni etkazib berish va infratuzilmani saqlash uchun zarur bo'lgan energiyani kamaytirish uchun kuniga. Anglianlarning kampaniya ortidagi fikri ularning atrof-muhitga ta'sirini kamaytirish va suvni tejash edi, chunki mintaqa mamlakatning boshqa hududlariga nisbatan ancha quruq. Kompaniya izoh berdi:

"Suv bor joyda uglerod bor - va uning juda oz qismi. Har bir vanna, cho'milish yoki glug'ning ichiga CO2 o'rnatilgan bo'lib, uni jo'mrakga yetkazish uchun zarur bo'lgan barcha jarayonlar tufayli. Demak, suvni kamroq ishlatish sayyora uchun yaxshi yangilik. Bu biz uchun ham yaxshi yangilik, chunki bu quruq mintaqadagi 6 milliondan ortiq mijozlarga yetkazib berishni davom ettirish bizning vazifamizdir." [8]

Operatsiyalar[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Hozirda u 10,600 kvadrat mil (27,500 km2) ta'minot hududida 2,6 million ob'ektni suv bilan ta'minlaydi.   ] 1997-yilda Anglian Hartlepool suvini egallab oldi. 

Angliyalik suvda dam olish[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Anglian bir nechta suv omborlarini boshqaradi, jumladan, Rutland Water, Grafham Water, Alton Water, Pitsford Water, Ravensthorpe va Taverham Mill . Ushbu ob'ektlardan dam olish uchun foydalanishni rag'batlantirish uchun kompaniyaning alohida dam olish bo'limi tashkil etildi. Taqdim etilgan tadbirlarga suv sporti, baliq ovlash, qushlarni tomosha qilish, velosipedda yurish va yurish kiradi.

Ishlash[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Oqish[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

2012/13 yillarda Angliya suvining oqish darajasi kuniga 4,97 m3/km ni tashkil etdi; 2011/12 yillarda 5,26 m3/km/kun, 2010/11 yillarda 6,10 m3/km/kun, 2009/10 yillarda 5,62 m3/km/kun, 2008/09 va 2007/08 yillarda 5,60 m3/km/kunga nisbatan. [9]

Ichimlik suvining sifati[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Ichimlik suvi sifati 2011, 2010, 2009 va 2007-yillardagi kabi 2012-yilda 99,96 foizni tashkil etdi. 2008-yilda bu ko'rsatkich 99,98% ni tashkil etdi. [9]

Ekologik rekordlar bo'yicha bahslar[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Anglian Water kompaniyasining ta'kidlashicha, u "atrof-muhitga sodiq" va "atrof-muhitni muhofaza qilish mas'uliyatini" juda jiddiy qabul qiladi. [10] Biroq, rioya qilmaslik atrof-muhitni muhofaza qilish agentligi tomonidan ifloslanish bo'yicha "takroriy huquqbuzar" sifatida tavsiflanishiga sabab bo'ldi. [11][12][13] Voqealarga quyidagilar kiradi:

  • July 1992 – Fined £18,000 by magistrates at Fakenham, Norfolk, after releasing sewage into a creek at Wells-next-the-Sea.[14]
  • April 1993 – Ranked eighth in the National Rivers Authority's "top ten" list of worst polluters.[15][16]
  • January 1995 – Listed again in the National Rivers Authority's top ten of worst polluters, having been convicted of polluting waterways on 16 occasions the previous year.[17]
  • February 1997 – Fined £7,500 at Luton Crown Court after admitting river pollution at Leighton Buzzard.[18]
  • February 1997 – Fined £2,000 with £783 costs after oil from its Heigham Waterworks in Norwich contaminated the River Wensum and its population of swans.[19]
  • July 1997 – Set a water industry record by receiving three convictions in one week for water pollution.[20]
  • January 1999 – Fined £10,000 with £4,800 costs at Witham Magistrates' Court for supplying water unfit for human consumption contrary to the Water Industry Act 1991. The prosecution was brought by the Drinking Water Inspectorate and related to supplying contaminated water to 11,000 people in Halstead, Essex, in December 1997.[21]
  • February 1999 – Fined £15,000 with £5,521 costs at Ipswich Crown Court for supplying water unfit for human consumption. The water was contaminated with bacteria from cow and pig manure, causing an outbreak of diarrhoea and stomach cramps in customers.[22]
  • March 1999 – Ranked sixth in the Environment Agency's league table of "worst polluters" in England and Wales during 1998.[23]
  • July 2000 – Ranked second in the Environment Agency's list of worst polluters, with total fines of £71,250 and 14 court appearances in 1999.[24]
  • September 2001 – Fined £21,000 with £7,345 in costs after pleading guilty to supplying water unfit for human consumption to consumers in areas of Bedfordshire in August 2000.[25][26]
  • October 2001 – 200 tons of raw sewage was discharged from a treatment plant in Wickford into the River Crouch, which killed fish and waterfowl along a 1 14-milya (2 km) stretch of the river. In 2002 the company were fined £200,000 at Basildon Crown Court for the incident. The fine was later reduced on appeal.[27]
  • 2002 – Allowed pollution with raw sewage to wipe out most wildlife in Elstow Brook, Bedfordshire. Fined £190,000.[27]
  • July 2002 – Listed again by the Environment Agency in its top ten polluters league.[28]
  • February 2003 – Fined £17,000 for polluting the River Great Ouse in Norfolk with sewage.[29]
  • February 2003 – Fined £18,000 for pumping sewage effluent into the North Sea off Lowestoft.[29]
  • June 2003 – Fined £12,000 with £3,442 costs after contaminating a waterway with raw sewage overflow from a pumping station.[30]
  • July 2003 – Ranked second in the Environment Agency's list of top ten polluters, with total fines of £285,000 for 2002.[31] Barbara Young, the chief executive of the Environment Agency, criticised the polluters for "treat[ing] Britain like a dustbin" and warned that the situation would continue so long as "pathetic" penalties meant that it made economic sense for the worst offenders to carry on polluting. "It seems extraordinary that multi-million-pound businesses are still prepared to risk their reputations with careless and avoidable neglect of environmental responsibility," she said.[32]
  • June 2004 – Fined £18,000 with £1,748 costs after admitting polluting near Wilstead, Bedfordshire.[33]
  • July 2004 – Listed again in the Environment Agency's top ten of polluters.[34]
  • October 2008 – Fined £150,000 for "repeated illegal discharging from sewage works."[35]
  • July 2010 – Fined £27,000 with £28,000 costs at Basildon Crown Court for allowing untreated sewage from one of its pumping stations to leak into the River Crouch at Wickford on 17 August 2009. This was Anglia Water's 90th conviction for polluting waterways.[36]
  • January 2011 – Fined £35,000 fine after discharging untreated sewage into the River Wid on 13 September 2009, killing hundreds of fish.[37]
  • May 2011 – Ranked first in an Environment Agency list of worst water polluters, with 296 "unconsented incidents".[38]
  • August 2011 – An Anglian Water pumping station caused sewage to leak into the River Crouch at Wickford and Runwell. Peter Steward, from the River Crouch Conservation Trust, said: "It is such a small river it can't cope with sewage leaks."[39]
  • December 2011 – Fined £32,000 with £3,974 costs at Lincoln Magistrates' Court after polluting a Lincoln stream. Between July 2004 and October 2008, five previous pollutions were attributed to blockages in the foul sewer, and two formal cautions were issued to Anglian Water. "The defendant was aware of the vulnerability of the system before the 2011 incidents and failed to take appropriate measures," said Claire Bentley, prosecuting.[40]
  • October 2012 – Fined £36,000 with £5,973 costs at Chelmsford Magistrates' Court for polluting a ikki-milya (3 km) stretch of the River Chelmer in Thaxted, Essex in June 2012, killing hundreds of fish, including lamprey, bullhead, minnow, stickleback and stone loach.[41] The fine was reduced on appeal.
  • March 2013 – Fined £20,000 with £2,896 costs after sewage spilled from a pumping station at Filby, near Great Yarmouth, into the Ormesby Little Broad. Between September 2006 and March 2011, there were five previous similar incidents.[42]
  • June 2022 – Fined £300,000 after a pumping station breakdown led to pollution, killing more than 5,000 fish in the River Wid in Essex.[43]

Uglerod izi[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Kompaniyaning uglerod chiqindilari 2012/13 yillarda 487 659 tonnani tashkil etdi, 2011/12 da 485 273, 2010/11da 504 026, 2009/10da 493 702, 498 1870802 va 498 180802. [9]

Salomatlik va xavfsizlik rekordi[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

2015-yil 18-dekabrda Anglian Water Services Limited (AWSL) 1974-yilda mehnatda salomatlik va xavfsizlik to‘g‘risidagi qonunning 2(1)-qismini buzganlik uchun aybdor deb topib, 41,711 funt sterling miqdorida 400,000 funt sterling miqdorida jarimaga tortildi. Luton Crown sudi Dunstable, Bedfordshire va Saffron Uolden, Esseks shaharlaridagi suvni qayta ishlash markazlarida sodir bo'lgan ikkita alohida hodisada uchta ishchi jarohat olganini eshitdi. Sud, shuningdek, Anglian Water Services Ltd kompaniyasining HSE tomonidan to'rtta ilgari jinoiy ish qo'zg'atganini eshitdi, eng oxirgisi 2010, 2004 va 1997 yillarda. 2007-yilda balandlikdan yiqilib tushganidan keyin AWSL-ni yaxshilash haqida xabar berildi [44]

Ma'lumotnomalar[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

  1. „Who we are“. Anglian Water (2019-yil 17-sentyabr). Qaraldi: 2021-yil 10-fevral.
  2. „About us“.
  3. 3,0 3,1 UK Companies House
  4. „Service Incentive Mechanism report 2012“. Ofwat. 2013-yil 27-sentyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 27-sentyabr.
  5. „Service Incentive Mechanism report 2011“. Ofwat. 2013-yil 2-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 27-sentyabr.
  6. „Service Incentive Mechanism report 2010“. Ofwat. 2013-yil 2-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 27-sentyabr.
  7. Fox, Nicolette. „Anglian Water helping drain strain“. The Guardian (2012-yil 30-may). Qaraldi: 2013-yil 27-sentyabr.
  8. „Why Drop 20? | How you can help | Environment | Anglian Water“ (en-GB). Anglian Water. Qaraldi: 2018-yil 2-yanvar.
  9. 9,0 9,1 9,2 „Annual Report and Accounts 2013“. Anglian Water. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 27-sentyabr.
  10. „Our commitment to the environment“. Anglian Water. Qaraldi: 2013-yil 3-iyul.
  11. Houlder, Vanessa. Anti-pollution agency dishes more dirt on big business. Financial Times (2003-yil 31-iyul), s. 5.
  12. Freeman, James. Tough pollution fines fail to curb repeat offenders. The Herald (2003-yil 31-iyul), s. 7.
  13. Swinford, Steven. Fines fail to stop river polluters: Campaigners warn water firms are untouched by 'meaningless' sanctions. Sunday Times (2009-yil 18-oktyabr), s. 8.
  14. Pollution fine: Anglian Water. The Times (1992-yil 9-iyul).
  15. Vidal, John. Eco soundings. The Guardian (1993-yil 9-aprel).
  16. Jury, Louise. Muddying the waters. The Guardian (1993-yil 16-iyul).
  17. Ryan, Sean; Reeve, Simon. Waterfirms top league of polluters. The Times (1995-yil 8-yanvar), s. 1.
  18. Polluter fined. The Daily Telegraph (1997-yil 21-fevral), s. 9.
  19. Oil On Water Trouble. Daily Mirror (1997-yil 28-fevral), s. 2.
  20. Muir, Huir. Ken says Tube bid firms are 'scum'. Evening Standard (2000-yil 28-iyul), s. 1.
  21. Water firm fined £10,000. Birmingham Post (1999-yil 6-yanvar), s. 8.
  22. Firm fined over manure in water. The Independent (1999-yil 9-fevral), s. 4.
  23. Houlder, Vanessa. ICI Chemicals tops league table for pollution fines. Financial Times (1999-yil 22-mart), s. 7.
  24. Nuttall, Nick. Water companies top pollution blacklist. The Times (2000-yil 27-iyul), s. 10.
  25. Premier Oil court case adjourned. The Independent (2001-yil 6-sentyabr), s. 16.
  26. Anglian Water fined £21,000. The Independent (2001-yil 6-sentyabr), s. 16.
  27. 27,0 27,1 Arthur, Charles. Fury as water firm's £200,000 fine for pollution is slashed. The Independent (2003-yil 1-avgust), s. 6.
  28. Beard, Matthew. Water companies and farms singled out as Britain's worst polluters. The Independent (2002-yil 25-iyul), s. 2.
  29. 29,0 29,1 „Water company fined for sea pollution“. BBC News (2003-yil 20-fevral). Qaraldi: 2013-yil 13-aprel.
  30. Penman, Andrew; Greenwood, Michael; Dennis, Guy. Polluters raise stink. Daily Mirror (2003-yil 25-iyun), s. 32.
  31. Red faces over green offences. The Independent on Sunday (2003-yil 27-iyul), s. 2.
  32. Penman, Andrew; Greenwood, Michael; Dennis, Guy. You dirty rats: Polluters laugh off puny fines. Daily Mirror (2003-yil 31-iyul), s. 50.
  33. Penman, Andrew; Greenwood, Michael. Anglian Water Services. Daily Mirror (2004-yil 22-iyun), s. 41.
  34. Penman, Andrew; Greenwood, Michael. Cleansing in a mess. Daily Mirror (2004-yil 27-iyul), s. 39.
  35. Sherwood, Bob. Watchdog urges tougher fines for polluters. Financial Times (2009-yil 6-noyabr).
  36. Farrington, Joshua. Anglian Water's £55,000 penalty: Utility firm fined for sewage leak. Brentwood Gazette (2010-yil 28-iyul), s. 1.
  37. Smith, Sam. Firm fined £35k for sewage leak that killed fish. Brentwood Gazette (2011-yil 12-yanvar), s. 13.
  38. Ungoed-Thomas, Jon; Foggo, Daniel. League table exposes worst water polluters. Sunday Times (2011-yil 15-may), s. 16.
  39. Power cut causes leak of sewage into river. Brentwood Gazette (2011-yil 17-avgust), s. 3.
  40. Stream polluted by water board. Lincolnshire Echo (2011-yil 1-dekabr), s. 35.
  41. Peace, Richard. Anglian Water fined for pollution. East Anglian Daily Times (2012-yil 17-oktyabr).
  42. Hamilton, Jessica. Sewage spill put beauty spot at risk. Eastern Daily Press (2013-yil 9-mart).
  43. „Anglian Water fined £300,000 after pump failure kills fish“. The Construction Index (2022-yil 6-iyun). Qaraldi: 2022-yil 6-iyun.
  44. „Water supplier fined after three maintenance workers injured“. Health and Safety Executive (2015-yil 18-dekabr). 2016-yil 5-martda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2016-yil 26-fevral.